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***Official HTC Incredible Thread***

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So I'm sorta 'seeing' this guy that works at a non-corp VWZ store and he's a nerd (like me) and he asked me a few weeks ago if we were going to pick up the Incredible "together"? I guess like for a 2nd date or something..I didn't say yes or no (b/c it was 3 weeks ago and I didn't want to commit to a second date weeks out till I got to know him better so, I said we'll see.
Well I talked to him last and I let it slip that I already pre-ordered mine on Monday morning and he's NOT TALKING TO ME... lol.... He said that I broke some bond of trust or something....His Facebook status says " I got played today INCREDIBLY".... I told him that we only went on 1 date and he cannot dictate my technical gadget life.
He's 4 yrs younger than me. It's this some kinda Android Fanboy heartbreak??? I feel bad... I'm sure I'll be over it next week when the FedEx guy rings my bell.....

Don't worry, I'll be your Incredible boyfriend. :D:p;)
FWIW, I just bought one of these here -->
NEW Motorola MOTOROKR T505 Bluetooth Speakerphone ** - eBay (item 230464836723 end time Apr-23-10 17:22:37 PDT) there are 5 left at this price. $58 shipping included isn't too bad for this. Pandora Radio here I come.

Since it is kind of quiet, I thought I wouldd post this:
Amazon.com: Blackberry Remote Stereo Gateway: Cell Phones & Service
I got one of these at a Best Buy on the clearance shelf - I thought it was a mistake at first because they had it marked for $12.00 :) To my surprise it was correct and I use it with my Blackberry, my laptop, my wife's laptop and her iPod. I am fairly certain that there will be no issue getting the DI to work on it as well...
I couldn't take it anymore. After about 2 hours of fighting with VZW's website, I finally got my order in. $99.00 with free 2 day Fed Ex shipping. WOOT!!!

A BIG thank you to everyone who contributed information about the release of this phone on this website. This site was my one and ONLY stop to get news about the Incredible, and you guys never let me down. Always the quickest news, updates and pictures.

Thanks again!!!!:D
Darn I thought I could contribute with the "FREEOVERNT" code, but after running a search check...I am apparently the last to know :(

Well, happy final week everybody.
Congrats to Anon and Capt for the promotion and a big congrats to everyone who are getting their phones ahead of time!:D:D:D

ID-Credit Card Case for the HTC Droid Incredible

I know that people want a tough case but I'm looking for the ID case for the Incredible and it would be awesome if people would vote for this!

Anyways thanks again to everyone for posting all the info on this phone that they can!
Purchased one last week and I love it. The sound is great through the FM when on a call. If you look around they are $70 or so with shipping.
I've seen a few reviews and videos. Looks like it doesn't import your phone book or tell you the name of who's calling. Is that true?
Here's some pics of the Incredible's storage...needless to say internal flash storage confirmed, lol. :cool:

thanks for all your posts anon...
i have one favor to ask, and i apologize if this was already done, but do you have any way of confirming that it works on wifi N? i haven't seen anything on it and am still wondering.

if you don't have the resources to test it I definitely understand, just thought i'd ask!
Ok, I have been reading here for quite a while, first post I gave away some google voice invites I wasn't using.

I have to say though, Verizon pisses me off more and more when I deal with them! My NE2 is up on May 27, 2010, 36 days from now. I have 4 lines, 1 droid with data plan, 3 regular phones....my bill averages $160/month. I have been a LONG time verizon customer!

I have called the CSR's twice and they will NOT move the date up, 36 days and they won't budge on it. I was offered $50 credit rather than my $100 NE2. So I shoot off and email and now they go to $75 credit rather than $100.

Needless to say I have fired off a very nasty email b/c I just don't care anymore. I would rather sell the droid and buy a Incredible outright than sign another contract with this god foresaken company!!

ok, now I feel better after that rant!
Sorry if this has been addressed, but I work ten hour days and simply do not have the energy to search through more than four pages of posts. Do those that have received the Incredible early, how is the signal strength? After watching the reviews, this is the only thing I am still worried about. I plan on pre-ordering as soon as tomorrow, but as I spend a lot of time in rural areas I need to know that the Incredible can connect to Verizon's signal as well (or nearly) as my current phone.

Also, if the signal is weak, have people tried the *228, #2 option? I'm pretty sure most of the people on this forum know to do that, but just asking...
Ok, I have been reading here for quite a while, first post I gave away some google voice invites I wasn't using.

I have to say though, Verizon pisses me off more and more when I deal with them! My NE2 is up on May 27, 2010, 36 days from now. I have 4 lines, 1 droid with data plan, 3 regular phones....my bill averages $160/month. I have been a LONG time verizon customer!

