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Accessories [OFFICIAL] HTC Incredible Accessories Archive Thread

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So an extra four hours of overall usage.

Let's wait a few more days, only a couple tests are out.

I'll let you know when I get it next week and will return it if I only get an extra hour or two of overall usage.
I bought one from gear and hoping it gives me more juice.

Looking for a way I could use Maps, Internet, and Msg/Phone calls with heavy use and get still have a good battery
Definitely call back when you get someone that is not willing to place the order for you.

I called and the first person asked all the questions mentioned here then said I couldn't order it through his department today without the required numbers; he said I'd have to call back on Monday. I called back a few minutes later and got someone else that was very nice and when I said I purchased a Nexus 1 on eBay that didn't have a case he said
THANKS! Got it too 33.71. THANKS!!

You put the coupon code in at the end of the entire process. you need to register first.


Thanks. didnt see it cuz i was trying to checkout with paypal. If you hit continue with checkout then select paypal it twill work
What am I missing? It looks like the performance of the original battery matches the 1750 Seido. Am I reading that wrong?

I know it's hard to see right? Me too there is another "battery thread" where the statistic of what this all means will be more clear. But look closely at my comparison.

Compared to the OEM: with the SEIDIO I was able to play roboDefense 16 more minutes (that's screen on 100% cpu usage), the screen was lit for a half hour/29 minutes more/longer, the awake time is almost double, and android system used the cpu for 3 minutes more.

What does all this translate into? Well I did all of this to test the batteries I don't play robo, and I don't have everything syncing 100% of the time for my normal usage. I'll have better stats once arich57 completes his work he is doing in the other battery test thread, but how this translates for me is simply this: With my normal usage I get ~16 hours with the OEM battery and ~22 hours with the SEIDIO. It was worth $40 for me. :)
Here's my experience with the Seidio 1750....

I got the battery yesterday, charged it overnight while the phone was off, unplugged it, charged until green and did that one more time.

My usage is pretty much the same everyday. Pandora for about an hour, lots of browsing, light texting and checking emails. I've had the phone since it came out and I've been consistently getting only 2.5-3 hrs of awake time before it was under 10%. I've tried the "double charging" on the OEM and that didn't do a whole lot for me.

I took the phone off the charger, had Pandora on and browsed for 1:45 straight and the Seidio was at 60%. Right now I'm at 50% with 3:37 Up time and 2:10 Awake time. I had similar numbers yesterday with less Pandora usage and the OEM was at 9%. I should get around 4 hrs awake time.

I'm definitely a believer. I don't care about all the tests and questions on how Seidio packed the extra mAh into the same physical space. All I know is that real world results is where it's at and for me it's going to give me the extra juice to get through a typical work day. Of course, YMMV.:D

I'm with ya :-)

As with anything someone might get a bad egg...I had $40 to blow without ever researching this SEIDIO battery in the beginning with my Eris. I just got it....but it worked out it and was worth it for me. Now I'm glad I popped it in my Inc as it has given me the freedom to go hard at it during the day if I want without worrying about it dieing.

Seidio batteries don't operate at anywhere near the advertised capacity. Testing has shown that their usable capacity is consistently lower than 85% of stated.

Meanwhile, stock HTC batteries operate at about 95% of stated capacity.

See this thread on XDA:

[PRJ] [April 25] Investigating battery capacity claims (read: lies). - xda-developers

Seidio batteries maxed out at 84% of capacity!

If we want to apply those figures:

1300mAh HTC battery will be ~1235mAh (95%. Lower estimate)

1500mAh HTC battery will be ~1425mAh (95%. Lower estimate)

1750mAh Seidio battery will be ~1470mAh (84%. This is the upper estimate, it could be as low as 1400mAh)

This appears to be the standard to which they manufacture their batteries, so you're not going to get any more than this out of a Seidio battery.

I suppose it's still a little bit better than the stock 1300mAh, but just be aware of the figures. Their 1600mAh batteries for the HTC Desire/Nexus One actually have LESS capacity than the 1400mAh HTC battery that comes with the phone.

