Ok, I have been reading here for quite a while, first post I gave away some google voice invites I wasn't using.
I have to say though, Verizon pisses me off more and more when I deal with them! My NE2 is up on May 27, 2010, 36 days from now. I have 4 lines, 1 droid with data plan, 3 regular phones....my bill averages $160/month. I have been a LONG time verizon customer!
I have called the CSR's twice and they will NOT move the date up, 36 days and they won't budge on it. I was offered $50 credit rather than my $100 NE2. So I shoot off and email and now they go to $75 credit rather than $100.
Needless to say I have fired off a very nasty email b/c I just don't care anymore. I would rather sell the droid and buy a Incredible outright than sign another contract with this god foresaken company!!
ok, now I feel better after that rant!