Here's a fairly comprehensive comparison after owning both batteries for over 10 days. Take what you will from it, but the SEIDIO battery was worth every penny to me. This I posted in another "battery statistic" thread and as soon as the member tallying up the results finishes, I will have a clearer # as far as the extra percentage the SEIDIO nets the user over the OEM battery.
Batteries are charged over night with phone OFF and booting up in the morn.
This post is for the SEIDIO 1750mah battery.
- Bluetooth OFF
- 3G ON entire time (3G only NO WIFI)
- Enable always on data ON entire time
- Background data is ON entire time
- Auto-sync is ON entire time - gmail, weather, and Youmail (syncs every 2hrs and after each missed phone call)
- Auto-brightness OFF and brightness set to 40%
- 6 emails
- 44 SMS msgs
- 1hr 14min RoboDefense (screen on entire time 100% cpu utilization)
- 28 minutes 18 sec of phone calls
- 15 min web browsing and 15 min youtube videos
Uptime - 12h 38m
Awake - 4h 20m
(EDIT): Battery drained down to 14% warning
Android sys: 25% - (12m 56s total cpu)
Cell standby: 23% - (12h 34m 55s)
Phone idle: 21% - (10h 9m 11s)
Voice calls: 12% - (28m 18s)
Display: 9% - (2h 26m)
RoboDefense: 6% - (1h 14m 44s total cpu)
Dialer: 4% - (1m 16s total cpu)
And here in red are yesterdays OEM Inc battery:
- 5-7 emails
- 40 SMS msgs
- 59 minutes 6 sec of RoboDefense (screen on entire time 100% cpu utilization)
- 29 minutes 46 sec of phone calls
- 15 min web browsing and 15 min youtube videos
Uptime - 10h 50m
Awake - 2h 30m
(EDIT): Battery drained down to 14% warning
Cell standby: 25% - (10h 49m 43s)
Android sys: 23% - (9m 52s total cpu)
Phone idle: 22% - (8h 52m 29s)
Voice calls: 13% - (29m 46s)
Display: 8% - (1h 57m 23s)
RoboDefense: 5% - (59m 6s total cpu)
Dialer: 4% - (58s total cpu)
I was able to duplicate the usage fairly well and I don't know what to make of the results. I do feel fairly confident that the SEIDIO packs a bigger punch and of course at 1750mah. Hope this helps! Phew now I can go back to my regular usage (all that constant sync'ing and robo off!
) and get back my 20+ hrs