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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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Called the big corporate store on 34th St in NYC to see if they could reserve a Galaxy Nexus for me on Thursday. They still tell me they have no release date. I told them that I was told it's on Thursday the 15th. The lady was obviously very irate at this point and sounded like she was trying to rush the call and asked "Who told you that?". I just said "a CSR called me and informed me". She replied "Well just so you know that is incorrect and that person can lose their job if they tell you". Then she hung up on me without me even saying goodbye. :rolleyes:

Then I called two Verizon Resellers in the same area to try to make a reservation for Thursday. They took down my name and number and the guy asked "Galaxy Nexus right?" just to confirm what I said before. No questions asked they said we'll hold one for you.

So far, none of the corporate stores in NYC have been a pleasant experience for me. So anyone else in NY I advise to avoid them as they will give you the typical run around.
Called a local corp store. The lady said: "We have not received the phone, accessories or a release date. I would tell you if we had as we have a LOT of customers asking about it and I've had to turn all of them away."

I just have a hard time believing this is the case two days before they launch a phone. I'm trying hard to believe the Thursday people are right but after last week I'm not confident in Thursday at all at this point.

There will be no Thursday release, take it to the bank. This is playing out exactly like all the other blown dates.
I really hope Thursday is the day, my OG Droid is starting to have the same touch problems my last one did before it died a month and a half ago. :mad:

Do not want to go back to this:
You know if we don't see it pop up on testman site tonight or tomorrow and verizon doesn't announce it tomorrow i have very little hope it will release on thursday. That said i do have thursday off from work so if it isn't out i will be still out buying Christmas gifts for my niece and nephew so my day won't be wasted.
Here's my thoughts on Thursday and why we're probably ok.

It seems like all the "confirmed for the 15th" are coming from NON-Corporate stores. I think there have been a couple from corporate stores, but it seems like the majority are resellers of some kind (be it 3rd part, RS, BB, etc).

It sounds like an email was sent out to these resellers indicating the 15th date. Whether it is firm or just tentative is anyone's guess until we see a screen shot of it. But it sure looks like Verizon is intending to release on the 15th.

So, why are the corporate stores playing dumb? It seems very credible that they received a gag order. How much district managers or store managers are pushing their CSRs to keep their mouth shut would account for some stores denying stock or any release information, while others are hinting at Thursday and still others are flat out indicating the 15th.

So I think the 15th is the new INTERNAL target, and VZW has informed their resellers, but it is still subject to change (as was the 9th). So I don't think we'll know for sure until the morning of the 15th when reports either come in indicating people on the east coast were successful or that they could not yet buy it.

I fully expect to NOT hear anything reliable until the VZW corporate stores open on the 15th. I'm cautiously optimistic for the 15th, but I'm still not going to hold my breath.

Agreed. I'm not sure whether there is a gag order on vzw corp stores, or if vzw doesn't trust their corp stores. But vzw knows that the corp stores have had the devices for a week now (I am hearing of retailers just getting shipments today), so maybe they figure they don't need to give their corp stores much notice while the retailers may need some more setup time.

Still, it seems unexplainable if the Nexus is ready to go and all problems have been ironed out why Verizon would put so much effort into keeping corp stores quiet and potentially give authorized retailers an advantage by letting them promise availability ahead of time.
I'm sorry, like most rumors and VZW sales guy's promises, they are utterly meaningless.

I mean I have to vent here a bit. The misleading thread title (and make no mistake about it, it IS misleading) said Thursday is the day. Around that time, I lost count of how many guys said their VZW store 'confirmed' the Thursday release date.

Now I come here a day later, the thread title is the same, but most are reporting their VZW store is now saying 'nope, no Thursday release'. So am I to believe that these guys get emails every day saying 'release, no release, release, no release'. Please, nonsense!!!

Guys, I call major big time BS to all of this crap. Not only do I now believe these rumors are ALL wrong, the misleading thread title needs to be changed for the 100th time, nobody has the slightest clue what they're talking about and we're all fools for believing ANY of this. In fact, for the first time Im willing to accept the fact this phone may never see the light of day here. Best case scenario IMO is what I mentioned here awhile back when my non-corporate VZW store told me his buddy that works for Google said January.

What a joke. I've got to be the biggest jackass for waiting for this.

OK, I feel better now...not really. :rolleyes:

you are free to make your own thread and title it any way you would like. :rolleyes:

seriously though, let's just drop this. Steven made the thread and he is free to put "galaxy nexus now free at any starbucks" in the title if that is his perogative. if you don't like all the speculation, set a news alert for galaxy nexus on google and be done with it. why read 80,000+ posts in a thread that is clearly stated to be for leaks and rumors if that's not what you're looking for? :confused:
Where are those posts? I'm not seeing any "nope. not Thursday" responses, mostly just "we have no information to share". Those are not one in the same. I think most corporate employees fear for their jobs. I sure as hell wouldn't be volunteering information if it meant my job. ;)

Agreed... maybe 1 or 2 total have said the store said its NOT this week.

And for the Confirmed argument. Seriously put a sock in it. When multiple stores across the country CONFIRM they will be selling the device it is confirmed at that given time that it will be sold Thursday. Verizon conformed the RAZR for a 11:11 11/11 release, but had the world as we knew it ended before then would you still say it wasn't confirmed? Because it didn't actually come out?

