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***Official Samsung Fascinate Pre-Release Thread***

September 9th is the new date being thrown around

That's good to hear, but is it still going to be nerfed with only 2GB of storage built in? Why would Verizon do that when the other variants have up to 16GB of built in memory? Even 8 would be enough, but 2?? I know all the "blah blah" about being able to store things on your SD card instead, but I don't like the idea of taking out my card to do something with it or put something on it, only to have half my apps vanish with it. 2GB, if true, will be a total dealbreaker.

The conspiracy theorist in me says it's just Verizon giving the finger to any droid that's not from their lawfully wedded spouse, a.k.a. Motorola. I can't imagine Samsung doing this of their own intent.
That's good to hear, but is it still going to be nerfed with only 2GB of storage built in? Why would Verizon do that when the other variants have up to 16GB of built in memory? Even 8 would be enough, but 2?? I know all the "blah blah" about being able to store things on your SD card instead, but I don't like the idea of taking out my card to do something with it or put something on it, only to have half my apps vanish with it. 2GB, if true, will be a total dealbreaker.

The conspiracy theorist in me says it's just Verizon giving the finger to any droid that's not from their lawfully wedded spouse, a.k.a. Motorola. I can't imagine Samsung doing this of their own intent.

You might be misunderstanding. Hopefully you are, because otherwise that would suck!

You see, the Vibrant for example has 16gb built in, however 2gb are dedicated to aps. That leaves 14 gb left over.y

You probably misunderstood, whatever post you read, probably meant it had 2gb built in for aps, which is true. however, there is 14 gb left over!

I hope so at least!
You might be misunderstanding. Hopefully you are, because otherwise that would suck!

You see, the Vibrant for example has 16gb built in, however 2gb are dedicated to aps. That leaves 14 gb left over.y

You probably misunderstood, whatever post you read, probably meant it had 2gb built in for aps, which is true. however, there is 14 gb left over!

I hope so at least!
On most websites, it says there is 2GB of internal memory and a 16GB microSD that comes pre-installed.
You might be misunderstanding. Hopefully you are, because otherwise that would suck!

You see, the Vibrant for example has 16gb built in, however 2gb are dedicated to aps. That leaves 14 gb left over.y

You probably misunderstood, whatever post you read, probably meant it had 2gb built in for aps, which is true. however, there is 14 gb left over!

I hope so at least!

Yeah 2 gb with 16 gb card preinstalled. I dont see what the big deal is i mean you can store all your pictures and music to your card and unless you have a ton of apps you will be fine with the 2gb internal memory. If not then dont get this phone.
Yeah 2 gb with 16 gb card preinstalled. I dont see what the big deal is i mean you can store all your pictures and music to your card and unless you have a ton of apps you will be fine with the 2gb internal memory. If not then dont get this phone.

Even then, when 2.2 comes out you can to store apps on the SD...or you can root it and do it sooner.
What exactly is the problem with Bing? I keep seeing everyone's disgust about having Bing as the search function. Why does everyone hate it so much?
What exactly is the problem with Bing? I keep seeing everyone's disgust about having Bing as the search function. Why does everyone hate it so much?
Not all search engines are created equal.
Google just has a better indexing and searching algorithm, one reason they are easily the No. 1 in the market.
Another thing is, this is personal, if I buy a Google phone, I expect google be the search engine, also since according to the brochure, you can't change it (without a root or a custom ROM that is).
So Bing just doesn't work? Or it doesn't work as well as Google does?

Having been with BlackBerry when VZW started pushing bing on everyone, I can say that I went into it with an open mind, but shortly there after, I realized two things.
1. being that google is miles ahead of bing
2. being that I didn't like being forced to use what VZW told me to use. (there was no way to get rid of it on the BB platform)
This move by VZW/RIM was the begging of the end of me and BB
yeah idk why people are stressing this so much.

With a healthy selection of ringtones, wallpapers, books, and apps, I want to be able to fit the main ones I always want on the phone - ON THE PHONE. I know it's not a big deal when SD cards are plentiful these days, and large and speedy.

