Hahahaha. Well for me, the main selling point of the Note 2 is its size, so the lack of options isn't as upsetting. I don't know how to describe in words how much of a relief it is to finally come across a device with a large enough screen that I can type on the virtual keyboard with my big mitts with few to no errors, and still feels natural to hold as a phone. A 3ft x 8ft banner with "FINALLY!!!" written across it comes close, but still doesn't quite cut it.
Wireless charging hasn't gained any appeal for me yet, because the device is still required to be within "x" amount of range (usually within 12 inches) of the charging station for the "wireless" function to work anyway, which defeats the purpose, to me. With the phone needing to be on or near the station, which needs to be within cord range of an outlet, why not just plug the phone in with an adaptor?
As we've seen, receiving an update for the multi-view is (thankfully) not a matter of "if" but "when". However, as we've also seen, occasionally that "when" can span months or more. Optimist that I am though, I believe that the update will be out before the end of 2012. If memory serves, the international version only saw a month or two between people first discovering the missing function, and an update release.
With the no sim access issue, I can understand how that would be seen as a bone-head move on Sprint's part, to put things politely.

I don't do any international travelling myself, and don't think I will be any time soon, but if I did, I would definitely want the ability to swap out sim cards so I wasn't paying an arm and a leg for voice and data usage while abroad. Unfortunately, it was Sprint's decision, and I think they made the decision out of greed, which probably won't change any time soon.