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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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Just got done buying it. Called Best Buy and did it all over the phone. Retail was $799.99 off contract! They price matched Big Red though, so $649.99 and no contract strings holding me back. AND did it all over the phone, they slapped my name on it and I will be holding it for after work today. Nice.
Good luck folks, the wife and I both have Nexidelight en route, overnight. You've been a blast, and everything nice I can say has already been echoed. AF was a place I was directed to every now and then before this phone, and it's one of my new intarwebz homes. Look forward to tinkering with this swell machine on the forums with y'all! Again, thanks to everyone!
Good luck everybody, hope you love your new GNex! :cool:

Just got off the phone with my very helpful CSR who I actually got to know throughout the waiting process. I went ahead and ordered through him (although it was tough), and he gave me free overnight shipping. I'll have my little fella sitting comfortably at home for me when I go home for lunch tomorrow!! :D

On a SIDE NOTE: those of you who ordered from TPU-Cases, how long did shipment take? I ordered yesterday and live in Ohio. Not sure if anyone else was in the same area who did this...

Again, in the midst of the mad dash of people posting thank you's, I want to thank everyone who regularly posts AND lurks here for making this thread amazing! I learned a bunch, as I am somewhere between an android novice and pro. This site is the absolute best place to go if you own an android device. As steven says in his sig...ask questions and you will learn a lot! Thanks to all who helped me out...

Looking forward to the ole watering hole...

and I know that's what she said.

I'm in Ohio ordered on Monday, got it Thursday
On August 23rd, we joined this party after realizing that the Galaxy S II was NOT coming to Verizon. They were – apparently – holding out for something better. For lack of anything better, we called it the Nexus Prime.

From vaporware to testing to announcement to release: we’ve been through it together. Through euphoric high points and manically depressing moments, over and over again, we’ve seen release of one phone after phone come and go… Bionic, Stratosphere, RAZR, ReZound… and still no Nexus.
And then came the false starts and launch delays. 4G problems, Google Wallet, you name it. We joked, we cried, and we started our countdowns over and over again.

And we did it together.

Despite the deriding howls of laughter from other phone owners that we were chasing a unicorn of a phone that we’d never really see, and despite holidays that came and went with no Nexus, we waited. And waited. And waited.

And we did it together.

Now our journey together is drawing to a close. Nexus is FINALLY here and launching. We have our money moved. We have our promotional discounts in place. We’re ready to say “farewell” to this chapter in our lives and move into the “discovery” phase wherein we will explore the capabilities of a phone we have followed from its infancy. Our baby is born and it’s time to raise it up to its full potential!

And we’ll do it together.

Just not here. This epic thread, a thread that has been the online home for many of us over the last several months, will at long last be locked. Our loving Moderators – EarlyMon, OTD, and our fearless leader Steven58 – will take one last look around and shut off the lights.

And we’ll miss it together.

Sure, we’ll bump into each other in other threads as we share tips, tricks and solutions… but it won’t be the same as having us all here, in one thread, in one accord.
I, for one, will miss the camaraderie and friendship many of us have developed with one another.
Sure, many of us will press on in the post-release Watering Hole… but like a graduation ceremony, we will say goodbye and part ways with many, leaving nothing but fond memories behind.

So enjoy your Galaxy Nexus. I’m going to enjoy mine. To many of you: I’ll see you later as a proud fellow owner. To many others of you: I bid you a loving goodbye. And THANK YOU for all the great times. I’ll not soon forget it.

Got my Nexus!!


While waiting on my designated rep to finish up with another customer, I was talking to another VZW store employee who said there were four people waiting outside at opening time, and another guy came in and we were getting rung up and activated simultaneously.

Now the adventure begins for true...
i so bad want to just leave work and go get this thing....my rep has one set aside so I am getting it but 5 can't come soon enough.....
So the time has come to say farewell.

What a ride, huh. I've been here almost the distance, when our beloved moderator, Steven58 brought me over from the Droid X forums. At first I was arguing how I can't stand Samsung phones (ironic, isn't it) and I hope they aren't the selected manufacturer for the Nexus. But the SGSII really convinced me they can make a nice phone that actually has a functioning GPS. And because it's a Nexus, I don't have to worry about Samsung's horrible update history. The more I heard, the better things became.

We had lots of lively discussions about the specs of the phone. I had close to 50 posts moved out of this thread into a subthread about the specs of the OMAP. :D And then the Google Honk Kong event gave us the official specs, and some of our fears were confirmed (1.2GHz, no removable SD card). Other features however, we were impressed with. The excitement was building exponentially (confirmed by NKK's graphs;)).

