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Rant Thread - What really grinds your gears?

The funny thing is, people are saying it wrong & a lot of people hearing it said wrong (saying thing instead of think) don't even know it's wrong. Just goes to show how our language is getting fractured and people don't even realize or care much anymore. But it still bugs me, & I'm sure it always will.

Stuff like that is right up there with people who say "rel-a-tor" instead of "realtor", or "jew-la-ry" instead of jewelry... etc. Don't get me wrong, I'm FAR from perfect in my language use, but this stuff still drives me nuts :D
There is a lovely pair of cracks in the top center of my laptop screen.

Looks like I no longer have a touchscreen. :(
Change a noun into a verb. The worst one I've heard is embroidery.

That's a decoration. A lot of people say or write "I can embroidery that"

The verb is embroider!

You can embroider tall tales and stories. You don't embroidery them.
Change a noun into a verb. The worst one I've heard is embroidery.

That's a decoration. A lot of people say or write "I can embroidery that"

The verb is embroider!

You can embroider tall tales and stories. You don't embroidery them.

I'm going to liked this post... :p
Change a noun into a verb. The worst one I've heard is embroidery.

That's a decoration. A lot of people say or write "I can embroidery that"

The verb is embroider!

You can embroider tall tales and stories. You don't embroidery them.

Hmm, let me Google that...:p
The funny thing is, people are saying it wrong & a lot of people hearing it said wrong (saying thing instead of think) don't even know it's wrong. Just goes to show how our language is getting fractured and people don't even realize or care much anymore. But it still bugs me, & I'm sure it always will.

Stuff like that is right up there with people who say "rel-a-tor" instead of "realtor", or "jew-la-ry" instead of jewelry... etc. Don't get me wrong, I'm FAR from perfect in my language use, but this stuff still drives me nuts :D

The examples that you just provided are correct, PattiCake.... however, you're missing the point about the phrase "You've got another think coming". It was a 'catch-phrase' that was used before World War Two. The YouTube link above is one demonstration; and, many of our elders before us didn't speak English in a grammatically-correct fashion - British or American. So, here's the grammatically-correct version:
"You've got another thought coming". The word 'realtor' having the same amount of syllables as the cartoon character "Skeletor" is distressing, however... still, most American English spoken gets corrupted by dialect. Like, "You'se guys" in New Jersey; "You-ins" in Western Pennsylvania, and, "Y'all" in the South. Rest easy, PattiCake - it's happening everywhere - LW

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WOW was I in a mood!:o Although I'm feeling much better now that I had something to eat, I'm still in a mood:rolleyes:and it's all everybody else's fault!!!! It's one of those day's where I'm feeling overwhelmed and tired and my friend is seriously getting on my last nerve right now....she calls and texts me CONSTANTLY!!! seriously...it's getting bad and I'll have to say something...which I don't want to because she is soooo touchy as it is:mad: but it's out of control....I don't answer my phone when I'm in the store or busy or etc...so leave a message...but NO...she will call over and over and over and text me "where are ya?" and ugh.....I have TWO people who do this to me on a regular basis..honestly....4 missed calls and 2 texts on my cell and 2 home phone hang ups from her and it's only 2PM!! and this is not unusual....shoot!!!!!! I hate being forced into confrontation...but it's ridiculous....hubby says if I ever go missing....he's sure she will have killed me and is dancing around in a suit made from my skin! (he's joking of course) but still....it's out of hand

edit...make that three texts and another missed call.... ughghghghghgh
Call her + text her with these words: "I want you to stop. You are terrorizing my life. Stop or I will block this number. You are my friend but this is way beyond the limits. "
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Call her + text her with these words: "I want you to stop. You are terrorizing my life. Stop or I will block this number. You are my friend but this is way beyond the limits. "

terrorizing!!! yes that is it!! I couldn't find the right word!!! Thank you
WOW was I in a mood!:o Although I'm feeling much better now that I had something to eat, I'm still in a mood:rolleyes:and it's all everybody else's fault!!!! It's one of those day's where I'm feeling overwhelmed and tired and my friend is seriously getting on my last nerve right now....she calls and texts me CONSTANTLY!!! seriously...it's getting bad and I'll have to say something...which I don't want to because she is soooo touchy as it is:mad: but it's out of control....I don't answer my phone when I'm in the store or busy or etc...so leave a message...but NO...she will call over and over and over and text me "where are ya?" and ugh.....I have TWO people who do this to me on a regular basis..honestly....4 missed calls and 2 texts on my cell and 2 home phone hang ups from her and it's only 2PM!! and this is not unusual....shoot!!!!!! I hate being forced into confrontation...but it's ridiculous....hubby says if I ever go missing....he's sure she will have killed me and is dancing around in a suit made from my skin! (he's joking of course) but still....it's out of hand

