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*** Official Motorola Droid X Pre-Release Thread***

So formerly a Droid Inc. pre-order person finally cancelled that order last night. So the only thing I have some reservations about now is the availability of this phone on the 15th. I can't Best Buy pre-order because I am early upgrading and the CSR I spoke to to cancel my Inc said they can't guarantee stock...also said they can't guarantee price which I thought was kinda odd.
Interesting tidbit of information I just found out: single lines can get an annual upgrade if they're on a plan of at least $50. The base plan itself has to be $50, not a combination of all the features, but all you have to do is either be on at least the 900 minute plan, or be on the 450 plan with unlimited texting.

I just purchased my Motorola Droid on 5/6/2010. Is there anyway by changing my plan, etc. that I would qualify to buy the Droid X at 199.00 with an upgrade?

I just would like to be sure all my options are covered before I pay the retail price on 7/15/2010.
That's a crazy low price, especially considering the AMOLED screen fiasco.

I know right, I guess since maybe they I believe make the screen it can be sold cheaper for them. Or maybe since they have their phone on all four US carriers, they can get away with it.
Found this thread/site yesterday, made an account just to post this.

I called verizion today to ask some questions I already knew the answer to thanks to you guys, but just to placate my mom I did it anyway. They mentioned the fact that they WILL be doing pre-orders for the Droid X. I giggled.
Anyone see this at BGR?

Still Image Capture, iPhone 4 v. DROID X Boy Genius Report

Something seems fishy. I know I've seen better X photos than the ones this guy took.


I don't know why anyone would look at pictures that aren't done by a professional for a comparison. There are so many things that could make it look off if you don't know what your doing it ridicules . For example was the camera held or on a tripod? If it was held it and you move the tiniest bit (like when you press the button) it will be off compared to one that you manage to not move on. Lighting is also big and if you don't know what your doing the shots can look terrible. And what if the picture taker is just plan bias? He/she could easily make one look worse than the other.

I think a lot of people out there are thinking they are going to be photographers just becasue they have an 8mp camera. You still have to know what's up to do good pictures. If you compare them you have to put them all on a level playing field like in a tripod same distance same light same time of day etc etc. I have yet to see or hear how the test comparison pictures were done and what the setup was.

So if your not pro photographer these camera are more than enough for the casual pictures taking, that most of us will be doing, and if you're a pro you aren't going to be using a phone camera. :D

that's my .02

Yeah, I just found that out about 10 minutes ago. ANGRY!! Anyone have any idea of my chances of getting one if I were to show up on launch day when they opened?

Also, you would think they would learn their lesson from countless other things being in high demand. For instance with cell phones, the DI and the Evo. Also with other things like the Wii and the Ps3 (after xmas 2009)
Yeah, I just found that out about 10 minutes ago. ANGRY!! Anyone have any idea of my chances of getting one if I were to show up on launch day when they opened?

Also, you would think they would learn their lesson from countless other things being in high demand. For instance with cell phones, the DI and the Evo. Also with other things like the Wii and the Ps3 (after xmas 2009)

I plan on getting to a store near my work (in the country compared to the rest of metro Atlanta) and getting there about 1 hour early.

I don't know why anyone would look at pictures that aren't done by a professional for a comparison. There are so many things that could make it look off if you don't know what your doing it ridicules . For example was the camera held or on a tripod? If it was held it and you move the tiniest bit (like when you press the button) it will be off compared to one that you manage to not move on. Lighting is also big and if you don't know what your doing the shots can look terrible. And what if the picture taker is just plan bias? He/she could easily make one look worse than the other.

I think a lot of people out there are thinking they are going to be photographers just becasue they have an 8mp camera. You still have to know what's up to do good pictures. If you compare them you have to put them all on a level playing field like in a tripod same distance same light same time of day etc etc. I have yet to see or hear how the test comparison pictures were done and what the setup was.

So if your not pro photographer these camera are more than enough for the casual pictures taking, that most of us will be doing, and if you're a pro you aren't going to be using a phone camera. :D

that's my .02

True, what was the ISO, brightness, etc settings?

Found this thread/site yesterday, made an account just to post this.

