Hi all, I'm in quite the pickle right now :/ I'm hoping someone is able to help me and explain it in laymen's terms (I'm a fast learner, but this is new to me). I've recently been given a phone that I found out the hard way was rooted. When I got the phone, it would turn on and get stuck at the loading screen. Took it to Sprint to be repaired only to be told it's rooted and corrupted and there's nothing they can do. I NEED to get this phone fixed and unrooted. My question is, is it possible to complete the unrooting process with the phone stuck the way it is? I need to completely unroot back to stock (getting rid of watermark, too?) If there is anyone that can help or up to the challenge, please let me know. Thank you!!!
BTW the phone is a Sprint HTC Evo 4G (Not 3D or LTE; its the original that came out a couple years ago) I believe it has gingerbread on it.