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Rant Thread - What really grinds your gears?

The word is psych and it's been around since the 60s.

It is not sike, it does not have an unknown origin and it's not terribly new.

I must have missed something, but I definitely pay attention when the Pearly One writes. PM me if you feel that it is important. LW :)

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I haven't heard anybody say that since junior high school lol. It was huge back then. (and yes, all the kids spelled it sike) Even then I thought it was stupid to spell it like that.
I haven't heard anybody say that since junior high school lol. It was huge back then. (and yes, all the kids spelled it sike) Even then I thought it was stupid to spell it like that.

When we would say "Psych!" back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, it was a way of saying "Gotcha!"... or, "Fooled You!"... I came in late on this conversation (and it wouldn't be the first time). Thanks, EarlyMon ;) Internet rhetoric - aside from useful forums, and newsgroups - can be the warm, brown stuff that we all would like to avoid... LW

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Psyche is Greek - connected with soul.
Psyche - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Pysched out means you are juked out of your soul?


Psyched means that you were excited. Tie it to the soul if you like.

Pysch - as a declaration that you were fooled - comes from having psychology used to accomplish the act.

I suspect that sike came about when some parents or grandparents resurrected the word psych and reprehensibly used it on some kids.

Not unlike the Valley girl wannabe that I met decades ago who insisted that the word was toadly because clearly it meant to make a reference to toads - and flatly rejected that "totally" had anything to do with it. Sike is just like that.

Bonus points for using juked. Toadly.
Another phrase that I've determined is incorrectly used is "Workmen's Compensation".

This came after a couple hours of going through and making adjusting journal entries for about 40 interrelated business entities.

The word implies(to me, anyway), any compensation in general for the services of a worker. Ergo, your paycheck, benefits, etc. But we use the term in a specific manner related to workplace injuries. Maybe it should be "workmen's disability" or "Workmen's accident compensation".

But it's really trivial, lol.
Somebody stole my phone charger out of my car. This is the why I want my own car. Something with a remote that looks itself. Because the car I'm using is manual locks. It sucks.
Here it's been upgraded to Workers' and I am way ok with that change.

I remember it being 'Workman's Compensation' back in the latter 20th century, when Ace Hardware's jingle was still "...Ace is the place... with the helpful hardware man." We've become so politically-correct (and, no, I'm not moving this forum into the political realm) in American society that descriptions of any kind cannot be gender-specific; in other words, any of the old-school phrases can be considered gender-centric, racist, the whole gamut... I agree with EarlyMon - 'Worker's Compensation' works for me, too... but, allow me to take a quote from Neil Armstrong during Apollo 11, and, 'make it work for the here and now':
"That's one small step for humans... one giant leap for humankind..."
To me, that updated version lacks the spark, and captivating electricity of the regular version... I suppose that you had to be there... be happy and well, fellow rantmeisters... LW

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Revisionist history can blow me a little kiss.


It was the sixties. Just be happy Neil didn't limit it to Americans and let it go. :p

"...that's one small step for Americans... one giant leap for the United States..." would've hastened the wedge driven between our nation, and the rest of the G21 (how many, now?)... aside from money changing hands, and changing opinion. You, EarlyMon, strike me as a very astute individual that can read between the lines. I like that. Maybe one day, I can be a moderator like you. ;) LW

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Not having free electricity.
Not having free electricity.

Can you imagine the impact that 'free'-created energy would have upon this planet? It would be Utopia, wouldn't it? May all of the folks from every working super-collider around the world endeavor to persevere... LW

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Okay, time to vent.

McDonalds is horrible and I'm on the verge of quitting, (if I can find some new jobs that is).

The really cool manager left and moved to Vegas with her girlfriend, or wife. To replace her, we got another manager, S.

She is making me insane, and I will be reporting her to HR for saying (FU) to me. A manager can't talk to a crew like that.

NOT only that, she is the opposite of a team member. When working with her, I want NOTHING to do with her. I don't do anything for her, I don't do her favors, I do nothing for her. She is disrespectful and should be in NO position of authority. If I can get another 2 jobs, I'm out of this place, and reason for leaving is manager is a ........
Free energy won't do much. The utility companies and the coal companies are fighting it like crazy. They will find every little thing possible to charge you for if push comes to shove. If you use any wiring besides "approved" you will be fined or "taxed" - or you will get fees like those that appear on your cell bill. One for every little thing. You can catch snippets of this info with local programming or newspapers.

