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Random Thought Thread

What if Google lets the android community name the next os? Like they just say or spread a rumor that a new android update is coming and the community just thinks of a name and it sticks?.. Oh, snap.. I just made a conspiracy theory!... I have a lot of free time Haha.
I was going to post some sad quote from a song, but then I read Prinny's post and smiled too big. Sad song quote will wait until tomorrow's random thought. :)

On an unrelated note, an older relative called today. We talked for nearly an hour. I hope she's okay. I don't think everyone's honest with me all the time, lies by omission and all that jazz.
So I dunno if I got myself a new job today - it all happened rather quickly. 10:30AM I get an initial call about the job. 4 hours later I'm doing a telephone interview.

Within 15 mins after that I think they offered me a job.

Does it usually happen just that bloody fast...?

Feel like I've been hit by a semi...
Next time at work you hear something about a scorpion pepper, do not laugh and say its not that bad. Do not try it. Just walk away. Blehhh.
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