I tell you something: This device is getting old as you watch it.
Yep. Unfortunately, if you constantly research upcoming phones, like we do, anything that releases will pale in comparison (at least in some specs) to what will come in a few months. Prime will be no different. When it finally does release, we'll have solid evidence of an even better screen, processor, etc. coming down the pipeline. But this always happens.
It was really high-end four months ago, when first rumors appeared. But now, there are to many handsets going to have announcments like e.g Vigor and so on. If they're contemplating soo long about this phone and it's chipment date this is going to have no sense.
Unfortunately, it's not the manufacturer's fault that all of these rumors are coming out about the Prime or Vigor. They're simply making a phone, testing it, making deals with Verizon, etc. All along the way, people that are working for them are sprinkling crumbs along the way to either help us make a good choice, or to get themselves the attention they don't get at home. Either way, we salivate and have chest pains and grind our teeth. The phones will ship when they ship.
The only instance that I can see it being the manufacturer's fault is Motorola with the Bionic, because they paraded it in our faces in January, promised a Q2 release, and then went silent and broke their promise. And now they have a garbage phone that had no chance to live up to the hype, given its crappy screen and a major 3G/4G bug that was a known issue upon release; they were prepared from drop day to tell customers that a fix was coming in November.
They should show it now, than maybe some indecided users would buy nexus, and will not wait for iphone. But when the iphone launches - everybody will buy iphone and won't be wondering about next nexus! It's a huge strategic mistake, and if it is going to be born in november - believe me - nobody who likes iphone will decide to buy nexus.
HTC might try to stave off iPhone competition by making a major announcement in 1 week, during which they're expected to announce the Bliss for the ladies and the Vigor (Tbolt 2) for the geeks.
However, anybody who likes the iPhone will get an iPhone, simple as that. Seriously. I have several friends, my wife included, who think the iPhone is the best thing since sliced bread, and you
cannot get them to budge. I point out bigger screen, nicer form factor (on some phones; not the brick Droid), 4G, and they're like "Nope, we'll wait til Apple decides to get 4G and bigger screen." They tell me I'm stupid because I open up my phone to viruses, it lags, it reboots, it freezes, the apps suck in comparison to the polished App Store products, the Retina Display is way better, the touch response is better, etc. All of these things are true, of course, but I don't budge either.
Anyone who wants a quality, long-haul phone will do some research, and if they do that, they'll know that a Prime or a Vigor will blow the iPhone out of the water. If they don't care, they'll get the iPhone. Apple has the lion's share on apathetic and ignorant phone users.