As far as we know internally it is confirmed for 12/15. Just waiting on external confirmation

Edit: I wasn't directing this at you jkc120 lol sorry.
Might be worth taking this to heart and stop indicating which CSR told you the release is the 15th.... Not so sure folks will be fired but they might very well be reprimanded... why make a hassle for someone who did you a favor ? https://www.google.com/search?hl=en...QHUwdiUCg&ved=0CBgQBSgA&q=reprimanded&spell=1

Called the big corporate store on 34th St in NYC to see if they could reserve a Galaxy Nexus for me on Thursday. They still tell me they have no release date. I told them that I was told it's on Thursday the 15th. The lady was obviously very irate at this point and sounded like she was trying to rush the call and asked "Who told you that?". I just said "a CSR called me and informed me". She replied "Well just so you know that is incorrect and that person can lose their job if they tell you". Then she hung up on me without me even saying goodbye. :rolleyes:

Then I called two Verizon Resellers in the same area to try to make a reservation for Thursday. They took down my name and number and the guy asked "Galaxy Nexus right?" just to confirm what I said before. No questions asked they said we'll hold one for you.

So far, none of the corporate stores in NYC have been a pleasant experience for me. So anyone else in NY I advise to avoid them as they will give you the typical run around.
That's like a "cigar buff" saying he'll never try Cubans.

There's a reason everyone raves about them.


Cuban cigars are not what they once were. Between the collective farming done in the 60's and 70's, the purchase of soil by the Soviet Union to use for grain back in Russia and other factors the tobacco doesn't have the same qualities it once did. That being said, it's still quite good.. though the 'forbidden' nature of the cuban cigar certainly enhances the flavor/experience.
Here's my thoughts on Thursday and why we're probably ok.

It seems like all the "confirmed for the 15th" are coming from NON-Corporate stores. I think there have been a couple from corporate stores, but it seems like the majority are resellers of some kind (be it 3rd part, RS, BB, etc).

It sounds like an email was sent out to these resellers indicating the 15th date. Whether it is firm or just tentative is anyone's guess until we see a screen shot of it. But it sure looks like Verizon is intending to release on the 15th.

So, why are the corporate stores playing dumb? It seems very credible that they received a gag order. How much district managers or store managers are pushing their CSRs to keep their mouth shut would account for some stores denying stock or any release information, while others are hinting at Thursday and still others are flat out indicating the 15th.

So I think the 15th is the new INTERNAL target, and VZW has informed their resellers, but it is still subject to change (as was the 9th). So I don't think we'll know for sure until the morning of the 15th when reports either come in indicating people on the east coast were successful or that they could not yet buy it.

I fully expect to NOT hear anything reliable until the VZW corporate stores open on the 15th. I'm cautiously optimistic for the 15th, but I'm still not going to hold my breath.

For me it was the corporate store that opened up about the 15th.. the manager and the associates all gave me the "welll if you were looking for a Nexus you should probably stop by 9 a.m. Thursday *wink wink*..."

However the crew at Best Buy and an Authorized dealer gave up nothing on it. I'm still planning on taking Thursday morning off work at this point, so heres hopin.
Just in case anybody is curious...

...and...Regarding the battery life question from earlier...






Are you rooted? Do you know how to pull a logcat? I am worried about that Android OS.

Edit: Also, are you running any background syncs? Facebook/twitter/exchance push/gmail sync?
Agreed. I'm not sure whether there is a gag order on vzw corp stores, or if vzw doesn't trust their corp stores. But vzw knows that the corp stores have had the devices for a week now (I am hearing of retailers just getting shipments today), so maybe they figure they don't need to give their corp stores much notice while the retailers may need some more setup time.

Still, it seems unexplainable if the Nexus is ready to go and all problems have been ironed out why Verizon would put so much effort into keeping corp stores quiet and potentially give authorized retailers an advantage by letting them promise availability ahead of time.

I could be way off, but maybe VZW is straight up lying and/or playing the same old "hush hush" game they are with us, but with their corporate stores. After the whole debacle of the botched December 9th release, I'm sure they wanted to take a different angle, incase another setback revealed itself. So quite possibly these VZW CSR's are telling the god's honest truth that they have no idea. All I know is that I'm sick of the games. I want to be told the truth, even if I don't like the answer.
Btw, I just realized your username- I was all state, all county crease attack man & long stick midi. played for the tri state national team as well.

Edit: this was back in the old high school days lol

Nice! I I was allocated in to when I played in ha then played some club in college....... Never pursued a scholarship but Collin Briggs on Virgina went to my school your probably. Much better then. Me. Though lol. I played. Mid and attack
Where are those posts? I'm not seeing any "nope. not Thursday" responses, mostly just "we have no information to share". Those are not one in the same. I think most corporate employees fear for their jobs. I sure as hell wouldn't be volunteering information if it meant my job. ;)

There have been a number of them.
Liking those 4G speeds. But 3 hours...yikes. May need to get that extended battery after all.

Any chance you know what the battery life for the Razr is? I'm curious because if the GN launch doesn't happen this year, I'll probably be going with the Razr. However, I heard that it doesn't have a removable battery, so I would not be able to get the extended one like I'd had hoped.

Thanks in advance.
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