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Rant Thread - What really grinds your gears?

The Target "cartwheel" app annoys me. It's inconvenient to have to scan all the things I put in my cart, just give me the discounted price & stop making me futz with the stupid app while I'm trying to shop. Shopping in general annoys me (I thought women were supposed to like shopping? but it always puts me in a crabby mood)

Then I got to my car with 3 bags of stuff, & someone parked really close so I had to be uber careful to not ding their door.. they're SO lucky I was careful, considering my mood at the time :D

PattiCakeUS, I have extended family that live in Savage, Minnesota. Whenever I've been there for family reunions, the people that I've met there were free-thinking, awesome people. I grew up in Massachusetts, so I know that your weather is getting ready to be a bear to deal with... so hang in there, and, GO PURPLE! About Android store apps - they usually leave a lot to be desired... but, some can give you great deals. Have you noticed, however, that the aforementioned deals usually hit your impulse-buying spot that resides in your 'shopping brain'? Have a great week - LW
I'm with ya LW! actually...I live in the smallest house of any of my family and friends....I don;t give a crap about possessions...or the Jonses ..for that matter...I've met them...they're weird:):)in fact...I'd rather...just not...I HAVE been extremely blessed and I know it...and I'm grateful...I also have been taught the value of hard work....I won't spend over 29.99 for a pair of shoes...I find it stupid and wasteful....hmmm then again I'll drop 80 bucks on a pair of off season high end jeans so I guess I'm a hypocrite:rolleyes: but in my defense...they last longer look better and just fit me right...and I would never pay full price!:rolleyes:

anywho I was referring to a specific friend on FB who happens to come from a family of wealth...married to an investment broker:rolleyes: lives in a sweet beach house in San Diago...traveled the world...yet...CONSTANTLY posts about how awful and selfish a certain political party is ....and how WE need to do this...and WE need to do that... it makes me mad....cuz WE need to shut up and put your money where your mouth is:D

that's all I meant....


still jealous you get to live on all that land in NC!! one of my all time favorite places on earth...

Being a resident of NC, let me say this:

It's a great place to visit, but living here in the willywags gets a little old. I'm sure that you feel the same way about where you live. Like the oldsters used to say: "The grass isn't any greener on the other side." I can't afford to live in my home state (Massachusetts), so, huh - I suppose that we just have to make the best of it. Though, Colorado is looking very tempting. I will get my four seasons back, and dry cold is much easier to take than the humid variety. Be well - LW
Being a resident of NC, let me say this:

It's a great place to visit, but living here in the willywags gets a little old. I'm sure that you feel the same way about where you live. Like the oldsters used to say: "The grass isn't any greener on the other side." I can't afford to live in my home state (Massachusetts), so, huh - I suppose that we just have to make the best of it. Though, Colorado is looking very tempting. I will get my four seasons back, and dry cold is much easier to take than the humid variety. Be well - LW

and while the photography here in the Old North State isn't bad, I second this sentiment.
Have you noticed, however, that the aforementioned deals usually hit your impulse-buying spot that resides in your 'shopping brain'? Have a great week - LW

Hi LW, hey - did you miss the part where I said I don't like shopping? ;) I don't think I have a 'shopping brain' :p

You have a great week, too!

P.S. I think most of my fellow Minnesotans (well, the ones I know, anyway) are free-thinking & pretty awesome. But we all have our moments, of course :o

A couple years ago I was dating a guy from MA & we went out there to have Christmas with his family. Beautiful place! He's long gone (not dead, just not in my life) but I wouldn't mind going out there to do more sightseeing sometime.
Colorado has its share of PITAs. Except for Mary Jane, grass ain't any greener. (Water restrictions in dry summers) Temp wise, weather isn't bad. It is usually sunnier than the coasts. But since all the major droughts, we have haze. Smoke from the fires eventually comes over the mountains so some views aren't as nice.

I've got CATS. Always have had CATS. Not to mention ferrets. Therefore, we still have the old shag carpet that came with the house, same for the lino floors. I'd rather enjoy my pets that worry about furnishings. Stuff gets cleaned.

I have no furniture except a computer desk in the living room. Room houses telescopes! I have a 60mm and a 120mm.

No dining room. I sew there. Use an old corner computer stand for a baker's rack. If it doesn't exist in the stores, I can probably make it. I can set up for photography almost anywhere. Martha Stewart would cringe. (good)

I will pay for shoes, or rather sandals. I like Tevas, and Chacos. Both are expensive, but have worn both for over 4 years. I don't wear shoes in the summer. Winter, Good Keen hiking shoes, and Haflinger clogs. I'm still wearing clothes that I've had for over 20 years. If I make it, it doesn't wear out or fall apart! Like Huh, I don't care what the Joneses do.

I also don't like to shop. Except for food and fabric, I head for Amazon. If the store is a pain on the computer, I don't want it anywhere. Target wants everything enabled on web site to send you crap. Michaels wants your zip code. Someone else wants your email. If the store is national, you have to jump through hoops to find out if the local store has what you want. Easier to shop online. With all the security breaches and skimmers it's probably just as safe.

