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***Official HTC Incredible Thread***

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Well if he works at a store that sells Verizon then he's probably upset that you aren't waiting to buy it from him. I would be. There is nothing worse than when people do this to me. That takes money out of my pocket when you buy your phone elsewhere.

are you him!?!?!?
are you him!?!?!?

lol no... just speaking from a store owner/employee perspective. I can see why someone you know that works at a store would be upset. It's a pet peeve. People love to go to others stores or online and buy a phone and then come to you when they need something later. Even if they don't need something later it's still rude. We're trying to make a living and if you're friends you'd think you would respect that and buy from someone you know instead of a slap in the face.
So I'm sorta 'seeing' this guy that works at a non-corp VWZ store and he's a nerd (like me) and he asked me a few weeks ago if we were going to pick up the Incredible "together"? I guess like for a 2nd date or something..I didn't say yes or no (b/c it was 3 weeks ago and I didn't want to commit to a second date weeks out till I got to know him better so, I said we'll see.
Well I talked to him last and I let it slip that I already pre-ordered mine on Monday morning and he's NOT TALKING TO ME... lol.... He said that I broke some bond of trust or something....His Facebook status says " I got played today INCREDIBLY".... I told him that we only went on 1 date and he cannot dictate my technical gadget life.
He's 4 yrs younger than me. It's this some kinda Android Fanboy heartbreak??? I feel bad... I'm sure I'll be over it next week when the FedEx guy rings my bell.....

Give him a little. He'll forget all about the phone.
Dang it! I was going to go into the local VZW store first thing on the morning of the 29th to get my new Incredible.

But after watching SoSmarmy's video, I just couldn't stand it, and went on the site to pre-order.

Congrats on being the first one on the forum to report getting their phone early, S.S. - I am truly happy for you - I enjoyed watching your unveiling video, and putting all the doubters back in their place. :D

I will say this: First, I logged on via Chrome; VZW pages going slow and site hobbling. Then on Firefox; same deal there. Then I remembered someone said they had good success using Internet Exploder, so I tried it (I normally DO NOT use IE for anything except testing web pages I'm working on for layout compatibility, and for checking for updates on XP machines), and sure enough, the site worked at about 80% of "normal" for how their site usually is.

Did all the upgrade action, ordered a leather case, and BAM, order confirmation. Now here's to hoping they send it out early <crosses fingers>.
just talked my mom into pre ordering an incredible haha. sounds crazy but i don't want the phone early. i've been waiting for the "passion" since November which later became the nexus one until about a week or two ago. my storm is 99% broke and only calls. it will be that much more satisfying. hard to explain. also what do you think about 2.2 coming out soon. all speculation but still. do you think it's a major upgrade and the incredible will get it? if not think we'll be able to root it and get it.
I can't figure out where it is now, but I remember reading that the GPS locator can tell where you are and you can set your scene based on the location you're in. So, if you're at work in a certain area, you can have a work scene and when it sees you leave your building, it could turn into social.

Also, don't forget to keep requesting Case-Ware to make a case for DInc. You can put three votes on it per day (it's currently #5 in line): case-mate Product Feedback

It's called Locale an it's one of the first apps i will buy!
Crickets on this board compared to just a week ago. There was a time that you couldn't keep up with the posts even if you were constantly hitting F5. Now, shhhh, the board is sleeping.
Theres No more information people want since we preordered. I emailed verizon wireless CS and the President (doubt he'll even read it) to see why some got it already and why they are making us wait
Theres No more information people want since we preordered. I emailed verizon wireless CS and the President (doubt he'll even read it) to see why some got it already and why they are making us wait

bc people messed up... that was not suppose to happen
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