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Official* iPad Thread

I gotta tell you I have the iPad right now and it is simply amazing. Makes casual email, Internet liquid smooth.



So amazing you were able to attach those images properly? How magical and revolutionary of you. :rolleyes:
Hey give him a break, he asked and I sent him the instructions on how to upload the images properly but went offline before I was able to send it.
When he comes back in he'll fix it.

TS out
why do people keep saying this is expensive when it is cheaper then an unlocked iphone im lost here
The 16GB model is relatively cheap, compared to what everyone was expecting.

However, the higher models cost up to $800+, and the memory upgrade from 16GB to 64GB costs Apple hardly anything. Yet they sell it for $800 and make about $400 in profit from each one.
The ipad is a great concept, but horrible execution.

The Ipad can do 3g transfer, so as long as you're subscribed for it you can use it anywhere this is at&t 3g coverage.
The battery life is pretty decent.
It uses a full browser.
There are already tons of apps.

With the size of the Ipad, it should have been made on a standard x86 platform. This way, you could have it run on say the same cpu the Macbook Air has, or another low voltage cpu. 1ghz just is not acceptable with the size of the iPad, and the market it's in.
Resolution, 1024x768. Not bad, but for the screen size it's not amazing.
Expansion ports, yes there are expansion ports. But you have to buy them!
No Flash, Steve Jobs love for HTML 5 is going to have a bad effect on this seeing that almost every interactive website, movie, or game all use flash. HTML 5 is not bad, but not as commonly used as Flash. I look at it like this. The Palm pre which runs on an Arm7 cpu underclocked at 500mhz for normal use, 600mhz standard for 3d apps. Flash has been shown to work on the Palm pre, there is no reason the Ipad can't.
Some of the Apps don't work right. Idisplay is $5, and lowers the resolution of the main display, and is very laggy.
So funny to see people hating on it that havent even seen it, let alone held it or used it :rolleyes: You DO realize you sound MUCH worse that Apple fanboys with every post you make just trying to find something to rip it on right? You sound like Android fanboys and sound just as idiotic. Bought one the day it came out and its pretty damn awesome. You have to keep in mind its the first gen of a brand new product. Anyone want to compare the Nexus One to the G1? right, didnt think so. Once we are able to jailbreak it and the devs start utilizing its full potential this year, you are going to see some really amazing apps. There are already some upcoming ones that are jaw dropping, the human anatomy one comes to mind.

Now that I have this with its gorgeous 9.7 inch display, I have very little need to go online with my tiny Hero. It only weighs 1.5 pounds too, so its much easier to carry around then a laptop. The suede case adds a bit of weight but still under 2 pounds. Zero complaints so far and it runs great on my Sprint Overdrive.
Why is it awesome? Please tell me what possible use this device has that isn't already covered by one or more other devices

I loooooove the idea of a digital notebook. As a student and a scientist, that would be an amazing product. But writing with your finger is absolutely not ideal, so the iPad can't possibly serve that purpose (considering Apple's disdain for styluses). Couple that with such things as no multitasking, no USB (or any other port without buying an adapter, no expandable memory, and having to deal with the overbearing nature that is Apple, and it's just a product I cannot see getting.

Hopefully the Courier comes to fruition ;)
I'm gonna rate a post here 1-10.

So funny to see people hating on it that havent even seen it, let alone held it or used it :rolleyes: You DO realize you sound MUCH worse that Apple fanboys with every post you make just trying to find something to rip it on right? You sound like Android fanboys and sound just as idiotic.

