What a shame. It sounds like your new manager should take a mandatory Anger Management course, courtesy of Mickey D's. Or, like back when I was growing up (and being treated like a turd was the norm in many households, schools, jobs, et al) - get her fired, like back in the old days. Provide witnesses. Create no paper trail, and, meet with a district manager, plead your case, and, BAM - she may be gone... out of your life. People should be held accountable, and responsible for their actions. Yet...
She may come back with a defense like "...things at home are creating stress in my life, and, (the sobbing starts right about... NOW) I don't know what to do... I need this job... please help me..."
Be prepared. Plead your case. Or, step back, and see if her bad behavior continues. If it does, then, BAM - refer to the previous parts of this post (and, witnesses are THE KEY). Best of luck, sfbb - LW