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Root [ROM] CM7 TG-Reloaded (Final: 03-25)

Just for kicks, I ran the speedtest also on default VM PRL, got 157 ping, 2 MBbps down, 673 kbps up. and another run gave 144 ping, 1.5 Mbps down, 637 kbps up. Keep in mind this is very late at night when most people are asleep. I think the speed varies throughout the day depending on how loaded VM's network is. I've gotten as low as 30 kbps down during business hours at work. PRL switching doesn't do anything, it's for Sprint roaming, and VM doesn't allow roaming.
If you notice the time in his screen shot, it says 12:24 pm :-)

But yeah, there's way too many variables to take into account when trying to determine if the prl change is beneficial without doing EXTENSIVE testing.
I noticed rom manager is included in the rom however the triumph isn't listed in the devices. are you guys using another devices name?

Rom manager is intergrated into cm7... cm7 needs it to build and boot properly, but you can uninstall it after cm7 has been installed...
I did a bunch of undervolt testing and I got the following semi-stable values for my device:
 [FONT=Lucida Console]
61440:       750
122880:      750
245760:      875
576000:      925
768000:      925
1024000:     1000
1113000:     1050
1209600:     1100
1305600:     1150
1401600:     1200[/FONT]
I found that 750 was an absolute minimum for voltage at the lower levels. Dropping to 725 or below resulted in a kernel error in the "OS Monitor" app about being unable to set the voltage. I imagine that <750 simply resets to default voltage, which is why everyone can run at 600 without issue (because it's really just the stock voltage).

   [FONT=Lucida Console]MHz      A       B
  61440:   700     750
 122880:   700     800
 245760:   775     825
 576000:   925     950
 768000:   975    1000
 1024000: 1175    1175
 1113000: 1175    1175
 1209600: 1175    1175
 1305600: 1225    1225
 1401600: 1225    1225[/FONT]

Using the values from column A, I lost 16% battery life an hour idling (WhyKernel-01-18). Using LESS aggressive undervolting values from column B my battery drain was 3% an hour. I retested this morning to confirm my results.

Here is one thing on my phone which is slightly outside of the average setup: I use Google Voice (via GrooveIP) so I found it very helpful to be in airplane mode but have wifi ON continuously. When out of wifi range my phone automatically exits airplane mode (thanks to the app, AutoAP) Regardless of voltage, I have the 3 MMC wakelocks. Given that I really need the wifi to be ON continuously, I'm not sure that's a bad thing.
3% an hour with wifi ON seems pretty good to me, no?

Update 1: Turned wifi off, switched off airplane mode so I had cdma + 3G, aggressive undervolting (column A). Battery loss idling = 1%/hr.

Update 2: Turned on Wifi, turned off GrooveIP and AutoAp, airplane mode,
aggressive undervolting (column A). Battery loss idling = 19%/hr.

Update 3:
Turned on Wifi, turned off GrooveIP and AutoAp, cdma radio on, aggressive undervolting (column A). Battery loss idling = 19%/hr.

Summary: Wifi and aggressive undervolting = huge battery loss
Having BT/Wifi on will show up as MMC wakelocks too. 3%/hr drain is ok considering it's a workaround for another bug that would prevent either from working reliably on the MT.
That's about what I get leaving wifi on and having JD turn it off when idle. Voltage values are set inbetween the aggressive and less aggressive lists posted on the OC kernel thread. Have JD set for airplane mode during the night. I had some crazy battery loss and overheating like you describe with CM7 Reloaded and last few OC. Versions that would go away after wiping data and reflashing. Used Titanium to restore 1 or 2 games but restoring any thing else would bring back the overheating and battery loss. Flashed the new Kernel last night so my Triumph doesn't get overly jealous of the new Kindle.

Whyzor, any chance you would accept a donated Kindle? CM7 works fine but has been abandoned for ICS development wich still has a little way to go before is usable.
Just for kicks, I ran the speedtest also on default VM PRL, got 157 ping, 2 MBbps down, 673 kbps up. and another run gave 144 ping, 1.5 Mbps down, 637 kbps up. Keep in mind this is very late at night when most people are asleep. I think the speed varies throughout the day depending on how loaded VM's network is. I've gotten as low as 30 kbps down during business hours at work. PRL switching doesn't do anything, it's for Sprint roaming, and VM doesn't allow roaming.

very true speeds do vary depending on time of day
Dude! I'm loving this ROM! Got 3000 on quadrant standard overclocked to 1.5ghz. It's a lot more responsive than my other roms and 2.3.7 is just beter in general. Good stuff!
I likely won't have time nor motivation to work on another device, thanks though.

Figured it would be worth a shot.

Another thing I have noticed with the last few builds that may be worth bringing up is that after flashing and running for an hour or so I seem to get one unexpected reboot. Only happens the first time I'm up and running after flashing otherwise my phone will probably not be rebooted again untill I flash the next update. Just figured I would bring this up so if it happens to anyone else they know its not much of an issue.
I've learned that JuiceDefender is the cause of my mmc0, mm1 and mmc2 wakelock woes. I disabled its control over wifi and rebooted. I turned on wifi last night, did some surfing, turned wifi off and went to bed. The phone went into deep sleep for 8 hours, so I consider this issue SOLVED!

I'm going to send an email to the JuiceDefender guys to see if they're disabling wifi in some strange way.
I've learned that JuiceDefender is the cause of my mmc0, mm1 and mmc2 wakelock woes. I disabled its control over wifi and rebooted. I turned on wifi last night, did some surfing, turned wifi off and went to bed. The phone went into deep sleep for 8 hours, so I consider this issue SOLVED!