In any other industry, Seidio would be considered scam artists, but I guess batteries aren't sufficiently regulated :rolleyes:

And if anybody would like to verify these numbers, you can send your battery off to the gentleman who started the thread on XDA. He'll test it and send it back to you :)

Please do that. In the meantime, if you really want better battery life, wait for HTC to release an extended battery, or just buy a spare stock battery. Seidio don't deserve your money.

And if there are any mods or admins reading this; there should be a sticky about this in every single forum on this website. We've already got one in the Desire forum.

Seidio batteries don't operate at anywhere near the advertised capacity. Testing has shown that their usable capacity is consistently lower than 85% of stated.

Meanwhile, stock HTC batteries operate at about 95% of stated capacity.

See this thread on XDA:

[PRJ] [April 25] Investigating battery capacity claims (read: lies). - xda-developers

Seidio batteries maxed out at 84% of capacity!

If we want to apply those figures:

1300mAh HTC battery will be ~1235mAh (95%. Lower estimate)

1500mAh HTC battery will be ~1425mAh (95%. Lower estimate)

1750mAh Seidio battery will be ~1470mAh (84%. This is the upper estimate, it could be as low as 1400mAh)

This appears to be the standard to which they manufacture their batteries, so you're not going to get any more than this out of a Seidio battery.

I suppose it's still a little bit better than the stock 1300mAh, but just be aware of the figures. Their 1600mAh batteries for the HTC Desire/Nexus One actually have LESS capacity than the 1400mAh HTC battery that comes with the phone.

In any other industry, Seidio would be considered scam artists, but I guess batteries aren't sufficiently regulated :rolleyes:

And if anybody would like to verify these numbers, you can send your battery off to the gentleman who started the thread on XDA. He'll test it and send it back to you :)

Please do that. In the meantime, if you really want better battery life, wait for HTC to release an extended battery, or just buy a spare stock battery. Seidio don't deserve your money.

And if there are any mods or admins reading this; there should be a sticky about this in every single forum on this website. We've already got one in the Desire forum.

Great info thx for posting! Just remember it's your opinion that SEIDIO doesn't deserve your money :) People can make their own educated and uneducated purchasing choices
Hmmm....I guess my increased battery life must simply be a figment of my imagination.:rolleyes:

No, but you're only getting about 200mAh more. Maybe less. Which is enough for an extra hour or so, but nowhere near the advertised amount.

I'd also be willing to bet that HTC batteries will have a longer lifetime than Seidio. The tests showed that a two month old Seidio battery (1750mAh) had already dropped to 79% usable capacity.

But if you don't believe it, put your money where your mouth is. Send the battery off to Doug and see what results he gets!

Just something to be aware of, anyway. :)
Just remember it's your opinion that SEIDIO doesn't deserve your money :) People can make their own educated and uneducated purchasing choices

True, but the stunt they pulled with the Desire/N1 1600mAh batteries tells me an awful lot about the company and the way they do business.

It actually had less capacity... and they advertised it as 'extended life'!

And now they won't even reply to emails on the subject. It's ridiculous.
True, but the stunt they pulled with the Desire/N1 1600mAh batteries tells me an awful lot about the company and the way they do business.

It actually had less capacity... and they advertised it as 'extended life'!

And now they won't even reply to emails on the subject. It's ridiculous.

That's too bad. Soooo many companies pull stunts it will come back and haunt them one day....again thx for your info and the link it is interesting indeed.
No problem. We've got a guy from one of Seidio's UK retailers on the case in the Desire forum. If we ever get an explanation from them, I'll make sure to post it in here too.

Mugen (another extended life battery company) have already admitted that they specifically manufacture their batteries to have about 80-85% capacity. So watch out for them too ;)
I thought the batteryboss guys methods were called into question because of how/where he gets his batteries to test. I remember seeing something about it on these forums.
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