Mine DI is coming Wed. instead of on Tues I lost my place in the queue b/c they couldn't process my order until the credit dept. processed my answer to their tiny tiny question... I would of been
GREAT to get my device tomorrow, but I'll live... I think my Eris knows.... It's been acting EXTRA shady since last Sunday at 12:01am when pre-ordering started...
I ordered the purple snap on case & the 3 pack of VWZ screen protectors. They will be here tomorrow

. Which will give me a chance to get an idea of what time with FedEx delivers here (just moved here so I have no idea I only know the UPS guy).
Does anyone have any sources of where I can find some 'feminine' looking cases. I adore the case on my Eris! It's the High Gloss (got it from a Corp. VWZ store) in a purplish color & has swirls on the back. It gives the phone grip but still enough slip, lol... I love the way it feels it's soft but not flimsy feeling (the case isn't on the Verizon site so I borrowed from my blog)