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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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Good Morning my fellow Nexiuns.

I hope we shall see a press release today. MY money is we will see a press release for the white Razr first since thats seems to be Verizons pride and joy.
Long time Lurker here. :D Here's hoping for tomorrow, though I'm skeptical.

So is this guy

Oh NOOOO!!!!

I just got this screen shot of an internal e-mail from a buddy of mine whose sister's couzin's mother's great uncle's son's daughter-in-law works at Verizon! It's over guys! It's over!


You've fallen victim to another one of my classic pranks. Sorry, just had to one last time before the release :D

Quoted as truth, its obvious because of the horrible grammar.
I know bro.. Its just so many have cropped up recently and it gets annoying ...

So is 100 posts of people clapping that lags the thread out... And talk of Dexter/Star Wars/Football that are 3 paragraphs long with no hide tags or OFF TOPIC in bold or anything...

To each their own...
I was trying to talk a CSR into some money off last night (got no where) when she suggested I just sell my old phone (OG Droid) back to Verizon. I told her it was pointless, since I'm guessed it was worth around $20. Back and forth, she insisted on checking it in the system, I let her, and it's worth $16.
So there you go, if you want a discount, the old brick isn't worth completely nothing . . .

However, for mine, it's going to be retired, the battery drained and hid away in some drawer to look at another day. I don't think I can get rid of it since it was such a ground breaking and supremely awesome device for so long.
Good morning everyone -- can't believe that this phone will (SHOULD) be out tomorrow.

Found out that I have meetings from 10:30 - 1PM and 3-4PM today so I won't be as active as I normally am. But hopefully when I come back from all my meetings I can read the good news about the phone being officially announced by Verizon for a 15th release. Then I can go to the store that opens at 8AM tomorrow and get it.

My TPU case is sitting next to me taunting me.

Well maybe if you where not on the forum all day at work you would have found out about your meeting a week ago....

Don't worry I just was reminded that I have a 10:30-1:30 meeting :eek:

I use my OG Droid as my alarm clock, using it on it's dock. It decided to freeze at 2:53AM, so it never reached 5:45 when my alarm would wake me up. My carpool in the morning showed up at my house at 7 AM thinking I had died since I wasn't picking up my phone either (still frozen!). They proceeded to ring the doorbell a billion times, with me looking at my clock to see it's 2:53AM and I thought that my house was on fire or something (why else would someone be ringing my doorbell at 3AM on a Wed morning?!)

Moral of the story - I need this Galaxy Nexus NOW! Must destroy OG Droid immediately!

It could be worse... I think my Droid Incredible is trying to kill me. Woke up this morning with the power cable wrapped around my neck. :confused:
If they don't announce it today, don't be surprised. I would almost bet they announce it tomorrow morning before it's released.

I think it might be better that way.. Can you imagine all of the people out there that will be unable to sleep knowing that they will get a Nexus tomorrow. Could be mass hysteria!!!
I really wouldn't put a whole lot of weight in whether a press release this morning does or doesn't announce the nexus' debut tomorrow. This release has been everything but routine so far, and if tomorrow is the day, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if nothing official gets released and we can just show up tomorrow and buy the phone.

At this point I don't know why Verizon even signed up to carry this phone, it doesn't seem like they care about it that much, though I'm glad they did because they're my carrier. It's just pretty obvious they have much more interest in selling bloatfilled Razr's and Rezound's at this point.
I have a feeling this place is going to get ugly today.

Wouldn't be the first time we've gone from euphoric high to manic low :rolleyes:

This roller coaster ride really needs to end tomorrow... otherwise we may double the DInc thread count! I'd like to see the curtains close before 90,000 so we can play with our Nexi!
I know bro.. Its just so many have cropped up recently and it gets annoying ...

I won't be one of those people "trolling"...
But I can see where they are coming from and I can see why they may want to voice their displeasure/pessimism...sometime this thread is therapeutic
Okay, and that makes sense as to why the VZW CSR from their chat on site feature just told me a few days to a week. So it'll be out for diehards to pick up, but they won't push it to the masses until the OTA is good to go? That does seem a bit too logical for Verizon though...

It does sound a little logical lol. But a i believe it was BritishTurbo or Pyedpiper on twitter said the week of 12/12 was the cut off. Release with any defects and we will fix them. So if VZWs back is against the wall and they have to release it makes perfect sense to delay actually advertising it...

on a side note, I would expect a white RAZR PR and a big 'if' a Nexus PR comes out today i wouldnt expect it until late
Guys I'm not gonna lie, I half expected to find disaster when I checked in a few minutes ago. Looks like no BAD news yet but not everyone is expecting a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow right now. Understandable seeing as how much we've been through.

Keep the faith tho, I'm feeling it this time. :cool:
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