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***Official HTC Incredible Thread***

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So I went to the VZW store last night to see if my wife wanted the Droid or something else... The Floor rep asked what if I was looking to upgrade to a particular phone and I told him the incredible, so he asked if I wanted to try it.

The thing is wicked fast and responsive. Multi-touch was integrated into many parts of Sense. Virtual Keyboard was awesome, much better than Droid or Blackberrys, at times even better than the physical keyboard on Droid.

My only concerns were that it would only go into landscape mode in the text app tilting to the left. When I tilted to the right it stayed in portrait. Also waking from sleep the screen seemed a little unresponsive for a bit.

Was this just a crappy store unit or is this how the release one are?

The goods outweighed the bad and my wife has decided she wants the incredible too.
Just preordered it now can't wait my mom liked the look of it that much she got one too :)

Yo mama is cool


WHAH, WHAH, WHAH, .. It's not fair :mad: :mad: :mad:

I've never seen such a bunch of panty waists.

It's not fair, he got his already...
It's not fair, my contracts not up and they wont let me upgrade...
It's not fair, they said it won't ship until the 29th......
It's not fair, they won't move up my NE2....

you know what? I'm starting to think they should not have announced this until the day before it launches.

First you whine that VZ plays games and doesn't tell us anything. Then they tell us 2 weeks ahead of time, and you're all going to b!tch and moan about how stupid VZ and their reps are.

Is this the most important thing in your life? A month form now you wont even remember the 2 day extra wait time.

Yes, I know there have been inconstancy in their information. BUT, one thing we know - it releases on the 29th. Anything more/earlier/better is just gravy. BFD if someone gets their's before you get yours. If they DIDN"T get it earlier than you, does that help YOU in any way.

Try making your own candle burn brighter rather than trying to put others flames out

he might be onto something here........:)
Sure but you've got the burden of proving it. And what do you get out of it? The FCC gets a ton of money and Verizon takes some red off their map but only for that little spot that you called their bluff on. It's not worth your while and they know it that's why they show 3G coverage where their is none. Make no mistake, Verizon is the best U.S. network but they still are a big business and will lie, cheat, and do whatever else will make them an extra buck.

If you're not going to do anything about it, then don't complain. There are avenues for a consumer to address these things. Maybe if the FCC starts poking around, VZW will take it seriously.

Jack Bauer has one too: :eek:


....and he usually has all kinds of goodies in it. :D

I had that messenger bag in college, it was the biggest piece of crap ever. It frayed at the metal bands that affix the bag to the strap. Died in under a year.
Anyone else want that leather wrapped case shown in the launch kit?

I think it actually looks cool... issue I have is that I want to protect the phone but I like to keep my phone in my pocket (so adding bulk isn't good), I'm not so sure about the whole holster thing... it's a bit... um... oh I don't know, it's not me.

Most cases I've seen turn an otherwise thin phone into a brick in the pocket.
Everybody badmouthing reps who are just doing their jobs... Believe it or not, it's not their job to know about every single phone coming down the line. It's their job to help you with whatever your concern is, and if that means looking something up on the spot, that they don't know... then that's what it is. I'm willing to bet they got sent one email about the Incredible (if that), with very basic info, and that's it. They work at a VZW call center; it's not their life.

The people in here that apparently can't read.. well... anything, and keep asking the same questions, and getting all nervous about when the phone is coming out... what the specs are (despite them being confirmed in the 458230675346842058 reviews that are currently available)... it's crazy in here.

The phone is coming out on the 29th. If you, or somebody else, gets their phone ealier.. great. If not, hey... the 29th isn't that far away.

No matter what company I have ever called concerning the status of an order, they have always known when a product will ship and if they weren't sure they said to wait for the confirmation. I didn't call to ask when it was coming out, I can read. I called for a different reason and I was TOLD a different release date. I would just like a definite answer. I am not angry with any reps. They do their jobs well. The problem lies when I am looking at a website that says orders will be RECEIVED ON THE 29th, But I am being told that THEY WILL SHIP ON THE 29th. I don't expect a CSR to be devoted to the Incredible or even my concern, but I do expect them to be able to do their jobs and read THEIR OWN WEBSITE. I am a teacher, a lot is expected of me. I must read and be familiar with the material I am required to teach. I am held accountable. I strive for excellence everyday! I guess (according to you) I should take a call center job and live the sweet life.

OKAY......I am done discussing this now!
Did anyone else order it by just adding the cost to their bill? I've never done it before, is there any reason why they wouldn't let you do it? Cause I called cust service and they didn't have an answer for me because the orders haven't been processed yet, and I just want to make sure nothing goes wrong.

Order Status

Here is the status of your order.
Order Date: 04/19/2010
Order Number: XXXXXXXXXX
Order Status: Your order is awaiting approval or phone availability. Please check back in a few days.
Check the status of another internet order.


I had mine billed to my account as well and my status says the same. I would hope that if they declined it, they'd notify me soon so I can either pay w/ CC or make plans to go into work late on the 29th so I can stop at VZW and pick it up. I always bill my phones to my account, but since I didn't qualify for an upgrade I had to do retail on this one - don't think I've ever charged that much to my account before so it has me a little nervous. I called CS yesterday to see if it had passed the credit auth yet but they couldn't tell me anything - said he couldn't even see the order (not sure if that's normal, or if he was just dumb). :confused:
Here's a few outdoor pics...it's a bit deceiving because the camera lens, angle, etc... give the impression the screen is hard to read but it is in fact quite good...one of the pics shows this and several external reviews confirm this.

