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Root [ROM][BETA 3.1]Warped Kitty[AROMA][EXT4 Tweaks][UNISEX] Updated 08/05/13

External to make backup and zip

Don't know why you can't mount usb in cwm. That would not be rom related. Maybe you have an older version of cwm? You could try flashing it again either way. Alternatively, you can use adb in cwm to transfer files between your pc and device.

To copy file.file from pc to device:
adb push /path/to/pc/file.file /sdcard/file.file

In windows it's something like this:
C:\path\to\adb push C:\path\to\file.file /sdcard/file.file
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Only thing I noticed was my contacts didn't sync nor was there an entry in the account sync menu for it.

I removed most of the sync apk's from the system folder as i dont really us them, i can readd the contacts sync as i can can see how that would be useful :)

working on adding aroma installer to beta 3 as we speak so it will be a fully customizable install as far as what gets added or removed

*Edit* also might be splitting this into a guys and girls version
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