Dang it. I wasn't confident in the device being available tomorrow so I purchased one on eBay. The seller had a good rating, and was only asking $709. So I'm guessing he is a reseller and has knowledge of avaialbility tomorrow that is why he had 5 to sell.
He accepts returns so if the device comes out tomorrow I may send it back, but of it doesn't come out I'll have mine on Friday.
Hopefully it will be officially released tomorrow.
I called two VZW Corporate stores in Sacramento, Ca. First store told me its not releasing tomorrow and the second store told me that they do not have any official work but took my name and number. I am almost at the end of my verizon rope. I maybe going to AT&T very soon if this keeps up. Plus I get a better corporate discount and more dropped calls.
me: hi i was calling to ask whether you'd be selling the galaxy nexus tomorrow?
sales rep: yes
me: will that start first thing in the morning?
sales rep: yes
me: thank you very much!!
I had to join in on the fun. Called my local corporate store again today and got somewhat good news.
I talked to a CSR and asked if the GN was still releasing tomorrow. He said to hold on for a moment. Their "ops person" (not sure what role they play) was in the store so he was checking with her. After talking to her he said it's still a go for tomorrow BUT said not to take his word for it and that it could be delayed like last week. Since their ops person didn't know of any delays yet I'm still hoping for tomorrow.
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