I went to the local Verizon store today and it was NOT a good experience! The guy was clueless (or acted that way) regarding the Incredible! All he could say was that he didn't know much about it but heard that it was made by HTC, so he couldn't recommend it!
He kept talking up the Moto Droid and was even showing me stuff on his Droid. Didn't know when or if they were gonna get any Incredibles in... He kept saying he didn't know how the Inc could be much better than the Moto Droid...
Needless to say, I'm gonna swing by the BB tomorrow to see what they have to say... I'm getting an Incredible on Thursday, one way or another!
Yeah, unfortunately, as in all industries/businesses, the experience from one store to another can vary. I was lucky to get a guy that was pretty cool about it, but you are just as likely to get a jerk who either doesn't know anything or just doesn't want to be helpful for some reason. I hope you can have a better experience at BB or at a different VZW store.