I'm going to send an email to the JuiceDefender guys to see if they're disabling wifi in some strange way.
I don't use juicedefender, do whatever's causing it for me is something else.
Thanks for fixing Bluetooth and wifi at the same time, when I had to use both my battery was gone in an hour :D.
Does anyone know if cm7 can support custom shutdown animation and sounds? its been so long since i been on stock i cant recall if the stock phone even had a custom shutdown animation. If it is possible how do u go about renenabling it cuz i know on cm7 the folders where u change some sounds u want get changed around so if anyone has any info would appreciate it.

On a side note, after i applied the voltage settings recommended i got some crazy time on my phone...I use a battery monitor that monitors live and estimates how many hrs ill have left while using. So if im under heavy load it might show i have 3 hrs left even if at 95% charge ect ect. So after a full charge and a reset. I was downloading apps and updating a few and texting and i believe wifi was on and it was showing after like 15 mins of use i still had 11hrs left which is odd. So after i got done i always put back on 3g and was laying down watching movie and when movie was over i checked estimated time again and....it showed 81hrs which i never seen that app say, i thought 25 was cap but then i looked at percentage of batt and it had only went down 1%.

So overall im stoked over all this, thats just crazy life on this phone and i have data on, live wallpaper, animations full or w/e that one setting is, have lookout installed, i dont even try to save battery and get that kinda time. To add also i did add the voltages after flashing latest build so combined with that i think i found sweet spot and will say this is best build by far. Even oddly enough i know nothing changes with radio but i live out in the boonies...like way out and i rarely even get 1 bar, i been getting 2 ever since new build so idk. Im just happy lol, ty for all the work and ty again for the voltage settings ^^

This was meant to be a short post..lol
Weird..... I finaly flashed cm7 for the first time and it seemed really laggy? I rebooted a few time thinking that might fix it but it didn't. I didn't change any settings and let it sit for 15mins then rebooted again and still lags alot. Probably my phone just doest like
Weird..... I finaly flashed cm7 for the first time and it seemed really laggy? I rebooted a few time thinking that might fix it but it didn't. I didn't change any settings and let it sit for 15mins then rebooted again and still lags alot. Probably my phone just doest like
Weird..... I finaly flashed cm7 for the first time and it seemed really laggy? I rebooted a few time thinking that might fix it but it didn't. I didn't change any settings and let it sit for 15mins then rebooted again and still lags alot. Probably my phone just doest like
I saw this mentioned on another ROM thread and was wondering if it should be considered.

Austrie Recommends the use of "Incredicontrol" app, "Startup Manger" app, & "No-Frills CPU Control" app from market!
This kernel now contains the Isaac's fix for better HD gaming, therefor losing 30MB RAM.
Undervolting frequencies higher than 1.0Ghz MAY causing bootloops.
I have lowered the WiFi Voltages, and also Increased Volume; these are experimental. Watch these changes and report any bugs.
I have increased USB draw amount/speed, meaning faster charging via USB Charging.
There a couple volume boosters on market, "Volume+", "Volume Boost", and "SoundBoost"
Make sure to recalibrate your battery, read this thread for info: Correct Ways To Recalibrate Battery - Better/Accurate Batttery Life
To 2-Way Call Record you need a separate app from market, called "CallRecorder" by skvalex, here is his DEV thread: [DEV] Two-way call recording on Desire [ALMOST SOLVED][Sept. 7 update] - xda-developers
There is a DSP Manager for MIUI, link: DSP Manager Equalizer for Android - xda-developers

Talking about undervolting the wifi radio.
I'm not sure if the tradeoff in lower wifi range is worth it for most people. Wifi already uses less power than 3G anyway. Besides I remember reading it's in a setting file that someone can change & reboot (search for it).
Searching is not turning anything up :(
I believe it's in system/etc/firmware/wlan/qcom_cfg.ini. And I believe the line you're looking for is "gTxPowerCap=30." You would then change the value 30 to your desired value. I may be wrong, but this was what was mentioned in the original CM7 thread. I've modified this value in the past and didn't really notice any substantial improvement in battery loss or decrease in the performance of the wifi, though I didn't really do any significant testing, so there may/may not be any merit in modifying it.
with the touchscreen having its own pipe line now would that have fixed the problem of some games like shadowgun where the character flips around and what not because of points colliding?
Was trying to use Groove IP with Google Voice at work with the bluetooth over the wifi. The Bluetooth and Wifi seem to still be trying to battle for supremacy. I can get them both working together on the Fidelio dock but the headset/wifi/Groove IP combo seems to not be a go right now.
with the touchscreen having its own pipe line now would that have fixed the problem of some games like shadowgun where the character flips around and what not because of points colliding?

I doubt it. The points snapping is likely a hardware problem and still there. The dedicated pipeline just makes sure touch events get processed sooner.

Was trying to use Groove IP with Google Voice at work with the bluetooth over the wifi. The Bluetooth and Wifi seem to still be trying to battle for supremacy. I can get them both working together on the Fidelio dock but the headset/wifi/Groove IP combo seems to not be a go right now.

I tested Groove IP working fine using a Motorola BT headset running over wifi. All the latest fix does is makes sure the CPU is not 100% when both are turned on. You may want to try to eliminate 1 of those variables at a time to narrow down what is causing the problem.
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