I called verizion today to ask some questions I already knew the answer to thanks to you guys, but just to placate my mom I did it anyway. They mentioned the fact that they WILL be doing pre-orders for the Droid X. I giggled.

Nothing official from VZW yet about a pre order. Maybe 12:01 on the 15th? What time zone is VZW headquarters in?
Also, you would think they would learn their lesson from countless other things being in high demand. For instance with cell phones, the DI and the Evo. Also with other things like the Wii and the Ps3 (after xmas 2009)

I don't know how much of this is a ploy to get more hype, but I plan to get to the store about 7:30 on the 15th (1.5 hrs before open) and sitting in my car if there isn't already a line. I have planned that since the day I decided I wanted the X.

If the line is insane or I don't get one for some reason, I will be going home to order online. :)
I don't know how much of this is a ploy to get more hype, but I plan to get to the store about 7:30 on the 15th (1.5 hrs before open) and sitting in my car if there isn't already a line. I have planned that since the day I decided I wanted the X.

If the line is insane or I don't get one for some reason, I will be going home to order online. :)

Looks like we will be doing the same thing...if I have a car by then. Don't judge me, I'm still in high school so it takes me a while to be able to afford things! haha
I don't know why anyone would look at pictures that aren't done by a professional for a comparison. There are so many things that could make it look off if you don't know what your doing it ridicules . For example was the camera held or on a tripod? If it was held it and you move the tiniest bit (like when you press the button) it will be off compared to one that you manage to not move on. Lighting is also big and if you don't know what your doing the shots can look terrible. And what if the picture taker is just plan bias? He/she could easily make one look worse than the other.........

I just noticed the post and thought it was interesting that the X photos were all poorly taken, when I know I've seen better from it.
Sounds like strategic marketing by Verizon and Motorola if you ask me. Build up fake shortage rumor and have people lining up for some good media attention on the 15th. They're going after Apple.

It's BS for sure. The people over in the BB pre order thread have been like 2nd or 3rd on the list, the highest being like 16th, and it basically doesn't sound like they had that much demand and now today they suddenly stop??? I think someone made them stop. :eek:
It's BS for sure. The people over in the BB pre order thread have been like 2nd or 3rd on the list, the highest being like 16th, and it basically doesn't sound like they had that much demand and now today they suddenly stop??? I think someone made them stop. :eek:

There were only 8 at my nearest store, but the guy said he was hoping he would get 10 in. Only 10! Why would Moto/VZW do this to their customers? I am doubting this is really the case, but i have to get there early just in case it is truly this limited.
There were only 8 at my nearest store, but the guy said he was hoping he would get 10 in. Only 10! Why would Moto/VZW do this to their customers? I am doubting this is really the case, but i have to get there early just in case it is truly this limited.

Because they want them to buy the phones from a Verizon store or online. You have to figure BB gets some of the $$ from the sale.

But then again, I have no idea.
Because they want them to buy the phones from a Verizon store or online. You have to figure BB gets some of the $$ from the sale.

But then again, I have no idea.

True. Though if VZW wanted me to buy from them then all they have to do is let me pre-order and guarantee my phone will be there around noon on launch day when I would prefer to pick it up instead of 7AM :rolleyes: silly VZW
Big, but old. We were told this much earlier.:cool:

Well then it was a pretty well kept secret... I've been combing these forums non-stop and I didn't see anyone say that they had seen solid confirmation that this phone had GG. Most people assumed it would, but AFIAK this is the first actual confirmation that it actually does. There would be little reason for BGR to put that line in there if this had previously been confirmed by Motorola or Verizon. Additionally, you'll notice a flurry of postings similar to my post that you responded to: I'm pretty confident that this wouldn't be happening if it was previously confirmed.
Well then it was a pretty well kept secret... I've been combing these forums non-stop and I didn't see anyone say that they had seen solid confirmation that this phone had GG. Most people assumed it would, but AFIAK this is the first actual confirmation that it actually does. There would be little reason for BGR to put that line in there if this had previously been confirmed by Motorola or Verizon. Additionally, you'll notice a flurry of postings similar to my post that you responded to: I'm pretty confident that this wouldn't be happening if it was previously confirmed.

See posts #14 and 20

And #106 here

No big deal. Just getting tired of seeing it asked over and over in several places.
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