And then the wait. We waited, and waited. In the mean time, lots of off topic chatter. NY style vs. Chicago pizza, what we're drinking tonight, best burger (it's five guys, close thread), what BB's avatar is going to look like tomorrow and of course, the supercharged Corvette. ;)

And of coarse there were the lively debates on the validy of leaks. Despite nerves being frayed and tensions worn thin, we remained overall pretty civil. Some got infractions and took it a little personal. It was best though that when those offended cooled off and came back into the fold. Along the way, some crazy individual nominated me to be a guide.

So just a few individual thanks on a list that I know will exclude far too many.

Han Solo. What can I say, you ruled this thread with your highs and lows. I'm glad you finished the journey and have phone in hand. Now send the Dinc2 back to verizon with a nail through it (just kidding, don't do that)

Baby Blues: What a pleasure to get to know you. Your upbeat optimism and naughty girl sense of humor really was the glue to keep a lot of this thread together. Hope they twisted off today :D

Antimony: Great conversations with a quality individual. What more can I say.

Cheif: Fellow guide and another great guy. I know it was someone else's idea for the gift to Steven, but you organized it beautifully. Thanks again.

Early Mon: Wow, what a mod. Your knowledge and tact are unmatched. If ever in NJ, you drink free all night.

OTD: Don't bite me please, but I'd invite you in even knowing I might become dinner. Seriously though, great job backing up the other mods and getting your own Nexus.

Roosevelt: Humor when we needed it most.

CK: Yes, CK. Your eternal pessimism has inspired me. I don't know what it's inspired me to do, but something.:)

Airmaxx, Binary Visions, Voided Saint, Bouchigo: Glad we're going to have some great posters on the GNex side of the forums. You guys were inspirational in the DX forums.

And of course, what wouldn't be complete without saying sonething about Steven58. Not only a great mod, but a great individual. I think of you as my big brother, always there with guidance and a firm hand. Thanks again (now brother, what are you getting me for christmas?:D).

And to all the others that I've met here, I've made some great friends. Thank you all.
So, to all of you DInc owners waiting for your upgrade on Dec 28-29th, I just talked with a CSR (*661, 0, "upgrade"), Told them my DInc was on its last legs (dropping bluetooth during calls, doing a soft reset about half the time exiting out of apps - all of this is true). They looked at my account, with 10 years and on time payments, was told there would be no problem with moving my upgrade up 2 weeks. Asked which phone, and I told them the Nexus, (which was very recommended by the CSR after I said the name). Did ask about the CH4GE, which apparently wouldn't work for me (maybe because I get an institutional/government employee discount). Was offered a free accessory - got the extended battery after hearing earlier about the car dock not having the charging pins. Ended up getting this all shipped free with 2 day shipping (didn't try pushing one day shipping since I am going to be super busy tomorrow getting ready to host my offices holiday party). So yeah for me, getting my Nexus!

Squeaking in at the last minute on this thread! Also, is it just me or is EarlyMon thanking posts like it's going out of style (BabyBlues a close second)?
Went to the regular bestbuy and was told they had no stock. Shot across to the bestbuy mobile in the mall. Rep there told me they couldn't sell. He hadn't seen the email. He checked and read it after I informed him otherwise. Checked all but one drawer and said he didn't have any. Then he remembered to check the last one. Had 8 if them and we took 3. :)

I was in a hurry to get to my training and this guy was killing me with mistakes. Grabbed the wrong sim (micro) and scanned all the wrong barcodes. I was 15 min late to my training, but the woman taking role had mercy on me. I'll be back next month to refresh.

I get to play with my toy in about 45 min. So exciting!
Still working on my OG until I can unlock the bootloader.
Hope you all enjoyed the ride and will enjoy your toy!

I was using my wife's upgrade because she used mine. The guy screwed this up too and registered the SIM on her number. Now I have to go to a store and pick up another SIM. *Big Time Sigh*

I just can't catch a break with this phone.

I hope you all have had a better experience than I! I guess this'll be my last post before the thread closes.

Bye everyone!!!
I'm so excited to have my nexus!!

I have found out that charging from the wall is MUCH MUCH faster than using the USB cord plugged into my computer at work. I always knew that it was better to just plug it into the wall, but I rarely have to charge my phone solely from a computer when the phone is almost completely drained.
Went to the one location in San Francisco that opens at 8 this morning. There was a line about 20 deep by the time they opened. Glad I decided to get there 20 minutes early. They said they would probably sell out within 2 hours. Have my shiny new Galaxy Nexus! Thank you everyone for the fun we had in this thread waiting. Now the roller coaster is finally over and we can get our precious phone. Bye all.
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