Thanks for the pics...and wow...promoted much!? See what I get for missing a few days....congrats!
Based on Droid release, the following will probably happen for those that order early:

1. Order from BB, you will get it on 4/29 (since that is when they are putting the device on the floor).
2. Order from VZ, you will get it anywhere from 4/25 to 4/29.

Summary: You have more of a chance getting it early from VZ, since they are shipping the device out earlier to meet promise dates and avoid bottlenecks with shipment (easier to spread out over several days, rather than same time).

I look forward to the 29th, since I will be having a radio reception duel with Droid and Inc. Whoever has the best reception in Kentucky will be the winner :)

Still on the fence, but will be happy with either device (anything is better than Tmo in Kentucky).
After playing with the Incredible yesterday and my wife using it... I would feel confident saying that the Incredible >> iPhone. Much more responsive and usable than my friends 3GS. And less issues than my dads iTouch.
i cant get mine until im done with classes, cause i shipped it to my house and im done with classes on the 30th at the earliest

but i aint cryin about it.

no i dont actually talk like this

Speak Pittsburghese? :p My roommate freshman year had the "yinzer dictionary" and often quoted from it... I'm semi-fluent.

Guys/Gals, we didn't post for 858 pages to get this thread closed down 8 days from launch. Chill and don't feed the trolls - let the Mods handle the rest, they are quite capable.
I had mine billed to my account as well and my status says the same. I would hope that if they declined it, they'd notify me soon so I can either pay w/ CC or make plans to go into work late on the 29th so I can stop at VZW and pick it up. I always bill my phones to my account, but since I didn't qualify for an upgrade I had to do retail on this one - don't think I've ever charged that much to my account before so it has me a little nervous. I called CS yesterday to see if it had passed the credit auth yet but they couldn't tell me anything - said he couldn't even see the order (not sure if that's normal, or if he was just dumb). :confused:

Mine says the same - preordered early AM on 4/20. I checked my online bank statement in the afternoon and the pending charge from Verizon Wireless says $0.00. I did not look to see if they originally had $104.99. My guess (hope) is they won't bill until they ship.
I was on the phone checking one thing or another with my order and a customer service rep told me ..okay, that all then.....well, this will go out to you ON the 29th and you'll get it on MAY 3rd. A few other people had the the same experience...but shhhhhhhhh....if we talk about it....we're whiners and panty waists.

For everyone that had heard that there phone is shipping out on the 29th!!!!!!!

I am not sure if this was explained in this thread or not but...
If you pre-ordered by calling a CSR then more then likly your phone will NOT ship until the 29th. Pre-orders from Verizon are only getting delivered on the 29th that were ordered through the website. I had a long conversation with a CSR yesterday and asked 100s of questions (and almost made the mistake of ordering through him when I caugh him say that it would be SHIPPED on the 29th).

So for all of you that ordered through a CSR I would call back and see if you can cancel the phone order and then reorder online.
For everyone that had heard that there phone is shipping out on the 29th!!!!!!!

I am not sure if this was explained in this thread or not but...
If you pre-ordered by calling a CSR then more then likly your phone will NOT ship until the 29th. Pre-orders from Verizon are only getting delivered on the 29th that were ordered through the website. I had a long conversation with a CSR yesterday and asked 100s of questions (and almost made the mistake of ordering through him when I caugh him say that it would be SHIPPED on the 29th).

So for all of you that ordered through a CSR I would call back and see if you can cancel the phone order and then reorder online.

I ordered on line and a few hours later tried to call a CSR and ask to re-order over the phone. He was very, very adamant on not letting me order via phone and told me I couldn't cancel my order. Further, he said I wouldn't want to order over the phone because he said they are processed differently? (I'm not sure how) Our conversation ended with him telling me that I benefited the most from ordering online and CSR's are not allowed to place order's via over the phone.

So maybe this difference in processing is the reason why it ships the 28th for Online orders and the 29th for phone orders.
For everyone that had heard that there phone is shipping out on the 29th!!!!!!!

I am not sure if this was explained in this thread or not but...
If you pre-ordered by calling a CSR then more then likly your phone will NOT ship until the 29th. Pre-orders from Verizon are only getting delivered on the 29th that were ordered through the website. I had a long conversation with a CSR yesterday and asked 100s of questions (and almost made the mistake of ordering through him when I caugh him say that it would be SHIPPED on the 29th).

So for all of you that ordered through a CSR I would call back and see if you can cancel the phone order and then reorder online.

Nope, I ordered it via website 4/18 at 11:41 p.m.
anonimac: i noticed in the other thread "in-house incredible pictures and video" that you were working to answer questions people had with the incredible... is it possible to do a side-by-side comparison of the dB signal strength of the incredible and another phone considered to be decent with signal (motorola droid?) to see if the lack of bars on the incredible is truly due to poor signal reception or just the software providing a more conservative graphical representation? this may address many people's concerns regarding the incredible based on a few reviews... thanks

If you've ever had verizon you know that how many bars you see doesn't matter...great service everywhere, all the time, in every place. This isn't the "less bars in more places network"...don't stress the number of bars.
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