So because I don't like it, I automatically have become an Android fanboy? Or that I hate apple? Wow, nice assumption there buddy. This is gonna get you -6 points just for that.
Bought one the day it came out and its pretty damn awesome.
Okay, 5 points because you're happy with your purchase. I personally would have bought a netbook that can do so much more.
You have to keep in mind its the first gen of a brand new product. Anyone want to compare the Nexus One to the G1? right, didnt think so.
But, Android 1.5 and 2.1 are decent and both have the same basic functions. Phone, multitask, internet, done. 2.1 just makes it a lot faster with optimizations, and some fancy animations. Also the hardware platform is different. :D I'm gonna go with a 2 for this. Let's also keep in mind the Iphone, and how you still can't really multitask all that well. Let's change this to a 1 now.
Once we are able to jailbreak it and the devs start utilizing its full potential this year, you are going to see some really amazing apps.
As long as there's enough support for homebrew like there is on the Iphone. I've got nothing different to say against this post, 6 for this one.
There are already some upcoming ones that are jaw dropping, the human anatomy one comes to mind.
Nothing to say, 7.
Now that I have this with its gorgeous 9.7 inch display, I have very little need to go online with my tiny Hero.
You really can't compare them seeing that the Hero is a phone, and the ipad is a tablet. -2.
It only weighs 1.5 pounds too, so its much easier to carry around then a laptop.
And has a lot less uses compared to a laptop. With a laptop, I can surf the net, play a game, paint a picture, watch a video, all at the same time. I can also customize it. Give this a 3.
The suede case adds a bit of weight but still under 2 pounds. Zero complaints so far and it runs great on my Sprint Overdrive.
I like the way it looks. But the design with the mini sim, and no usb without buying an adapter makes the design and automatic fail. 3.
So let's average out your little sections of your post. :D

This post is rated at 2.43. Rounded, 2. I just feel that the Ipad could be so much more, but won't ever.
I'm gonna rate a post here 1-10.

So because I don't like it, I automatically have become an Android fanboy? Or that I hate apple? Wow, nice assumption there buddy. This is gonna get you -6 points just for that.

Okay, 5 points because you're happy with your purchase. I personally would have bought a netbook that can do so much more.

But, Android 1.5 and 2.1 are decent and both have the same basic functions. Phone, multitask, internet, done. 2.1 just makes it a lot faster with optimizations, and some fancy animations. Also the hardware platform is different. :D I'm gonna go with a 2 for this. Let's also keep in mind the Iphone, and how you still can't really multitask all that well. Let's change this to a 1 now.

As long as there's enough support for homebrew like there is on the Iphone. I've got nothing different to say against this post, 6 for this one.

Nothing to say, 7.

You really can't compare them seeing that the Hero is a phone, and the ipad is a tablet. -2.

And has a lot less uses compared to a laptop. With a laptop, I can surf the net, play a game, paint a picture, watch a video, all at the same time. I can also customize it. Give this a 3.

I like the way it looks. But the design with the mini sim, and no usb without buying an adapter makes the design and automatic fail. 3.
So let's average out your little sections of your post. :D

This post is rated at 2.43. Rounded, 2. I just feel that the Ipad could be so much more, but won't ever.

Ok, so let me get this straight. You want a flat out, multi tasking device complete with USB inputs? Let me guess, you want a CD/DVD drive as well? They already have one genius, its called the MACBOOK!! Do you honestly think Apple is stupid enough to make a tablet with all the same hardware their laptops have for half the price? :rolleyes: You know nothing about business. Besides, once you jailbreak it. you WILL be able to multi task with it. Next please.
Ok, so let me get this straight. You want a flat out, multi tasking device complete with USB inputs? Let me guess, you want a CD/DVD drive as well? They already have one genius, its called the MACBOOK!! Do you honestly think Apple is stupid enough to make a tablet with all the same hardware their laptops have for half the price? :rolleyes: You know nothing about business. Besides, once you jailbreak it. you WILL be able to multi task with it. Next please.

lol apparently you haven't heard about apple claiming these things will replace laptops...
Ok, so let me get this straight. You want a flat out, multi tasking device complete with USB inputs? Let me guess, you want a CD/DVD drive as well?

Quite Frankly, Yes.

They already have one genius, its called the MACBOOK!!

You can easily fit all of that stuff into a tablet PC. Personally, once a company gets all of that into a tablet, I will get one. +Apple OS blows...

Do you honestly think Apple is stupid enough

Before I comment on the following, yes.

