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Rant Thread - What really grinds your gears?

I think there's been a misunderstanding. My native language is English, but I've lived in Italy for many years and am fluent in both languages. Google is very happy to show me results in Italian, in fact that's the default, because my OS is Italian. What they don't do is show me results in English if I want to see English results. If I'm looking for a restaurant, or for something going on this weekend, I do the search in Italian, and the results are Italian. If I do a technical search, I do it in English, because there are many more sites in English than in Italian. After all, it's the universal tech language. However, even though I search for, let's say, "Android app for scanning to pdf", Google translates my search into Italian and shows me Italian pages.

I just want Google to let me indicate which languages (plural) I want to see search results in, and not assume I always want Italian. I can change my default language to English, and then change it back to Italian, and then back to English, but it's a royal pain. And Google isn't the only offender. Tripadvisor, for example, translates all its reviews into Italian for me, using Babelfish or something awful. The Italian is sometimes total gibberish. I want to see all reviews in the original language, and I'm smart enough to skip over the ones in Chinese.

It's just a total inability on the part of US firms to acknowledge that in the rest of the world most people aren't monolingual.

By the way, I hate to correct people's Italian, but I've seen this twice now, and a correction may be useful to both people: the word is "capisco", not "compisco". The first response in Italian had lots of errors; I'll correct them if that would be useful.

Capisco. I stand corrected; I believe it is the study of the Spanish language that had me make that error... please forgive my bastardization of the Italian language. My cousins would be laughing at me now - LW

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I went to my monthly doctor visit Thursday afternoon. As a survivor of the "Big C", now they are concerned with my kidneys and liver. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I'm waiting for my next Social Security interview for SSI (Social Security Income) and SSD (Social Security Disability) - the latter would open the doors for Medicare and Medicaid, which would be far better than the Project Access I receive now, along with the Drug Assistance Program that keeps me in much-needed insulin. I'm a survivor - but the pain I live with daily really sucks, and the mental side of things (signed off by my psychiatrist) makes things even more interesting... if it weren't for this thread, and my take-no-prisoners tenacity, I'd given up this life fight many years ago. I want my old life back, so food stamps won't be a necessity, and I would have an income to supplement what little I earn from my music presently. LW is very tired - but, by no means finished. I'm still able to endeavor - to persevere. My friends, you supported me when the love of my life's life hung in the balance; and, I know that you're all here for me now. Thank you for allowing me to share, and for your friendship - LW

Sent from a Boost Mobile LG-LS720 using Forum Runner
I went to my monthly doctor visit Thursday afternoon. As a survivor of the "Big C", now they are concerned with my kidneys and liver. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I'm waiting for my next Social Security interview for SSI (Social Security Income) and SSD (Social Security Disability) - the latter would open the doors for Medicare and Medicaid, which would be far better than the Project Access I receive now, along with the Drug Assistance Program that keeps me in much-needed insulin. I'm a survivor - but the pain I live with daily really sucks, and the mental side of things (signed off by my psychiatrist) makes things even more interesting... if it weren't for this thread, and my take-no-prisoners tenacity, I'd given up this life fight many years ago. I want my old life back, so food stamps won't be a necessity, and I would have an income to supplement what little I earn from my music presently. LW is very tired - but, by no means finished. I'm still able to endeavor - to persevere. My friends, you supported me when the love of my life's life hung in the balance; and, I know that you're all here for me now. Thank you for allowing me to share, and for your friendship - LW

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Hang in there and good luck with the disability. It seems like the people who really need it have the most problems getting it. Not to get political here, but the people who are just taking advantage of the system seem to get it right away.
I don't think I've ever posted here! :)
Well last night, I helped work a catering event with my wife (where she does work, I just pick up some events for the $$$). It was a wedding at DAR Constitution Hall. For those not familiar (probably everyone!), it's a gorgeous building along 17th St right smack between the White House and the Washington Monument.
They had this outdoor setup with tons of lounge seating, massive bar area and the dining room for the reception was beautiful. Menu was fine, fairly standard for what I've seen.
Anyway, just boils down to, according to my wife who spent some time with her, the bride was just pretty miserable the whole night. Granted, there's some back story to it (she's currently out of work, new in town, groomsmen weren't her best friends ;)), but come on. I feel like on your wedding night when you're blowing loads of money (I'll say this was at least a $30k wedding), have some fun!
We had some crazy problems out of our control on our wedding night and totally remained calm and had an incredible time. :D
I don't think I've ever posted here! :)
Well last night, I helped work a catering event with my wife (where she does work, I just pick up some events for the $$$). It was a wedding at DAR Constitution Hall. For those not familiar (probably everyone!), it's a gorgeous building along 17th St right smack between the White House and the Washington Monument.
They had this outdoor setup with tons of lounge seating, massive bar area and the dining room for the reception was beautiful. Menu was fine, fairly standard for what I've seen.
Anyway, just boils down to, according to my wife who spent some time with her, the bride was just pretty miserable the whole night. Granted, there's some back story to it (she's currently out of work, new in town, groomsmen weren't her best friends ;)), but come on. I feel like on your wedding night when you're blowing loads of money (I'll say this was at least a $30k wedding), have some fun!
We had some crazy problems out of our control on our wedding night and totally remained calm and had an incredible time. :D