edit...make that three texts and another missed call.... ughghghghghgh

It sounds like your texting/calling friend is a handful :rolleyes:... but, if you continue to allow things to go on as they are... you will eventually have to create what my therapist calls 'boundaries' - if only to keep your own sanity. :) Good luck - LW

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When people switch lanes without turning on their signal, or right as they turn they turn on their signal as I'm coming up on their blind spot. Then I have to step on the brake hoping the guy behind me stops in time.

People, driving isn't hard, just don't be a jerk when driving.
When people switch lanes without turning on their signal, or right as they turn they turn on their signal as I'm coming up on their blind spot. Then I have to step on the brake hoping the guy behind me stops in time.

People, driving isn't hard, just don't be a jerk when driving.

Not as bad as the ones who signal a right turn and make a left turn instead.
Usually happens when there's a lot of signs for garage sales.
When you live - where I live - in rural North Carolina, you have the folks that signal left with their directionals, and turn right... then, you have the people who won't use a turn signal at all... or, you get stuck behind a stinky hog or chicken truck (not recommended). Or, worse - you get stuck behind a tractor going 18 mph, and since you're on a two-lane country road, you can't pass them until the left lane with oncoming traffic clears. Ah, country life...

Being from the city as a youngster, I miss the hustle and bustle. My family moved toward the Cape (Cape Cod, MA) when I was an early teen; so, I got my first taste of rural living. Yet, you were close to Route 3 - which meant that you could hop on to Route 3, then, to Route 128 to get back to where you belong, if only for a visit.

What I notice now, more often than not, is that people who drive believe that they are within their own sovereign nations when they're inside their vehicles. Talking on smartphones while their speed usually drops, manipulating their tablets, ad infinitum. Drivers don't seem to respect the rights of other drivers, and for motorcycle riders (I used to be one), it can be dangerous.

Cars are now equipped with nanny-gadgets that keep you from wandering out of your lane, and warn you about cars in your blind spot. The more pricey vehicles will even stop the car for you, should you be getting ready to rear-end someone else's car. As I've posted before, technology is wonderful - but when it removes accountability and responsibility, I'm not so sure about that. I suppose I feel that way because when I was a kid, you could be a kid - no bicycle helmets, car seat belts were there, but never worn.

Yet, most of us survived. Amazing, isn't it?

Back to the subject of rural driving. People on both sides of the road will stop where they are, to engage in conversation - traffic be damned (even the police!). If you honk your horn, they'll leave - while giving you the one finger salute, after making you wait. The police, however, will usually pull off to let you continue.

Thank you for being tolerant of my ramblings within this forum - LW :)
If anyone thinks that I'm going to change my incorrect use of a popular phrase, they have another Thing coming.

Cleaning the long black hairs from my white marble floor, yet again.

This is the second time I've read about the hairs on your marble floor... is this a simile, or a metaphor? Please don't tell us you're brushing your teeth with a comb... or, if it is a statement in metaphor, I hope you have a better day - LW

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Female students seem to moult a lot when learning English. Perhaps male students do as well, but they usually have very short hair. Perhaps I should put a black mat down, wouldn't notice it then.
Female students seem to moult a lot when learning English. Perhaps male students do as well, but they usually have very short hair. Perhaps I should put a black mat down, wouldn't notice it then.

Marble floors at the school, eh? Stateside, that would only happen at the schools where the top 1% money earners' kids attend... very interesting... have a good non-moulting day, mikedt - LW

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Tomorrow, it's street music time; and goodness knows, we need the money... wish me a bountiful harvest, good luck, and all of that... my voice feels strong, and I'm bringing both of my guitars - acoustic and electric, and my produced tunes for the electric part of the show. I'll be on the corner of Martin and Fayetteville streets in downtown Raleigh, NC... spread the word. Love to everyone - LW

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