I have for 20+ years
really respected
David Brooks, (among numerous other) (
sensible) Republicans, (ask me for the list, why dontcha')?
Brooks is no dummy, in fact he's
very smart, (regardless of how his opinions often differ from mine). He represents the sensible middle, the very thing which has made this glorious country function so well through it's history; And this nation will continue to do so if allowed to, and not hijacked by loudmouth, ill informed, conspiracy theory driven reactionaries.
Brooks, was a self described
liberal in his younger years, until (in his own words) "coming to his senses", and spending the balance of his life as a Republican.
"If you define conservative by support for the
Republican candidate, or the belief that tax cuts are the correct answer to all problems, I guess I don’t fit that agenda. But I do think that I’m part of a longstanding conservative tradition that has to do with
Edmund Burke ... and
Alexander Hamilton."
He is a regular fixture on the News Hour (PBS), (Noncommercial, no drama discussions, among
intelligent people from both sides, unfolding on camera, for the benefit of those of us with attention spans which don't require commercial breaks or silly front page memes to comfort us.) He consistently comes off as bright and articulate, even if he has views which differ significantly from my own. I can respect him, where others I cannot.
He has written many intelligent pieces over the years from a Republican point of view, for
reputable news sources;
Not the kind of embarrassing "post fact politics" s**t rags which many deplorables get their entire skewed and ill informed view of the world from. Many of his pieces have challenged my own views, and as a result, lead me to grow over the years.
This recent one comes to mind.
And recently he said of trump supporters (can't find link at moment, but from recent NY Times article , paraphrasing)
You aren't voting for Barry Goldwater here........You are voting for something well beyond Joe McCarthy.
Listen to today's radio episode of "This American Life"....(Can't find link, only aired earlier today, hope to dig up).
trump supporters should be
embarrassed by believing the transparently and demonstrably obvious lies that he spouts; They gladly swallow them as if there is any truth there.
Many years ago, I listened to Rush Limburger.......I did it every day, by
choice, much to the discomfort of my parents, for two years or so. But in the words of David Brooks, I "came to my senses"; I grew up, I realised what transparently silly, primitive, manipulative media tactics he was using to shape my opinions; A sound effect here and there, the flat out lies he was peddling as truth. Falsely representing the views of my Democratic opponents on the other side of the aisle. Presenting desperately flawed logic and opinions as fact. I am now simply
embarrassed to think that I was actually foolish enough to fall for it, for a brief time.
trump supporters, I know you
think you are awake, but you
only think you are awake; And just like donald........The fact that you think it, no matter how many times you repeat the lie.......It d
oesn't make it true. You are being manipulated, for political gain. And you would not share in the benefit of his increasingly unlikely presidency.
The man-child is a
cancer on all that is humanity; And (also) the single largest threat to this republic since its inception, (if that matters even a little to you).
And if you think that a vote for him doesn't represents a permanent,
treasonous black mark upon your very soul........You should think again.