Leads to another rant. If you sell a product, get a manual for it. I mean a manual that employees can use as a reference without opening a box. Ask a question and employee doesn't know and doesn't care. I've only had one shop call the maker. Camera store called Canon to get a question answered.
Colorado has its share of PITAs. Except for Mary Jane, grass ain't any greener. (Water restrictions in dry summers) Temp wise, weather isn't bad. It is usually sunnier than the coasts. But since all the major droughts, we have haze. Smoke from the fires eventually comes over the mountains so some views aren't as nice.

I've got CATS. Always have had CATS. Not to mention ferrets. Therefore, we still have the old shag carpet that came with the house, same for the lino floors. I'd rather enjoy my pets that worry about furnishings. Stuff gets cleaned.

I have no furniture except a computer desk in the living room. Room houses telescopes! I have a 60mm and a 120mm.

No dining room. I sew there. Use an old corner computer stand for a baker's rack. If it doesn't exist in the stores, I can probably make it. I can set up for photography almost anywhere. Martha Stewart would cringe. (good)

I will pay for shoes, or rather sandals. I like Tevas, and Chacos. Both are expensive, but have worn both for over 4 years. I don't wear shoes in the summer. Winter, Good Keen hiking shoes, and Haflinger clogs. I'm still wearing clothes that I've had for over 20 years. If I make it, it doesn't wear out or fall apart! Like Huh, I don't care what the Joneses do.

I also don't like to shop. Except for food and fabric, I head for Amazon. If the store is a pain on the computer, I don't want it anywhere. Target wants everything enabled on web site to send you crap. Michaels wants your zip code. Someone else wants your email. If the store is national, you have to jump through hoops to find out if the local store has what you want. Easier to shop online. With all the security breaches and skimmers it's probably just as safe.

Leads to another rant. If you sell a product, get a manual for it. I mean a manual that employees can use as a reference without opening a box. Ask a question and employee doesn't know and doesn't care. I've only had one shop call the maker. Camera store called Canon to get a question answered.

It sounds like you've got a very uncomplicated life; I could learn from the likes of you. Once the house sells, I'm headed to the Denver area with my fianc
Ugh, today sucked. The second I made it to work and got on the phones, the calls were back to back the WHOLE day.

I guess it has to do with it being the day after Columbus Day, and last-minute stragglers doing their taxes. And a s***load of mortgages being transferred to us at the same time. *sigh*
Ugh, today sucked. The second I made it to work and got on the phones, the calls were back to back the WHOLE day.

I guess it has to do with it being the day after Columbus Day, and last-minute stragglers doing their taxes. And a s***load of mortgages being transferred to us at the same time. *sigh*

Mine too... I had to up-end the roof off of a pump house, and my back is screaming... @#*! plumbing.

Sent from my @#*
Traffic police and speeding tickets.
Windows 8. It makes me quite upset--quite frequently.

Windows 8.1, too... as you may already know, they're skipping Windows 9, and developing Windows 10, with promises of a more-familiar GUI... give me a RAM-eating Mac any day. Microsoft has spread itself too thin for short-term profit.

Sent from my @#*
Apparently I was suppose to work yesterday. Why are they being so lazy? Why don't they just email us our schedule.

sfbb, this has been going on for years... with many companies, and it stinks. I worked for a major MI retailer that was micro-managed by corporate, and, still - management would be late posting schedules, and though they were good about working around my gig schedule (just to let you know, 85% of my gigs were booked for the whole year by February, and I'd just print the band schedule, with the words "more coming - will let you know a month in advance for newer engagements" printed as an addendum at the bottom of the page) - but, there would be days that I would show up to work, and have to turn around, and go home. Good luck, and hang in there, sfbb - you seem to be a good soul - LW

Sent from my @#*
Windows 8.1 has been good for me. It takes some getting used to, and occasionally I accidentally hit the start page, but other than that, I'm happy with it.

But updates are cool, hope 10 rocks.

@SFBloodbrother & LoveWerks: I hear you. When I worked at Wendy's they were terrible with scheduling. And for days where you had approved time-off, they would 'forget' and throw you on the schedule. I'm liking the stability of my 8-5 office job now, but the downside of it not being shift-work is that you can't trade shifts or anything. You just have to eat up your limited vacation time.
You don't get your schedule because no local mgr knows how to use the program.

I think it took the city a couple of years to get the software right for scheduling.

By the time the whole shebang works, here comes a newer version of windows and the software's out of kilter again.
You don't get your schedule because no local mgr knows how to use the program.

I think it took the city a couple of years to get the software right for scheduling.

By the time the whole shebang works, here comes a newer version of windows and the software's out of kilter again.
Its just this McDonalds. Other ones have one schedule per month and they make it every 2 weeks.
You don't get your schedule because no local mgr knows how to use the program.

I think it took the city a couple of years to get the software right for scheduling.

By the time the whole shebang works, here comes a newer version of windows and the software's out of kilter again.

Thing is most corporate, municipal and government users don't immediately upgrade to new versions of Windows. XP Pro is still in widespread use here.
It's time for bed.. But they're brothers..2 years apart
They are totally killing each other
But laughing in the process
:) I'll let them brother it out
Worth wAy more than anything anyone can teach you
Although...I have to get up at 6
So does two out if three
I hate being the responsible one!!!! N

Ok I lol
I'm not
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