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***Official HTC Incredible Thread***

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I'll have to call VZW again today. For some reason, the $50 NE discount only applied to the primary line. (I ordered 2 phones)

I think that's how it is supposed to work.... the primary line always gets a NE2 but none of the additional lines ever do on a family plan.... at least that's my understanding due to talking with CSRs
I believe it, but Jack on needs his for 24 hours. LOL. I want one of these for my laptop and such:


They make some really nice messenger and duffle bags too -- Saddleback Leather

Nice mound of coffee beans there :) - who does that bag belong to, Juan Valdez? :p

FYI - Juan Valdez
I would watch here.... Powermat USA | Powermat Wireless Charging System They were making a new battery for the Moto Droid. I hope to see the same for the Inc!!
Yeah I've been keeping an eye out there but there seems to be little action over there except for the Blackberrys, which have battery contacts exposed by default making cover redesign very easy.

Personally I can't believe that this won't be a standard feature of all phones in a year or two and that manufacturers aren't simply exposing battery contacts so that covers can be designed. Don't get me wrong. It means a lot more to me that the phone is awesome when it's in my pocket rather than while it's charging, but still.
Sister update:

Remember you all got mad at me because my sister replaced her BB curve with a Tour? Well she saw the video for the incredible and now she's gonna get it!!!! I wiiiiiiin!!!!

She's joining the Incredible cult! :) mwah hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

First post in a while so let's make it a double? ;)
For the folks that had already got their Incredible.

How long does the initial charge take?

actual time so far: 2 hours (still charging)
perception of above time: approx. 34 years....

I am mentally willing the battery to fill up right now...man, The Force sure would come in handy right now...
Has anybody noticed that the order status page doesn't actually require your last name as long as you have some text entered there? I could put "q", which isn't a letter in my last name, and it works just fine.
I have my preorder in for this phone and im pumped, but i have a question. I have a blackberry storm now through verizon and i was wondering what is the easiest way to transfer all of my contacts from my BB to my new DI? Thanks!

What I did was to export all of my contacts to a .csv file and then import them to Gmail.

I am also jealous because I am not one of the lucky few to receive mine early.. I guess I wait till next Thursday. I already took the day off.
Has anybody noticed that the order status page doesn't actually require your last name as long as you have some text entered there? I could put "q", which isn't a letter in my last name, and it works just fine.
Actually, when i try my order number, no matter what I put in the name box, it says my information is wrong :( I called in and emailed and got word that my order is perfect and will ship out on time, that I needn't worry, but i kinda worry since I get an error message :P
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