Why do you think there's programs on television like "Bridezillas"? $30K, and I'd be a bride (if I were of the fairer sex) putting on a 'removal of the garter' show with a HUGE grin on my face... groomsmen and lack of employment be damned... LW

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I'm in a mood!:mad: one of those day's where I double dog dare anyone to mess with me while secretly wishing they would...
on an up note...:D some Jahova's witnesses came to my door today...nice gals...they sounded European...Ukrainian perhaps??...anywho I was nice and listened to their schpeel for a few...then......:D:D:smokingsomb::rolleyes: I asked them how they felt about factory farming and if I could just have a minute of their time

Id like to give them some literature to look over... show them a video....
should have seen their faces as they stammered and looked at each other completely deer in headlights....excuses backing up....pshhhhhh

I'ts not like they could help you anyways HUH :D
I'ts not like they could help you anyways HUH :D

When I had my first apartment, my brother came to visit; he was under age, so he'd come to cadge beers, whatever; so, these two Mormons on bicycles came knocking. I guess it was because I had a street level apartment at the end of the building. I was eighteen, and brought up Roman Catholic - not to mention young and stupid... so, I answered the door, and an idea hit me when I saw their bikes parked and locked to a power pole on the sidewalk - I invited them in. Two young guys in their early twenties, with the white shirts and ties, black pants with shiny shoes. We started talking about God, the difference of our religious background(s), et cetera. After excusing ourselves, I told my brother to keep talking to them, and I took some adjustable wrenches, went outside to their bikes, and removed and hid their bicycle seats. It seemed funny at the time, watching the befuddled looks on their faces when they returned to their bikes... but, looking back, it was one of the cruelest things I'd ever done in my life. I remember the Jehovah's Witnesses back when I was a kid, always on your doorstep in the middle of Lent with their 'Watchtower' pamphlets... as an older person now, I'm more tolerant... but, when they come knocking, I just don't answer the door. I've matured, and, regret the decision I made with those Mormons... my two cents, as it were - LW

Sent from a Boost Mobile LG-LS720 using Forum Runner
When I had my first apartment, my brother came to visit; he was under age, so he'd come to cadge beers, whatever; so, these two Mormons on bicycles came knocking. I guess it was because I had a street level apartment at the end of the building. I was eighteen, and brought up Roman Catholic - not to mention young and stupid... so, I answered the door, and an idea hit me when I saw their bikes parked and locked to a power pole on the sidewalk - I invited them in. Two young guys in their early twenties, with the white shirts and ties, black pants with shiny shoes. We started talking about God, the difference of our religious background(s), et cetera. After excusing ourselves, I told my brother to keep talking to them, and I took some adjustable wrenches, went outside to their bikes, and removed and hid their bicycle seats. It seemed funny at the time, watching the befuddled looks on their faces when they returned to their bikes... but, looking back, it was one of the cruelest things I'd ever done in my life. I remember the Jehovah's Witnesses back when I was a kid, always on your doorstep in the middle of Lent with their 'Watchtower' pamphlets... as an older person now, I'm more tolerant... but, when they come knocking, I just don't answer the door. I've matured, and, regret the decision I made with those Mormons... my two cents, as it were - LW

Sent from a Boost Mobile LG-LS720 using Forum Runner

LOL!!! I know you feel bad now...and it wasn't very nice....but LOL!
I don't like people complaining about being bored.

I don't know what or is, it just irks me to no end.

Boredom is, in my mind, someone feeling too lazy to do anything. If you are bored, then you aren't putting any effort into getting yourself employed.

