So I tend to go to bed earlier (by 2100 generally) because I have to get up at 0400 for work.
Everyone else goes to bed whenever... Dngrswife stumbled to the bedroom somewhere around 2300, sets up her laptop to watch Netflix with her headphones on.
She snacks. So here I am, trying to sleep, and I wake to the sound of crackling plastic... that takes forever.
It finally stops. For about thirty seconds, then resumes.
"Do you need scissors, or a knife our something?"
"What? Oh, sorry, just getting some crackers..."
A minute and a half later...
Meanwhile, I have one son in his room next to ours talking with his friends on the internet; and the younger daughter playing a video game in her room, cursing up a storm. For the next three hours.
When I finally get up and go tell the daughter that, hello, there are actually people who want to be sleeping at 0130 in the bloody morning, my wife wonders aloud what's wrong.
Nothing. Nothing is wrong.
I pick up my ebook and read for an hour or so... if I'm going to be awake, might as well make the best of it.
I get maybe an hour of sleep before the alarm goes off. I turn it off and then lie there for twenty minutes, get up and go to take my shower. Wife stares at me as I go... Probably didn't realize what time it was until the shower came on.
So now, the one time all freaking night I could use a little illumination in the bedroom: when I need to get dressed, the laptop is closed and put away and it's pitch dark.