I have called the CSR's twice and they will NOT move the date up, 36 days and they won't budge on it. I was offered $50 credit rather than my $100 NE2. So I shoot off and email and now they go to $75 credit rather than $100.

Needless to say I have fired off a very nasty email b/c I just don't care anymore. I would rather sell the droid and buy a Incredible outright than sign another contract with this god foresaken company!!

ok, now I feel better after that rant!
I think most companies just glaze over e-mails (which is unfortunate because I much prefer getting stuff done through e-mail than actually calling).

I would suggest that you just keep calling...
Sorry if this has been addressed, but I work ten hour days and simply do not have the energy to search through more than four pages of posts. Do those that have received the Incredible early, how is the signal strength? After watching the reviews, this is the only thing I am still worried about. I plan on pre-ordering as soon as tomorrow, but as I spend a lot of time in rural areas I need to know that the Incredible can connect to Verizon's signal as well (or nearly) as my current phone.

Also, if the signal is weak, have people tried the *228, #2 option? I'm pretty sure most of the people on this forum know to do that, but just asking...
If you're seriously worried about VERIZON'S signals..... then you really don't have anywhere else to go... =/
There's a reason everyone calls them "the BIG red"
Ok, I have been reading here for quite a while, first post I gave away some google voice invites I wasn't using.

I have to say though, Verizon pisses me off more and more when I deal with them! My NE2 is up on May 27, 2010, 36 days from now. I have 4 lines, 1 droid with data plan, 3 regular phones....my bill averages $160/month. I have been a LONG time verizon customer!

I have called the CSR's twice and they will NOT move the date up, 36 days and they won't budge on it. I was offered $50 credit rather than my $100 NE2. So I shoot off and email and now they go to $75 credit rather than $100.

Needless to say I have fired off a very nasty email b/c I just don't care anymore. I would rather sell the droid and buy a Incredible outright than sign another contract with this god foresaken company!!

ok, now I feel better after that rant!

This is very comforting for someone about to switch over to VZW from AT&T!:(:confused::(
Hey guys i emailed verizon yesterday morning requesting having my annual upgrade date moved from june 20 2010 to April 29 2010. And to my surprise after being denied 3 days ago they actually gave me the green light yesterday. I called verizon today at about 6 and they said there hasnt been any change made and im still on ly able to earl upgrade in June. Is this because it takes 24 hours to update in there systems, or will the change com into effect on the 29 when the Incredible releases any help would appreciated. Heres the email

I guess I'll field this question haha, i have emailed and spoken to various reps. My situation is similair. My new every two is available feb 2011 and since im the primary line i can upgrade annual may 20th 2010. I have tried to get the reps to change my annual upgrade which i succeeded. The only downside is that I cant pre order. A supervisor noted my account and advisded that when the phone is available on the 29th i would have to call in customer service and that they would have to get management approval for placing the order based on the notes left on my account. The status of my account online has not changed and it appears as if nothing was done. Its just a note that they put in the system that youve been given the ok. I have tried with everyone to change it online for pre order but its impossible. Hope this helps
I think most companies just glaze over e-mails (which is unfortunate because I much prefer getting stuff done through e-mail than actually calling).

I would suggest that you just keep calling...

I am done calling, when the contract is up on the 27th, the droid gets sold and I buy the incredible for full retail and I am done with contracts.

Loyalty and contracts mean nothing anymore to a company, they have you by the nads and they think nothing of it.
Hey Anonimac Not sure if my question got lost in the shuffle but if you can check and see if the DI is able to do this. That would be helpful..I'm not sure I'm digging Sense UI and would like to know if I can go Stock Android on this bad boy....

Who ever has the Droid Incredible can this be done to it? Thanks

Turn your HTC Desire into a Nexus One
If you're seriously worried about VERIZON'S signals..... then you really don't have anywhere else to go... =/
There's a reason everyone calls them "the BIG red"

I can vouch firsthand that just b/c they claim they have the best signal, etc doesn't mean it's everywhere.

According to their map, my house if fully covered. I should be able to stand in the front yard, back yard, on the roof and get a signal. Well, after arguing for MONTHS that this wasn't the case I finally got a discount on a Network Extender. I wanted to cancel my account then, but I was not able to b/c their map said I had coverage. Thats right, b/c the MAP said I had coverage then of course I had coverage...I must be lieing lol

My phone even dropped the call NUMEROUS times talking to tech support, but they said it was on their end, not mine lol
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