This state has enough sunshine to make solar feasible. Also have enough wind. You can do it if you live in the middle of nowhere where running power lines isn't profitable. All counties require some kind of building permit, though so if you build a storage shed for batteries, the county could make you tear it down. Or charge a fee.

I wouldn't mind switching to cleaner. We have Ozone and brown cloud problems caused by temperature inversions.
I had a friend back in the 1980s at UNC/Chapel Hill (for the record, I didn't attend college there... I lived close by; but, looking back, maybe I should have, looking at their recent academic hijinks) that had designed a motor that is wired similarly to a generator/alternator, using the power from the polar opposites of the magnets used in his design to make the motor spin. I don't know how his design turned out, but, on paper - it looked like it might work. The motor was designed to generate its own power, and, from that, power to accomplish torque and forward/backward propulsion. Power level would be derived from the rpms of the motor. If it turned out to be workable, you can bet that that someone dangled large sums of money in front of this guy, and, kept the design buried, never to be discovered or implemented. Or, used by power companies to keep the status quo as it is... like previously mentioned in this thread, even if truly 'free energy' were to be discovered at CERN, or, wherever - there would be someone standing in the wings to make money from it, claiming 'infrastructure development and maintenance', or, insert BS here _______... the old ways will continue to hold sway, and what a shame it would be. Oh, was that last sentence my rant? I suppose so... yet, I still dream of the Utopia that Asimov, and more recently, Orson Scott Card - created in their literature. LW
Free energy won't do much. The utility companies and the coal companies are fighting it like crazy. They will find every little thing possible to charge you for if push comes to shove. If you use any wiring besides "approved" you will be fined or "taxed" - or you will get fees like those that appear on your cell bill. One for every little thing. You can catch snippets of this info with local programming or newspapers.

This state has enough sunshine to make solar feasible. Also have enough wind. You can do it if you live in the middle of nowhere where running power lines isn't profitable. All counties require some kind of building permit, though so if you build a storage shed for batteries, the county could make you tear it down. Or charge a fee.

I wouldn't mind switching to cleaner. We have Ozone and brown cloud problems caused by temperature inversions.

If you're out in CO, then, you definitely have the sunshine factor working in your favor for solar power. As you had mentioned in an earlier post, do the wildfires on the West Coast help to create the 'brown cloud' and temperature inversion problems? I wouldn't be surprised. The people who lambasted Al Gore and his observations about the health of our planet claim that in the world's history, there were many fires and volcanic eruptions that emitted pollutants into Earth's atmosphere. That may be true, but...

Developing nations that are 'coming into their own' don't have the EPA like we do here in the United States, and, they are ramping up where developing countries - like ours in the past, during our Industrial Revolution - left off. Meanwhile, we still use coal... hmmm... Humans are interesting animals... they know how to create wonderful things; yet, they possess a propensity toward being destructive.

We won't even talk about 'Trinity' on July 16, 1945... or, the leftover ordinance that didn't explode during the last four wars...

They even talk about livestock being 'atmospheric pollutants'... I guess you can't win, for losing. Yet, I still believe that if truly free energy became a reality, there would be some positive changes for our planet. They may still figure out a way to charge a fee for it, but, it would be a step in the right direction. LW
Okay, time to vent.

McDonalds is horrible and I'm on the verge of quitting, (if I can find some new jobs that is).

The really cool manager left and moved to Vegas with her girlfriend, or wife. To replace her, we got another manager, S.

She is making me insane, and I will be reporting her to HR for saying (FU) to me. A manager can't talk to a crew like that.

NOT only that, she is the opposite of a team member. When working with her, I want NOTHING to do with her. I don't do anything for her, I don't do her favors, I do nothing for her. She is disrespectful and should be in NO position of authority. If I can get another 2 jobs, I'm out of this place, and reason for leaving is manager is a ........

What a shame. It sounds like your new manager should take a mandatory Anger Management course, courtesy of Mickey D's. Or, like back when I was growing up (and being treated like a turd was the norm in many households, schools, jobs, et al) - get her fired, like back in the old days. Provide witnesses. Create no paper trail, and, meet with a district manager, plead your case, and, BAM - she may be gone... out of your life. People should be held accountable, and responsible for their actions. Yet...

She may come back with a defense like "...things at home are creating stress in my life, and, (the sobbing starts right about... NOW) I don't know what to do... I need this job... please help me..."

