I've had no reboot problems either. I'd suspect that the majority of issues people are having is coming from software conflicts introduced primarily by restoring backed up data from older roms using TiB or Nandroid restores, as well as flashing speed or audio tweaks through recovery that may not be fully compatible.
The more variables you add to the phone the more likely there will be problems or conflicts. If you are suffering from problems like misbehaving software or reboots and want to find the problem; start by doing a complete wipe and fresh install of the rom, including formatting all applicable partitions prior to flashing the rom and gapps. Then start the phone up, sign in to Google and let it download all your backed up contacts/settings/apps. Once that's all done and you've given the phone a few minutes to do any background work that may be going on; reboot the phone again and this time just let it do it's thing. At this point you should have a completely clean install of your rom and basic apps/settings. I would go into recovery, wipe cache and dalvik, and make a backup so you have a good place to return to if things go wrong later.
Once you've got a clean install, and if you're patient and thorough enough you've given it a day or two to see if there are any problems; you can slowly start installing any apps, restoring backed up data, and flashing any zips you want. I'd suggest doing it one, or at most a few at a time. Then, give it a day or two and see how the phone reacts. If you start seeing problems, it will be much easier to track down the cause this way. This is how I discovered that restoring specific apps through TiB was causing random reboots on my phone after in installed Sleipnir.
It's a slow process, but if you want to tweak your phone you have to expect there to be problems to overcome. It's part of the fun.