I'm not just talking about work, either. There are plenty of things one can do to entertain oneself, if only one were to put a little thought into the options and resources available.
When I had my first apartment, my brother came to visit; he was under age, so he'd come to cadge beers, whatever; so, these two Mormons on bicycles came knocking. I guess it was because I had a street level apartment at the end of the building. I was eighteen, and brought up Roman Catholic - not to mention young and stupid... so, I answered the door, and an idea hit me when I saw their bikes parked and locked to a power pole on the sidewalk - I invited them in. Two young guys in their early twenties, with the white shirts and ties, black pants with shiny shoes. We started talking about God, the difference of our religious background(s), et cetera. After excusing ourselves, I told my brother to keep talking to them, and I took some adjustable wrenches, went outside to their bikes, and removed and hid their bicycle seats. It seemed funny at the time, watching the befuddled looks on their faces when they returned to their bikes... but, looking back, it was one of the cruelest things I'd ever done in my life. I remember the Jehovah's Witnesses back when I was a kid, always on your doorstep in the middle of Lent with their 'Watchtower' pamphlets... as an older person now, I'm more tolerant... but, when they come knocking, I just don't answer the door. I've matured, and, regret the decision I made with those Mormons... my two cents, as it were - LW

Sent from a Boost Mobile LG-LS720 using Forum Runner

My brother got one of them drunk , he told them if they wanted to preach to him they would have to have a drink...... he made the poor kid down 4 beers and the kid got drunk and had to sit on our curb waiting for the van to come back and pick him up..... let's just say there was not too much talk about religion :rolleyes:
I don't like people complaining about being bored.

I don't know what or is, it just irks me to no end.

Boredom is, in my mind, someone feeling too lazy to do anything. If you are bored, then you aren't putting any effort into getting yourself employed.

I'm not just talking about work, either. There are plenty of things one can do to entertain oneself, if only one were to put a little thought into the options and resources available.

I'll complain about being bored when the Vulcan says:
"Let's go do something." To me, that means as soon as you are ready.
To him - he's gotta go to the bathroom, shut off the computer, do this, do that, before he's ready to go. Meantime, I have stuff I could be doing, but can't even start cause as soon as I do, he's ready to go.
Beach ball of death.
Cats. Living with cats. Cats can be cute and all, but after you have more than 1 cat... They got fur everywhere. They poop and pee everywhere but the litter box. 7 cats I can't do it.
Cats. Living with cats. Cats can be cute and all, but after you have more than 1 cat... They got fur everywhere. They poop and pee everywhere but the litter box. 7 cats I can't do it.

sfbb, I feel your pain... but, 7? First off, let me say to any and all cat lovers out there that it is purely by choice that you choose to be cat owners. The only cats that I 'owned' (note the quotes) were "barn kitties" back when I was married, raising two kids, and my ex had two horses... the ammonia smell of cat urine, and fecal matter is way too much for an urbanite like myself to handle... and though I live in Hayseedville now, I still couldn't own a cat. That's just one cat, sfbb. Seven? Oh, hell, no. Even the "barn kitties" we had were taken to the vet regularly, and they were spayed or neutered. Yet, they lived OUTSIDE, and slept in a heated barn during the winter in a hayloft. Here's the reason: The odor from the litter box gets into your clothes, your hair... just thinking about it makes me think of the word 'retch'... sorry, cat lovers... I intend no disrespect, but, hey - opinions are like parts of the human anatomy - everyone has them, good or bad... hang in there, sfbb - LW
We had 5 cats and 9 ferrets. Could deal with cat waste, but getting the kids to do the ferrets-----

We kept 2 ferrets for a year while they were in quarantine to go to the UK. They were in shock when pans got changed, bedding washed, and a bath on a regular schedule. Pair of little shits. Privately bred and too smart for their own good.
(They still are) I miss them.

Still have 3 cats - they are getting elderly but can still raise cain. One and a half Meezes and a feral are enough. The Snowshoe breed is a cross between American Shorthair and Siamese.

The feral doesn't poop in the box, however, she goes right alongside of it where I can clean it easily. She never has used the pan so I guess it's a feral thing. You don't do both in the same place. The only time we've had any problems is when a cat has been sick. They will tell you by peeing right in front of you.

I have more trouble with ralphing.
I can not imagine my life without a cat! I grew up with a cat...I have always had at least one cat in my life...(although I prefer two at a time) The absolute LOVE of my life was a cat...named Clarrence:rolleyes: that I adopted from a farm...as a kitten....he was white with amber eyes...and he thought he was a Lion:) who would take walks with me on his own no leash...God I loved him...Miss him dearly...he put up with a lot...other rescue cats...a bunny...a ferret who I watched a few months when his owner was deployed...actually they got along great! played together etc..... I got him when I was away at college...I called my mom and said either the kitten I just adopted and I are coming home for the summer or neither of us will:rolleyes: whew!!! Thank god she fell for it because I had no plan B!!!

never had any problems with litter box...i think the key is to keep it clean...i scoop it every other day( and I have two) ...plus I have the round dome kind...

ramble i know!!!:rolleyes::D
We had 5 cats and 9 ferrets. Could deal with cat waste, but getting the kids to do the ferrets-----

We kept 2 ferrets for a year while they were in quarantine to go to the UK. They were in shock when pans got changed, bedding washed, and a bath on a regular schedule. Pair of little shits. Privately bred and too smart for their own good.
(They still are) I miss them.