Do you honestly think Apple is stupid enough to make a tablet with all the same hardware their laptops have for half the price?
Its funny cause a macbook would actually cost the same as the iPad does now if apple didnt jack up the prices. For the cost of these things, you can get a netbook that does 100x more.

You know nothing about business.
So making the same exact thing, bigger is good business? (iTouch and iPad) Its dumb if you ask me.

Besides, once you jailbreak it. you WILL be able to multi task with it. Next please.

Funny cause there is 2 things wrong with this statement:
1. Apple is pushing to make this illegal (although this wont happen)
2. Listening to music and messing around on the web/in an app is not multitasking. It uses the same OS as the iTouch does, so why cant the iTouch multi task?

This has got to be the biggest fail in all of apple (or at least up there with the 1 mouse button). There is literally NO use for this thing that you cant do with your iTouch or phone. In fact, you can do more with a netbook for less than one of these things. They must not have been thinking when they came up with this. If this ran a modded verson of OS X, it would be alot better. But not even a card reader or USB ports? come-on. The sad part is, most of the public is going to buy this thinking it is going to be able to be used like a computer, because apple made it, and because they are advertiseing that it can compete with netbooks.... Oh, did I mention that flash will never be coming to it either? AND that HTML5 isnt coming out till 2022....
This has got to be the biggest fail in all of apple (or at least up there with the 1 mouse button). There is literally NO use for this thing that you cant do with your iTouch or phone.

Actually, YOU fail. You dont even realize the mouse actually has several different clicks, not just 1 LOL. Apple's stock is BOOMING right now and they have closed to within $40 billion of Microsoft's market share. They will probably pass them up by the end of this year. Then there are the iPad sales to be figured in (see below) Again, you know nothing abut business...

"Sales of Apple's iPad appeared to get off to a strong start over the weekend. The company didn't release any figures, but one top analyst doubled his first day sales estimate to as many as 700,000 because of the long lines at stores. That analyst is now forecasting Apple will sell as many as 5.5 million iPads this year."
Microsoft's OS market share is still sitting around 90%

Also, Apple released figures closer to 300,000 for day 1 sales. The person that said 5.5 million has revamped his projections to be substantially less.

Just an FYI
Actually, YOU fail. You dont even realize the mouse actually has several different clicks, not just 1 LOL. Apple's stock is BOOMING right now and they have closed to within $40 billion of Microsoft's market share. They will probably pass them up by the end of this year. Then there are the iPad sales to be figured in (see below) Again, you know nothing abut business...

I didnt ever use macs, I will admit that. But Im pretty sure it used to be that it only had one clicker...

Anyday, it doesnt change the fact that it is an enlarged iTouch. At least with PCs, a smaller verson (Desktop-Laptop-Netbook) are all FULLY functional. No restrictions either. I dont see that happening with any apple products. You also didnt mention anything else I discussed that is wrong with the ipad that I mentioned. Believe me when I say, this thing sucks. I truly feel sorry for anyone who buys this.
Ok, so let me get this straight. You want a flat out, multi tasking device complete with USB inputs? Let me guess, you want a CD/DVD drive as well? They already have one genius, its called the MACBOOK!! Do you honestly think Apple is stupid enough to make a tablet with all the same hardware their laptops have for half the price? :rolleyes: You know nothing about business. Besides, once you jailbreak it. you WILL be able to multi task with it. Next please.
For the size it is, and what other competitors are offering or will offer, yes I do. Plus, there's no guarantee that this thing will even be jailbroken, or once you can that you can multitask. And I wanted a laptop, I would buy a Macbook. But in the market for tablets and not laptops or notebook, I would probably buy the HP slate. Or the Joojoo. Let me guess too, in your views and thinking flash would be too much to ask for?

As the Ipad is now, I don't approve of it. Considering how much hype there was before the iPad was even revealed for a tablet that was expected to run a full Mac os X system, and be about as fast as a macbook or macbook air or so, this is a HUGE Disappointment. I could live without multitasking if they would just put in flash, But Steves love for HTML5 is preventing that... To me, the iPad is a HUGE HUGE FAIL. Even the people on insanelymac, which is made by mac fans to run Mac os X on standard PC hardware are all saying the same thing I'm saying.