Be prepared. Plead your case. Or, step back, and see if her bad behavior continues. If it does, then, BAM - refer to the previous parts of this post (and, witnesses are THE KEY). Best of luck, sfbb - LW
What a shame. It sounds like your new manager should take a mandatory Anger Management course, courtesy of Mickey D's. Or, like back when I was growing up (and being treated like a turd was the norm in many households, schools, jobs, et al) - get her fired, like back in the old days. Provide witnesses. Create no paper trail, and, meet with a district manager, plead your case, and, BAM - she may be gone... out of your life. People should be held accountable, and responsible for their actions. Yet...

She may come back with a defense like "...things at home are creating stress in my life, and, (the sobbing starts right about... NOW) I don't know what to do... I need this job... please help me..."

Be prepared. Plead your case. Or, step back, and see if her bad behavior continues. If it does, then, BAM - refer to the previous parts of this post (and, witnesses are THE KEY). Best of luck, sfbb - LW
Its McDonalds. Corporate doesn't care about their Crew or their managers. They can replace us in the snap of a finger. Starting a case just isn't worth my time.

That's why I'm looking for other jobs. Got an interview tomorrow.
Ash can create smoky haze. It will hang around - kinda looks and smells like Indian Summer back east at times unless the fire is in your back yard. The Black Forest fire was worse than Waldo Canyon in the east.

It's mostly particulates from vehicles. Usually in the winter. A temp inversion means the warm air can't rise and the cold can't sink. The inversion is very low - 200 feet or less. I can see it spread out along I-25. Too low for atmospheric ash to mix. If there is a wildfire or ground level fire, it will add to the problem.

Krakatoa caused the New England "Year without a Summer"
Its McDonalds. Corporate doesn't care about their Crew or their managers. They can replace us in the snap of a finger. Starting a case just isn't worth my time.

That's why I'm looking for other jobs. Got an interview tomorrow.

Good luck. It is truly a shame when corporate ignores right vs. wrong, and it seems like a mirror of society's moral compass... I wish you all of the best - of course, that's coming from a guy who grew up in a time where 'social media' meant what time was agreed upon by the neighborhood to meet for the baseball game... Mickey D's, as you said, can replace management and crew at the snap of a finger. If you like your job, fight for it. Management should not be allowed to drop f-bombs on their employees, and Mickey D's - even now - would prefer to keep their good employees, which translates to consistently good food quality. That, sfbb, comes from a former pizzeria owner. If you like your job and the crew you work with, fight for your job, and put that new manager on the hot seat. If you're ready to leave - just because of this errant manager - then, maybe it's time to move on. Whichever you choose, good luck - LW

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Well, I applied to be a manager. Considing I already know the crew, and the other managers, and they already asked me to be a manager, I know I can start training next time I walk in. Go through some test, blah blah, I'm a manager, I'm the boss, hopefully I'll get my own shift and I don't have to work with her.

I don't want the pizza job. My Impala is not going to smell like pizza for the rest of it's life, and I'm not going to kill my car delievering something as meaningless as pizzas working for a corporation with piss poor wages, while a boss is looking down my shoulder from time to time.

I wouldn't mind driving as an Uber driver, wages are better, and I am my own boss. I go where I want to, I work when I want to, as much as I want too. At least those wages can counter the maintenance for the car.

Some pizza places give their drivers a company car. That would be nice. But I'm not going to destroy my Impala, making it smell like Cheese, and mold, and dead animals gross.

2 more years, I'll give Uber a shot.
Well, I applied to be a manager. Considing I already know the crew, and the other managers, and they already asked me to be a manager, I know I can start training next time I walk in. Go through some test, blah blah, I'm a manager, I'm the boss, hopefully I'll get my own shift and I don't have to work with her.

I don't want the pizza job. My Impala is not going to smell like pizza for the rest of it's life, and I'm not going to kill my car delievering something as meaningless as pizzas working for a corporation with piss poor wages, while a boss is looking down my shoulder from time to time.

I wouldn't mind driving as an Uber driver, wages are better, and I am my own boss. I go where I want to, I work when I want to, as much as I want too. At least those wages can counter the maintenance for the car.

Some pizza places give their drivers a company car. That would be nice. But I'm not going to destroy my Impala, making it smell like Cheese, and mold, and dead animals gross.

2 more years, I'll give Uber a shot.

Excellent. My fianc
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