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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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like others have undoubedly mentioned ( I am unable to read all of these messages) I wouldn't even believe verizon if they anounced thursday was the day!... at this point I will get it when it comes out .... well actually I am getting one on thursday regardless.. it may be on tmobile or verizon but either way I will have one in my hands on thursday. :)

I would like to have my verizon (main line) on it first . but either way thats cool.
I know a lot of people have contacted verizon but has anyone tried to contact Samsung directly?

I am thinking about it myself, just not sure what to say or if it would even be worth the effort:

What's the brightness setting on those battery stats?

"Auto" under typical office lighting. (T8 twin bulb fixtures with white reflectors and diffuser lenses; around 10-15 umol/s/s or 300 lux, if I remember my last measurement correctly.
If Verizon was at all concerned about battery life, they wouldn't have released the Thunderbolt.

Anyway, I don't understand why people are saying battery life is horrific?? Almost 4 hours of straight usage is pretty darn good for a 4G phone. Are you guys confusing this with standby time?

True...or at least they would have waited until the patch they released...maybe they determined they wouldn't wait with that device for whatever reason. However, my wife has a Thunderbolt and after the most recent update (a couple months ago) her battery life is actually quite good. So I still think it's not out of the question that VZW would hold the release of the Nexus for battery issues (especially since they got flamed for the Thunderbolt).
I still prefer plasma to LCD, but this past weekend I was at BJs. I was checking out the 60 and 70 inch Sharp Quartro series LCDs. Their viewing angle rivaled that of the Plasmas I've seen.

The regular Sharps don't hold a candle to the Elites, but they're a fraction of the Elite's cost. :)

I always preferred plasma, but the Elite made me do a 180. You should read the pro reviews on this display. You'll be shocked and they're accurate!
Please note: OP title changed to say "rumor" in order to calm down any misunderstandings. It replaces the word, "leak". I hope that makes for more peace. I sincerely apologize for any hardships I may have caused anyone by the words I chose to use.

I want to thank you sooooooo much for the change!!!!!!! It was keeping me up nights!!!!!!! :p:p:p:p:p (sarcasm)

So now that the title says rumor, I guess I'll call my corp store rep and cancel my appointment for Thursday morning. I didn't want the dang thing anyway!!!!!

PS - elect Steven58 for 2012!!!!!
Weird... I don't seem to have a $50 credit, yet some phones like the RAZR are priced at $249 rather than $299. iPhones don't seem to have this pricing though. Does anyone understand how this pricing works? I really don't understand the NE2 or any other discounts or how to know when I have them. As far as I know, I just have an upgrade available on the primary line of my account.

If you have the discount button and select it you go to a shopping page where they list all the phones with prices according to your discount.
My sweet Nexicans.....how I've missed you....I had an ALL DAY meeting today :'(

It's good to be back, and it seems there's been some good news today.
I have seen some good looking LED/LCD tv's but I've been totally bugged by the higher refresh rates. Good for sports but lousy for movies or tv shows that aren't soaps.

I don't think I've seen one owner upset with how it displays movies. It's got tons of options for refresh rates. It looks utterly superb for both movies and sports.

But I know what you mean with some of them. It's called the SOE (soap opera effectz) where a movie looks like video. Really weird. No such issue on the Elite. :)
Wow, I was getting about 8-10 hours of 4G on my Rezound with moderate use. But I'm wondering if there's a better extended battery for the GNex than the one that only gives about 20% more capacity?

Really? Maybe mine was bad or I just used it way to much.
Thursday is still a rumor, yes.

So if I am able to order the nexus online at Verizon.com or go to a Verizon corporate retail store and buy the phone but there is no official Verizon announment of an official release date then how does that equate into your theory that nothing is official until Verizon announces the phone directly?

I put this idea at a 50% chance of how this is going to play out on Thursday.
I think that if Verizon execs say the Gnex is coming out on Day X, and the sources we have communicate that to us, and then Verizon changes its mind, it's not the sources' fault.

If all we want is definite, 100% confirmed proof, then we have absolutely no alternative other than to await the official announcement from Verizon.
If that's the case, there is no need for this thread whatsoever.

But most of us enjoy the speculation (to a point) and appreciate the efforts that our sources give to get us info.

lawyer'ed you are right though there is little info we have that is 100% While the speculation is fun the cycle of ups and downs does get frustrating to many since we really want this thing and we are in such a powerless position. here's hoping to Thursday
sorry but, has there been any new finds/news? i tried searching back and had no luck. please do tell! any new news or is it just the hopeful date inching closer?
I don't think I've seen one owner upset with how it displays movies. It's got tons of options for refresh rates. It looks utterly superb for both movies and sports.

But I know what you mean with some of them. It's called the SOE (soap opera effectz) where a movie looks like video. Really weird. No such issue on the Elite. :)

Hmm very interesting - thanks for the info. I may mosey to a shop to check it out should the nexus fail to launch on Thursday since I have the day off. Not that I would seriously shop for it, since my wife would kill me!
With all due respect, it is sort of a circular argument to say that Verizon doesn't care about marketing the Nexus because most people don't know about the phone, when it is also true that the reason most people don't know about the phone is the lack of marketing from Verizon.

I agree with you that most people never heard about the Nexus. Then again, I'd bet a good chunk of people don't know the difference between 3G and 4G, or what a 720p display is, but that doesn't stop Verizon from advertising these things because they are selling points. The responsibility of a marketing department is to convince customers they want a particular product by setting out its selling points. The Nexus would be an easy product to promote even to the lay-person (how about largest screen, 4G, revolutionary operating system for starters?) and the fact that Verizon hasn't promoted it at all is really shocking to me.

EDIT: I am aware that Verizon could still advertise this phone after release, but I think it is crazy to not hype a phone that is coming out so close to Christmas, only to turn around and hype it after people have already done their Christmas shopping. Also, I don't know why Google or Samsung haven't stepped up with advertising dollars either.

I honestly think that some of us have lost a bit of perspective. The vast majority of people could care less about the Galaxy Nexus. Indeed, the vast majority of people would have no idea what it is. Most of us are techies who read and participate on the IT and computer publications, blogs and sites. We aren't even the close to the average Verizon customer.

Verizon has a vested interest in selling as many Razrs as possible this holiday season. It's likely an easier sell to most folks than a Google phone. I would imagine that some would be put off by a Google phone (they don't know Android, Google, etc.). Most just want a phone that's cool looking, has the features they want and is easy to use.

Verizon has a limited marketing budget. Even co-op dollars from the manufacturers only go so far. I wouldn't be surprised if the phone comes out Thursday to limited fanfare. The hope may be that word of mouth may quickly build, in addition to an increased ad push in January. Maybe they hope to get expiring new year contracts and the money kids received as gifts over the holidays...

For those lazy to click the link, this is an update to the Engadget article posted earlier
Update: Thanks to another anonymous tipster, who sent us a screenshot from an internal VZW store computer, it looks like Big Red will be rolling out the Galaxy Nexus on the 15th, too. Not only that, but the alabaster Droid RAZR will land on the same day. Proof's in the photo after the break.
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