I just don't want to lose primary content, apps, main ringtones, etc. when I take out the memory card, for WHATEVER reason. Maybe I want to slap in a friend's SD card to grab some pictures. I wouldn't want wallpapers or ringtones or apps to disappear temporarily when I do that.
Having been with BlackBerry when VZW started pushing bing on everyone, I can say that I went into it with an open mind, but shortly there after, I realized two things.
1. being that google is miles ahead of bing
2. being that I didn't like being forced to use what VZW told me to use. (there was no way to get rid of it on the BB platform)
This move by VZW/RIM was the begging of the end of me and BB

Can't remove bing without rooting?? Really??? Dang. That plus the 2GB memory are making me sway more towards the Droid X... grrr... why can't things just be clear cut??
Yeah 2 gb with 16 gb card preinstalled. I dont see what the big deal is i mean you can store all your pictures and music to your card and unless you have a ton of apps you will be fine with the 2gb internal memory. If not then dont get this phone.

Oh no so it is true? AHHHHH. Well I guess the Vibrant spoiled me. It has 16gb built in, with 2 gigs dedicated to aps, and an external sd card upgradable to 32. for a total of 48

how sad, i'm slightly saddened by this news. are you guys sure the 16gb is not internal? How about the external, what is the maximim you can upgrade it to?

Awww :( I guess I can chear up, it has a flash, but then again, I wish it had a flash and internal 16gb of memory
Can't remove bing without rooting?? Really??? Dang. That plus the 2GB memory are making me sway more towards the Droid X... grrr... why can't things just be clear cut??

OMG I know!
In my opinion the perfect galaxy s phone would have the following:

Led Indicator
Flash for the camera
16gb built in
No BING, or at least give the option to uninstall bing and install google w/o root
Also make a varient with keyboard and one without.

what else what else, I think thats it. That would be perfect! It seems like no one varient of the galaxy s phone is perfect, they all are missing something. For example my vibrant has no flash. no biggie but would have been nice to have it.
OMG I know!
In my opinion the perfect galaxy s phone would have the following:

Led Indicator
Flash for the camera
16gb built in
No BING, or at least give the option to uninstall bing and install google w/o root
Also make a varient with keyboard and one without.

what else what else, I think thats it. That would be perfect! It seems like no one varient of the galaxy s phone is perfect, they all are missing something. For example my vibrant has no flash. no biggie but would have been nice to have it.

I was really impressed with the screen (of the Vibrant and Captivate of course). And I like that it is more rounded (pocket friendly) and no bulge (also pocket friendly). But the Droid X (from what I've read) has a clear lead in battery life. In addition, it won't have Bing, is getting Froyo extremely soon, had HDMI output (with at least stereo audio - just fine to hook up to a client's flat panel TV for a quick presentation or workshop - RIGHT OFF MY PHONE, in hi-res ... yes, that's right, I said PHONE!), and it has quadruple the internal memory for apps and content that I always want on the phone, rather than having to have some apps and some frequently used content on a card I might take out.

It would've still been a tough choice even with 8 or 16 GB of internal storage, but the Bing crap (I KNOW you can root and get rid of it - shouldn't have to! Whole point of an "open" android system!) And Samsung is promising Froyo by the end of the year??? So I have to either root the phone or wait until who knows when to be able to start tapping the true performance of my phone.

I've already had some pretty crappy experience with Samsung (Omnia owner) and HTC (Eris owner ... I really know how to pick 'em!) But get this, my original Razr, and second Razr (v3m) still work, albeit slowly, but every blasted feature still works fine on those phones. They were slower than snot, but they worked good and didn't freeze up all the time like my Omnia and Eris do. And when someone called, and I hit the stupid answer button, I could actually start talking to the person calling me.

I'm the type that typically likes to vote with my wallet, and where Samsung and HTC have kinda sorta failed to "take care of me" in the past, but Motorola has not, I'm a little more inclined to shell out the dinars for a Droid X.

If it doesn't work out, or I try a Fascinate and LOVE it, indicators are that it's coming down the pipe within my 30 day window, so I can switch.

Two things would make me consider switching:
1. A safe, easy, non-root required way to switch back to Google.
2. The micro USB to HDMI actually exists, shows up on someone's door and proves to work well with the Galaxy S phones.

Unless I hate the Droid X, only BOTH of the conditions above would be able to sway me back to the Samsung. I was originally leaning toward the Fascinate, especially after one of my best friends raving about his Captivate's awesomeness and seeing the screens in person. But the limitations its been given, combined with other factors mentioned above, and a lot of reading and research, I ended up ordering the Droid X last night.

