Android Expert
OK, one more thing. Bloodawn, I may need your advice on this after all.
As you know, I fixed my corrupt PRL (which, for the record, was #21095.) Using the free DFS software, I pushed PRL #25005 to the phone this past Sunday, and it worked like a charm
Well, some time today at the office, the phone slipped back down the 1x roaming hole. By itself.
At least now I know how to fix it. So when I got home, I plugged in the phone and "read" the PRL using the DFS software... lo and behold, it reverted back to 21095 all by itself!
And this time I didn't touch the manual PRL update at all. I know better. This happened without any human intervention, while my phone was sitting at my desk, plugged into the charger.
Now that I know how to fix the problem, it's easy enough to do. But I sure don't want to have to push a new prl every 2 days if I don't have to.
Is there any way to stop the rom for pulling the corrupt PRL by itself? I imagine this is what's happening to the other people who are experiencing the problem.
By the way, I just downloaded alogcat, thinking that if it happens again, I might be able to catch the log entry for it. Not sure if this will be of any help to you, but I'd be happy to send it on to you when it happens again.
Thanks Bloodawn (et al)
the prl will always update itself depending on your location so it can access the towers in the area your currently at, and I don't think theres anyway to stop that. I think all the prl updating stuff is on the cdma partition (except for the manual update button in settings which just forces it). so its not the rom making it update itself.
what probably happened is that prl you keep getting updated to is probably using a tower sprint is working on which is why your losing 3g.