Its called the Sense Analog which you can download from the market. I had it on all day and it doesnt appear to use a lot of the phones resources so i will always have it on. In settings place your zip code select ok and your good to go.
For those interested....i still did not charge my phone. Its currently at 45% with what i consider to be regular phone usage for me and over 19 hours without charging! If i were to guess...I'd say I had wifi on for a total of 3 hours so far. I just make sure that i turn wifi off when im not near the wireless router.
The only changes I made after installing the rom was i uninstalled cmstats, dspmanager, rommanager via term emulator. I also installed the cm7 GB stock launcher...its very plain but i havent gotten a single force close error message except when i tried to load a youtube video. Aside for not being able to play youtube is very smooth rom and i love the battery life thanks Whyzor! The only thing this rom needs is hdmi...really happy with it.