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Rant Thread - What really grinds your gears?

Tomorrow, it's street music time; and goodness knows, we need the money... wish me a bountiful harvest, good luck, and all of that... my voice feels strong, and I'm bringing both of my guitars - acoustic and electric, and my produced tunes for the electric part of the show. I'll be on the corner of Martin and Fayetteville streets in downtown Raleigh, NC... spread the word. Love to everyone - LW

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People who don't turn off their button-press click on their phones. About half of my department have iphones provided from our employer & they don't seem to know they can turn that sound off, or maybe they don't know how. Or maybe they like the sound, but I don't really see why anyone needs to hear a "click" with every button press, when typing a text or email or whatever.

Kinda feel the same about the shutter sound when taking a picture, I don't see any reason for that but that might be just me.

I see this a lot more with iphones than with android or any other phones.
People who don't turn off their button-press click on their phones. About half of my department have iphones provided from our employer & they don't seem to know they can turn that sound off, or maybe they don't know how. Or maybe they like the sound, but I don't really see why anyone needs to hear a "click" with every button press, when typing a text or email or whatever.

Kinda feel the same about the shutter sound when taking a picture, I don't see any reason for that but that might be just me.

I see this a lot more with iphones than with android or any other phones.

I remember my first iMac running OS9, and there was a sound for any button pressed, screen opening, all of it... it drove me bug@#*! after a matter of days... PattiCake, remember one thing about most Americans: many of them are too lazy to change their sound profile - iOS or Android. Yet, they're the ones with a flat battery at the end of the day. Leaving a phone in screen off mode doesn't mean you'll miss a call or text... but, you already know that. Good for you :) - LW

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remember one thing about most Americans: many of them are too lazy to change their sound profile

That's kind of my point... :p


And speaking of low batteries (you mentioned it but I cut that part of your quote out) & isn't meant as an Apple vs. Android thing, it was just something I thought was interesting that I overheard at work today. One of coworkers is a big Mac guy... not a "Big Mac" or even a LARGE man who prefers Mac's... I guess it would be more accurate to say he's a huge fan of Apple products. :D ... so anyway -

Today he shows up with his daughter's old iphone 4 because she just got an iphone 6 & he got her hand-me-down. I overheard heard him across the hall, talking to the woman he shares a cubicle with - he was trying to figure out why on earth his battery was draining so fast since turning it on today when he hadn't even used it very much? I then overheard her telling him he has to make sure he goes into the Task Manager (or whatever it's called on iphones) & manually close every app on a regular basis throughout the day, to keep the phone from draining so fast. I have no idea if that was a legit thing for her to tell him (she also has an iphone, so I can only assume so?) but it struck me funny.

But then again, I'm pretty easily amused :ridinghorse:
People who don't turn off their button-press click on their phones. About half of my department have iphones provided from our employer & they don't seem to know they can turn that sound off, or maybe they don't know how. Or maybe they like the sound, but I don't really see why anyone needs to hear a "click" with every button press, when typing a text or email or whatever.

Kinda feel the same about the shutter sound when taking a picture, I don't see any reason for that but that might be just me.

I see this a lot more with iphones than with android or any other phones.

It's legal reasons, some countries and jurisdictions require digital cameras to make a sound when taking pictures. And it could become law in the US as well at sometime.
"Camera Phone Predator Alert Act."

I can mute the camera shutter sound with CyanogenMod, but there's many manufacturer firmwares where it can't be muted.

Sometimes when I'm posing for a photo, which often happens here, I prefer it if the camera-phone makes a sound, so I know they've actually taken the picture instead of just fiddling about. Obviously with traditional film cameras, always knew when the picture was taken .
Then I'm not most Americans. I never use whatever sounds are on the phone. I hate things making noises at me, wanting attention. I prefer the most outrageous ringtones I can find.

I do let the camera shutter click so I know the camera took a picture.

The speakers are muted on the laptop and desktop computers. The sound scheme in Windows is NONE. (you can select that)

My boss used Quickbooks to pay bills - My desk was below his on the first floor. All I heard was that damn "beeeep-beep" everytime he did a transaction. He loved the noise. I know when the Vulcan has turned his computer on and off and I'm downstairs. (Windows noises again)

The general consensus is - Android, Apple, MS put it there for a reason.
It's legal reasons, some countries and jurisdictions require digital cameras to make a sound when taking pictures.

