Android Expert
Played a gig last weekend. Great attendance, but, parking is a pain, like in most capital cities. I had to move to a parking garage, or risk being towed due to a valet service. What a pain. I drove to what I thought was the correct garage, and I ended up exiting a hotel across the street from my gig. Talk about confused internal GPS. Thank goodness the same security company handled all the nearby garages, or I would've been hit with an exorbitant fee (it was free, but the security guy got bribed by a pizza I was supposed to take home - I hope he liked gluten-free). What really grinds my gears? When parking is free after 5 pm, and you have to move your car because of a valet service that was sponsored by a Lexus car dealer... the Focus is definitely not a Lexus, but, why should my parking rights end where a glorified Toyota's begins? Grrrrr...!
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Wait!! You play ???
Would live to hear your music!!