Oh, the iPad does have usb ports also. But you gotta pay for the usb adapter. The USB also doesn't support much, like flash memory, or disk drives. The Slate does since it runs a full OS.
For the size it is, and what other competitors are offering or will offer, yes I do. Plus, there's no guarantee that this thing will even be jailbroken, or once you can that you can multitask.

What, do I really need to spell it out? Ok, I will...

The iPad runs on the same OS the iPhone does, 3.2 Apple has a press conference set for Wed where they will introduce the new iphone 4.0 and it WILL be a true multi tasking update! Well guess what, the iPad will also get the upgrade to 4.0 thus making it multi task. I was saying those who dont want to wait can jailbreak it
What, do I really need to spell it out? Ok, I will...

Let me also explain something to you,

If you're trying to get a point across, don't leave out any details. You never stated anything about 4.0, so don't act like that's what your posts have been about. You aren't doing anything, except flaming and trolling. It's funny though, how considering that Android and WebOS, even maemo can all multitask from the start, and after a series of updates and a new release of a product, the Iphone and ipad can too. I can also put out for you, that Apple made people who wanted big OS updates with Ipod Touch's, pay for the update. Where as, Iphone got them for free. The multitask update for 4.0 is also nothing but a giant rumor right now, but we'll see on wednesday.

And there is still no type of guarantee that jailbreaking it will give you multitasking. I don't see where you're getting this assumption from, but you're just becoming a giant fail the more you post. I suggest that you quit while you're ahead.
I'm not bashing the iPad though. I'm saying the reasons why I would never buy it. And plus, even if I was the thread isn't about how great it is or isn't. It's a discussion about the iPad, be it good or bad. Now if I were saying that the iPad is nothing but a junk paperweight, that'd be trolling and flaming. But you're starting to throw insults, and trying to be sarcastic. You've been flaming even before I posted, genius. :)

So using your logic, you will have zero interest in having that 9-10 inch tablet with USB ports etc..from Google running a new Android OS since your phone already runs it right?
It's different with Android. Google doesn't make the phones and hardware or own them. Apple does.
So using your logic, you will have zero interest in having that 9-10 inch tablet with USB ports etc..from Google running a new Android OS since your phone already runs it right? :rolleyes:

Your post said it ran the same OS as the iPhone. Why would I want 2 of the same thing (i DO have an iTouch, no iphone. Will never buy another apple product). If it ran a full OS, like snow leopard or OS X, I would consider it, but at least in my field (IT work) I would rather have a netbook, as it can do more now. In the future I might get a tablet when they start to come around more. They have ALOT of potential, which apple knows, they just didnt put in the effort to make an A+ product. Take my words for what they are worth.
So why make it then?

well, integration for one, fits the eco system of apple devices and services , very tight integration, unlike the hodge podge module style of apps and os and hardware of android and trying to make it all work smooth and seamless, which really it cannot. The ipad is a device for reading, period. Newspapers, magazines, Books, and blogs, etc online. Nothin fancy, no hello kitty wallpapers or batman and robin themes, no tweaking, just reading. Smooth, fast and light. It is not trying to be an android itablet, or an archos, or anything else. Just reading, digitally. It does it well, too. Very well. Any android device dreams to be as sweet and smooth as this deal.

yes a net book can do more so can my desktop or any other laptop out there, but it is not intended for all those other things.
^^First logical pro-ipad post I have ever read...lol Congrats :)

Its just not for me. I will get off this thread now... I dont like to get mad over some stupid internet thread....
So why make it then?

It's called money. Apple knows its flock of sheep will buy anything with its logo and a pretty case and they are so good at marketing they can sell ice to an Eskimo, it's natural they'd want to take advantage. So now they sell a crippled device for boat loads of cash and will make additional money selling 'accessories' that add capabilities it should have had to begin with. Who wouldn't want in that racket? Pure Genius!
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