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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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Just received from my VZW....


should be available the 15th . come c me if ur interested

I asked

Hey thanks I will at least come check it out… Do we know what full retail will be? I am not up for an upgrade till next year.

and she said

we don't know yet...
To bring some pessimism in the forums, it feels wayyyyy toooo much like last week in here. All these confirmations, forum title changes, my rep just texted me come pick up your Nexus on Thursday........ I'm getting a really really bad feeling we are all setting ourselves for a disappointment...... sorry to be a debbie......... I just don'e want to feel like i did last Friday......very depressing

You don't want to feel like you did last Friday so figure you should spread it around? COME ON NOW ;)
Just received from my VZW....


should be available the 15th . come c me if ur interested

I asked

Hey thanks I will at least come check it out
Seriously, guys, is Revenge any good? I really need this question answered!

Bump! Bump!
82k? Are you kidding me?!?!?! Didn't we just hit 79k the other day O_______O

Anyways, posts are coming in at the speed of light now so I hope I don't miss anything important :O
OT Firearms

[Hide]+1 for the XD. Mine is the .40 variety. Also have a Ruger Redhawk .357 revolver and a few rifles. Love my Browning Gold Evolve 12 ga. for skeet and bird hunting.

Looking at a S&W Bodyguard .380 for the wife.[/spoiler]

[Hide] Check out the S&W 340PD or MP version available w/CT grips. We have a couple of these and my wife loves hers, it goes everywhere with her. [/spoiler]
So with the big day coming soon, I'm contemplating selling my OG Droid. It's so beaten up and slow that it's near useless now, even as a backup phone.

It's in pretty bad condition, but definitely still usable. Should I try Swappa or eBay? Not even gonna bother with Verizon's trade in service, it said it would give me a measly $16 for it lol.

Take this for what you will, but I bought a Droid on ebay what seems like a month ago and only paid 32 bucks including shipping and was surprised how great the condition was. As always, YMMV.
I think this will be Han if it comes out on Thursday and he has to work.


i have to say that if Han gets talked into working... this will be him
To bring some pessimism in the forums, it feels wayyyyy toooo much like last week in here. All these confirmations, forum title changes, my rep just texted me come pick up your Nexus on Thursday........ I'm getting a really really bad feeling we are all setting ourselves for a disappointment...... sorry to be a debbie......... I just don'e want to feel like i did last Friday......very depressing

But also keep in mind that when it DOES release, the days before it does SHOULD be kinda celebratory, you know? I, for one, am going to be optimistic about the 15th, and enjoy the anticipation. If you want to be pessimistic, that's your choice.
In trying to fill the time, I stopped by my local VZW corp store. The manager was there staring out the window when I walked in, and greeted me.

She told me it's been "delayed indefinitely" and was "supposed to come out last week." She went on to explain "I haven't even seen the training materials for it!"

Whatever. It was supposed to be released last week (her words) and no training materials? Mmmkay.

She then directed me to a sales associate who took my name ( I think every one of them has it now). So, the guy pulls out his phone to copy down my contact info and mumbles to himself, "Let me get my calendar open."

Now, the first thing I thought of was, "he knows the date is Thursday and is putting me down for Thursday am." He didn't say much after that. Now, I suppose his contacts were part of his calendar, I couldn't tell what phone he had with the cover on it.

Either way, interesting or not? Meh, we'll see.
I feel the same way.. I hate to be a kill joy. BUT, I just don't see the sense in not marketing this phone to the highest possible extent! I was really expecting to hear something Monday. This phone would crush the iphone if marketed properly and Verizon knows that. My gut says, No way they put this phone out without a week of promotion. Two huge reasons :1 Its Christmas the biggest shopping season of the year. 2: This phone is a "carrier jumper". They're going to get new verizon custumers with this phone. New customers are a cell phone company's bread and butter.

Don't get me wrong I hope I eat my words and I'm holding my phone on Thursday. In my humble opinion I think it would be the worst/biggest mistake of Verizons phone selling carrer to release without at least a weeks worth of promotion.

That being said I feel like 1 of 2 things will happen.

1. There is enough buzz about this phone, via- word and mouth, so dump all pre-promotion and launch on Thursday. (Why waste money?) Then they promote hard after Christmas ...we get the promotion of a lifetime, Billboards, T.V, Contests, Celeb endorsements, ect... and it CRUSHES the iphone.

2. They push till after Christmas because obviously there is something wrong(bugs,legal issues, ect) with this phone. Why wouldn't you release before Christmas??, Honestly, lets just be real! THEN.. we get the promotion of a lifetime, Billboards, T.V, Contests, Celeb endorsements, ect... and it CRUSHES the iphone.

This phone WILL be promoted. It's too big not to be! The real question is when??

Please be 1, Please be 1, Please be 1....

I don't know about this.

The 9th was a pretty set in stone date until issues cropped up at the last minute. There were emails leaked, stock in stores. Frankly, I think Verizon is planning on releasing it with little fanfare.

I know there's a TON of excitement here on this board, and I'll be at my store at 9 AM Thursday (unless we hear something different), but the Nexus is a phone that is intended for developers. The Nexus S didn't have a huge release and I don't expect this one to either. It seems like a huge release because we're an insulated group of extremely excited tech geeks/nerds but outside of us, there isn't a ton of buzz.

Ask 100 people on the street about the phone and 95 of them will probably have never heard of it, or if they have, don't see why it's any different from a Razr, Rezound, Bionic, or iPhone.

I'm excited, and we're excited, so I think we believe this phone should be promoted because we know it's amazing. But Verizon, on the other hand, probably sees this as a Niche phone that lacks their branding. To them it isn't a Droid and doesn't have much Verizon on it. To the layman, it's another Android phone and they don't really care about being trendsetting.

So while we think this is huge and should be promoted like crazy, Verizon is probably just going to slip this out quietly and then maybe promote it.
Well, looks like my workday is almost over... man I'm tired from pressing F5 all day. Anyways if history repeats from my going and picking up my kids from school in about 20 minutes, 5pm est, you guys should start to see alot more leaks. See you guys when I get home...
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