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Root [ROM][ALPHA] Triumph CM9 v0.6.17.0 [FINAL]

11 hours 55 minutes on battery with data on all the time, and wifi and gps on and off... cm9 is really a beast. Everything that is supposed to work works for me. All i do is flash the update, and restart(no wipe). It gives a screen that says "android is updating", and after that everything is peachy. no issues that aren't supposed to be issues.

I made it about 20 hours. I did have it in airplane mode for about 8 hours while I was at work though, but the rest of the time Wifi was on and I was using the phone.

That reminds me, it looks like it randomly woke up every now and again while it was in airplane mode and should have been sleeping. Any ideas why?


  • Screenshot_2012-02-10-18-57-46_.png
    30.6 KB · Views: 113
Do you mean when you long press home? As far as I'm aware, swiping them doesn't kill them, it just removes them from that list. I'm pretty sure it's just the recent apps list.

Ive wondered if the list killed the app when swiped as well. But wouldn't it be a cool option to turn on if u wanted to. in this cm9 rom or a launcher? If u r in the recent app list u r probably trying to move quickly anyway, so u don't have time to swipe just for the heck of it (swiping an app away doesn't bring up apps further down in the app history). So turn it into a real recent app list/task killer would be my idea...

Would this be done in a rom or launcher? Maybe I'll try to make it. No idea how but I've written a thing or two before.
Ive wondered if the list killed the app when swiped as well. But wouldn't it be a cool option to turn on if u wanted to. in this cm9 rom or a launcher? If u r in the recent app list u r probably trying to move quickly anyway, so u don't have time to swipe just for the heck of it (swiping an app away doesn't bring up apps further down in the app history). So turn it into a real recent app list/task killer would be my idea...

Would this be done in a rom or launcher? Maybe I'll try to make it. No idea how but I've written a thing or two before.

That would definitely be awesome. Task killers are pretty silly sometimes, and I rarely use them, but sometimes an app messes up and you just need to kill it.
Yeah, the post in the OP says it links to the new 0.6.4, but it is really the 0.6.3 link.

Also guys, I got 1 day and 22 hours with 13% battery left on 0.6.3. Will show proof soon.

Thanks Whyzor et al!
Hey, in 6.0 the messaging worked. This one crashes.
Yep, I'm getting force quits in the Messaging app when I open a text thread. Also, it doesn't look like I'm getting any incoming text messages though that might be a VMU problem (I'm able to send text messages both to my Google Voice and to my roommate on Verizon)
Yep, I'm getting force quits in the Messaging app when I open a text thread. Also, it doesn't look like I'm getting any incoming text messages though that might be a VMU problem (I'm able to send text messages both to my Google Voice and to my roommate on Verizon)

Working fine for me
I cleared the cache and flashed 0.6.4 and it looks like Nova Launcher is gone. Oh well, wanted to try Apex anyway.

Those launchers are system apps and so i'm pretty sure that they'll get wiped out when you flash a new rom. You'll need to just reflash them again or add them to to the rom zip before flashing.

Edit: Oh and I just tried several texts (both sending and receiving--normal text and pictures) and did not have any issues.
Those launchers are system apps and so i'm pretty sure that they'll get wiped out when you flash a new rom. You'll need to just reflash them again or add them to to the rom zip before flashing.

With the latest release you can run nova launcher as a non system app, as long as you have root access you don't lose any functionality. If you had them installed as a system app like mantera said, you will probably need to reinstall it.
Loaded up 0.6.4 and tested out the tethering. It appears the MSS Clamping is missing since I can't load up anything but Google once tethered over wifi.

USB did not work btw, I tried enabling debugging, etc. and it would either kick back a, 'usb is not connect' message or just uncheck itself right on the hotspot settings.

Is there an option in trebuchet/nova/apex that allows the dock to persist in the app drawer screen? I could not seem to find it if it does exist.

This is looking extremely great though guys! Thanks for all the hard work you're putting in!
Loaded up 0.6.4 and tested out the tethering. It appears the MSS Clamping is missing since I can't load up anything but Google once tethered over wifi.

USB did not work btw, I tried enabling debugging, etc. and it would either kick back a, 'usb is not connect' message or just uncheck itself right on the hotspot settings.

MSS Clamping is already in there but I do see what you're saying aobut non-google sites. I'll have to look into this more. ugh.

mantera did you incorperate your latest cm7 kernal changes into this? the 2_8 kernal?

No, I have not. I think once Whyzor ok's the latest changes that he made to wakelocks, we can pull them all in at once.
No, I have not. I think once Whyzor ok's the latest changes that he made to wakelocks, we can pull them all in at once.

whoops im getting you and whyzor mixed up. i just woke up and your levels of badassery are so similar i get you confused. thanks man, ill try out the latest build.

btw if you havent tried it, the changes are huge. touchscreen responsivness and accuracy are amazing (what they always should have been, o_0 moto) and the os is more responsive to. i no longer get the missclicks due the phantom slide or anything.
whoops im getting you and whyzor mixed up. i just woke up and your levels of badassery are so similar i get you confused. thanks man, ill try out the latest build.

btw if you havent tried it, the changes are huge. touchscreen responsivness and accuracy are amazing (what they always should have been, o_0 moto) and the os is more responsive to. i no longer get the missclicks due the phantom slide or anything.

Lol "badassery" that's good! I will have to start saying that :D
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