I'll keep y'all posted. I won't be able to compare the DX personally to the Fascinate until we get Fascinates in our hands, but I can certainly compare it to other Galaxy S phones my friends have when it comes in. I know you guys can find all sorts of comparisons online already, but I think the combination of comprehensive user opinions and feedback over a wider audience can really help one decide what one wants in a device and make a more educated decision. I didn't do enough of that research before getting the Omnia or the Eris, and boy am I sorry I did.
I don't think having Bing pre-installed is that big of a deal. It is simply a widget. You can just move it off the home screen if you don't like to see it or use it. You cannot uninstall it without rooting the device. But I don't see any big urge to have to uninstall Bing completely.

I am not planning to root my device. Mobile phone is not my line of work and the mobile phone knowledge does not pay my bills. Therefore, I don't want to spend too much time troubleshooting it.

I will simply download Google Search and put it on the home screen. Whenever I want to do a search, I can simply click on the Google Search icon on the home screen. It is really no big deal.

The most important part is that it does have Turn-by-Turn Google Navigation and that's all matter to me.

In my humble opinion, it is not wise to be the first in line to buy an electronic device, any device, at the initial launch. You should wait a couple weeks and see how it pans out, then go and buy it. :)
I don't think having Bing pre-installed is that big of a deal. It is simply a widget. You can just move it off the home screen if you don't like to see it or use it. You cannot uninstall it without rooting the device. But I don't see any big urge to have to uninstall Bing completely.

I am not planning to root my device. Mobile phone is not my line of work and the mobile phone knowledge does not pay my bills. Therefore, I don't want to spend too much time troubleshooting it.

I will simply download Google Search and put it on the home screen. Whenever I want to do a search, I can simply click on the Google Search icon on the home screen. It is really no big deal.

The most important part is that it does have Turn-by-Turn Google Navigation and that's all matter to me.

In my humble opinion, it is not wise to be the first in line to buy an electronic device, any device, at the initial launch. You should wait a couple weeks and see how it pans out, then go and buy it. :)

I think it comes default with VZ Navigator. You'll have to install Google from the Market. And I admitted on another thread that Bing preinstalled is not a big deal, but not being able to uninstall it without rooting kind of goes against what the Google OS stands for, in my opinion. Great, it comes shipped with the phone, encouraging android users to give Bing a try and adding competition to the mix. That's wonderful. I like competition. But I should be able to remove it from my phone easily if I wish.

Doesn't crap like this make the phone more like an Apple phone and less like a true Google phone? "Everything iDon't, Droid Does." Isn't that the main reason so many are going after android devices? They are supposed to be less locked down.

Anyways, I'm not happy about Motoblur either, but from what I've read, it's a far less intrusive implementation than previous iterations, and it doesn't seem to lag the phone one bit.

We'll just have to see. I should be getting my DX this week. When the Fascinate comes out, I'll do some side-by-side comparisons big time. If I love the sammy that much more, I'll be able to switch. I sure appreciate all the inputs and comments here though.
Doesn't crap like this make the phone more like an Apple phone and less like a true Google phone? "Everything iDon't, Droid Does." Isn't that the main reason so many are going after android devices? They are supposed to be less locked down.

Technically, not all Android devices are Droids. Only the ones dubbed with the Droid moniker are. Moto Droid 1 and 2, Droid x and Droid Incredible. But yes, Android devices are supposed to be more open than the Iphone.
...Doesn't crap like this make the phone more like an Apple phone and less like a true Google phone? "Everything iDon't, Droid Does." Isn't that the main reason so many are going after android devices? They are supposed to be less locked down.
But isn't it the beauty of Android? With all these customization by vendors, it is still far more open than iOS? :) Frankly, it does not bother me at all.

Anyways, I'm not happy about Motoblur either, but from what I've read, it's a far less intrusive implementation than previous iterations, and it doesn't seem to lag the phone one bit.
But it bricked the phone when you are installing custom ROM....
But isn't it the beauty of Android? With all these customization by vendors, it is still far more open than iOS? :) Frankly, it does not bother me at all.

But it bricked the phone when you are installing custom ROM....
It is the beauty of Android. But the sad part is that it is only open to the phone manufacturers but not the end users (at least initially).
I am not sure if this is a good idea to call this guy out like this, but sund0wn apparently has had the phone for a few weeks now. So if you have any questions about the Fascinate, head over to this thread.

He answered all my questions very thoroughly. What a great help.
I should probably ask sund0wn, but I'm seeing conflicting reports on:


Some sources are saying 384 MB (or at least less than 512 MB) and others have said 512 MB.

I could've sworn the onboard memory was 2 GB but I saw another reference to 8 GB.

Both spec sheets were for the Fascinate.

Can anyone confirm? The Best Buy pre-order site does not have those specs listed.
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