Dang it! I
was going to go into the local
VZW store first thing on the morning of the 29th to get my new
But after watching SoSmarmy's video, I just couldn't stand it, and went on the site to pre-order.
Congrats on being the first one on the forum to report getting their phone early, S.S. - I am truly happy for you - I enjoyed watching your unveiling video, and putting all the doubters back in their place.
I will say this: First, I logged on via Chrome; VZW pages going slow and site hobbling. Then on Firefox; same deal there. Then I remembered someone said they had good success using
Internet Exploder, so I tried it (I normally DO NOT use
IE for anything except testing web pages I'm working on for layout compatibility, and for checking for updates on XP machines), and sure enough, the site worked at about 80% of "normal" for how their site usually is.
Did all the upgrade action, ordered a leather case, and BAM, order confirmation. Now here's to hoping they send it out early <crosses fingers>.