Still have 3 cats - they are getting elderly but can still raise cain. One and a half Meezes and a feral are enough. The Snowshoe breed is a cross between American Shorthair and Siamese.

The feral doesn't poop in the box, however, she goes right alongside of it where I can clean it easily. She never has used the pan so I guess it's a feral thing. You don't do both in the same place. The only time we've had any problems is when a cat has been sick. They will tell you by peeing right in front of you.

I have more trouble with ralphing.

You, zuben, are more brave than I could ever be. I grew up in a house without cats, so that's probably why I have my aversion. I once dated a girl who had twenty-plus cats living in and around her mother's house; the litter boxes stayed full, and going inside the home literally made my eyes water. I remember waiting on the doorstep when I picked this girl up one night (this was after I had experienced the inside of her mother's house on more than one occasion); her mother came out to the porch, saying, "Come on in, honey. She'll be ready in a few minutes." I replied, "That's okay. I'll wait here, if you don't mind." She said, "You must like the cold." She shook her head in a disapproving way, and went back into the house, closing the door.

I was grateful.

Let's just say that the girl and I didn't date for very long. I had brought her home to meet my parents, and went out on a date. My late Mom took me aside when I returned home from the date, and said:
"She seems nice, honey, but she smells like she has a lot of cats."

I replied, "You're right, Ma. I froze on her doorstep earlier. G'night." LW
seriously??I just got a random furniture ad. pop up..showing sofa's saying built by this forum? shoot now I wish i didnt x it out...

Having too many cats...more than you can care for...is a sickness...iys a hoarding disorder....i believe it's linked in with the OCD spectrum of disorders...they truly mean well....they want to help...it's very hard to turn an animal in need away as it is....

I feel bad for them they truly are empathetic people who want to help and nurture these animals...but sadly, in severe cases...the animals are often neglected to the point of abuse..
seriously??I just got a random furniture ad. pop up..showing sofa's saying built by this forum? shoot now I wish i didnt x it out...

Having too many cats...more than you can care for...is a sickness...iys a hoarding disorder....i believe it's linked in with the OCD spectrum of disorders...they truly mean well....they want to help...it's very hard to turn an animal in need away as it is....

I feel bad for them they truly are empathetic people who want to help and nurture these animals...but sadly, in severe cases...the animals are often neglected to the point of abuse..

You are so right. On the television show "Hoarders", they showed an older woman who suffered from that affliction. The Humane Society had to round up all of those cats, and some were so sick that they had to be euthanized. Good post, huh - LW
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Drives me nuts when people mess up sayings & they don't have any idea they're even saying it wrong.

I just heard a woman on a tv show say "if that's what they think, they have another thing coming."

It's THINK, not thing, sheesh!!! Thing doesn't even make sense in a sentence like that!
Drives me nuts when people mess up sayings & they don't have any idea they're even saying it wrong.

I just heard a woman on a tv show say "if that's what they think, they have another thing coming."

It's THINK, not thing, sheesh!!! Thing doesn't even make sense in a sentence like that!

Wow, that's interesting because I've always heard and said thing. I googled it and was surprised by the amount and depth on the discussion of this. This one stood out as pretty fair to me -


We had a thread a while back, link where you answered questions and it came back and told you where you were from. Great thread, I wish I remember who started it - Luna maybe??

So I wonder if this is a regional thing - regardless of what's correct, I'm curious about that.

To be honest, "have another think" sounds bad to me because I never say, "I'm going to have a think." If I did, then having another would make more sense.

But the sources say I'm wrong so there it is!

PS - another thing coming makes sense to those of us who interpret the saying as -

If that's what you think (leading to an expectation) then you have another thing coming (meaning, you absolutely will have a different outcome that will occur not within your expectation, iow, a different thing).
Another think coming? Never, ever heard anyone say that.

I've heard the word 'think' instead of 'thing' used in that sentence in the American South... the same place where the word 'cement' is pronounced 'see-ment'... what are you going to do? Or, 'what're ya gonna do?' They call it an 'American dialect'. The same thing occurs in many countries and languages around the world... though I wasn't educated in the American South, there are many wonderful native Southerners that I've had the chance to meet... so, there's my nickel on the subject. Let's get ready for another week of trials, tribulations, and general mayhem... your friend, LW

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