Yep, I know why it's there when you get a new phone from the factory, but I wish people would just turn off the keypress sound & camera shutter sound. The shutter sound is far less annoying to me than all the keypresses though.
I leave it on. The phone isn't always handy. I use a holster and the seat belt in the truck covers the phone. Plus I like loud music. If I'm doing crafts or baking, the phone is out of reach of glue and grease. I can hear it all over the house. Certain people have special rings, and so do businesses. If it's the generic ring, I don't answer
If you turn in a box containing 1,800 pages of unsorted documents to your tax accountant just a few days before the October 15th deadline, do the world a favor and go end your life.

Saturdays suck.
If you turn in a box containing 1,800 pages of unsorted documents to your tax accountant just a few days before the October 15th deadline, do the world a favor and go end your life.

Saturdays suck.

This guy looks a lot like Dick Cheney... but deadlines of the tax variety do, indeed, truly suck.

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There's an understatement if I ever heard one.

Hell, I remember when public toilets cost 10 cents (USA). You put the dime in the slot, and turned the handle (or, if you were without funds, you crawled under the door). Now, we pay for water (bottled water, as well as municipal water). Even back 'in the day', public rest rooms (toilets & sinks) could peel paint off of the walls from the smell alone... some things will never change... regardless of your geographic location. Some cultures (mikedt should know this one) don't flush toilet paper, if it is used (usually due to substandard plumbing). This discussion is one way to kill time, I suppose... LW

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If you turn in a box containing 1,800 pages of unsorted documents to your tax accountant just a few days before the October 15th deadline, do the world a favor and go end your life.

Saturdays suck.


I feel your pain...
People that post tons of pics of inspirational quotes on FB. I don't like it. You're annoying.

And 99% of the people who do it are folks in dead-end lives. The ones that I grew up with that never did anything beyond high school and are now living in the trailer parks.
People that post tons of pics of inspirational quotes on FB. I don't like it. You're annoying.

And 99% of the people who do it are folks in dead-end lives. The ones that I grew up with that never did anything beyond high school and are now living in the trailer parks.

When all is lost....remember...we are all but.....wait what?:D


or the people with the political agenda who constantly post crap that takes every ounce of willpower I have NOT to call them out...um...yeah....I KNOW what you did last summer...:D
The Target "cartwheel" app annoys me. It's inconvenient to have to scan all the things I put in my cart, just give me the discounted price & stop making me futz with the stupid app while I'm trying to shop. Shopping in general annoys me (I thought women were supposed to like shopping? but it always puts me in a crabby mood)

Then I got to my car with 3 bags of stuff, & someone parked really close so I had to be uber careful to not ding their door.. they're SO lucky I was careful, considering my mood at the time :D
When all is lost....remember...we are all but.....wait what?:D


or the people with the political agenda who constantly post crap that takes every ounce of willpower I have NOT to call them out...um...yeah....I KNOW what you did last summer...:D

huh, all I can say about the post before yours comes from my post's title:

"Why can't we all just get along?"

I live in a single-wide trailer. The land is plentiful, as it takes about two hours on a lawn tractor with a 46" cut. My education, while not stellar, can keep up with more than many. I'm disabled, but, I won't let that stop my music. I have opinions, and I have espoused them aplenty within these forums. I have been, on occasion, gently reminded by our moderators that there are limits.

I follow the rules.

You do, too. You've always been kind to me, even when I shared my "cat opinions". Kindness is in short supply in these times that we live in, but all I have to say is this:

Pay it forward. Be kind to others.

You, mikedt, zuben, bearsyzf, sfbloodbrother, and many others do this regularly.

I think that most of us here are great. The ones that tend to be abrasive I always give a second chance. Let's see how it goes... and may you and your family have a great week. LW
I'm with ya LW! actually...I live in the smallest house of any of my family and friends....I don;t give a crap about possessions...or the Jonses ..for that matter...I've met them...they're weird:):)in fact...I'd rather...just not...I HAVE been extremely blessed and I know it...and I'm grateful...I also have been taught the value of hard work....I won't spend over 29.99 for a pair of shoes...I find it stupid and wasteful....hmmm then again I'll drop 80 bucks on a pair of off season high end jeans so I guess I'm a hypocrite:rolleyes: but in my defense...they last longer look better and just fit me right...and I would never pay full price!:rolleyes:

anywho I was referring to a specific friend on FB who happens to come from a family of wealth...married to an investment broker:rolleyes: lives in a sweet beach house in San Diago...traveled the world...yet...CONSTANTLY posts about how awful and selfish a certain political party is ....and how WE need to do this...and WE need to do that... it makes me mad....cuz WE need to shut up and put your money where your mouth is:D

that's all I meant....


still jealous you get to live on all that land in NC!! one of my all time favorite places on earth...
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