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Root [ROM] CTMod 3.80 (04/06/13)

cool, my theme is red and blue by J6. worrking fast smooth and no complaints!!!:D

That's awesome! It's nice when It just work's. Even better when It works amazing. Blood is really appreciated. I am thankful for all the people who make our phones better. :D

Sent from my SPH-M820-BST using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
That's awesome! It's nice when It just work's. Even better when It works amazing. Blood is really appreciated. I am thankful for all the people who make our phones better. :D

Sent from my SPH-M820-BST using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5

he and everyone involved do a great job!!!! we can include ourselfs too in a small way with helping find problems and stuff and letting them know to fix and always making it better for the next person that comes along and tries it out!!!!:D:D:D
I was using WP7 Style but its the default theme right now

Nice. That was one of the ones I liked and so did my brother in law.

A while back after I got my green theme out I four your old theme the game green and blue and red.

I was all confused because I thought no one had a green theme.
Which reminds me.
I was wondering if I could incorperate some of your old green theme with mine?
Hey bro. Just wanted to let you know something about the lag issue.
I've been patient enough to go to the settings which takes a few minutes for it to happen.
Then go to all tab and get into browser settings.
If I clear the cache it stops lagging.
But this lag can cause things to crash.
Like settings for example..
It happened to me.
Hey bro. Just wanted to let you know something about the lag issue.
I've been patient enough to go to the settings which takes a few minutes for it to happen.
Then go to all tab and get into browser settings.
If I clear the cache it stops lagging.
But this lag can cause things to crash.
Like settings for example..
It happened to me.

Easy cache cleaner from market should do the trick.
Nice. That was one of the ones I liked and so did my brother in law.

A while back after I got my green theme out I four your old theme the game green and blue and red.

I was all confused because I thought no one had a green theme.
Which reminds me.
I was wondering if I could incorperate some of your old green theme with mine?

go ahead
gettins some really bad lag on 3.5 to the point where im pulling out the battery like three times a day crazy .. any ideas what it might be?

I guess I'm in the same boat mostly being impatient. I had the worst issue of lag/lockup yesterday while on the road. In my case I believe it has something to do with the maps app. I normally don't have to many lags with 3.5 and when I do I've left a lot of apps open.

I can rely on this to lock up for a while if I have the Google Nav/Maps on and get a call or flip back and forth from the map to messages. I get a force close from the maps app sometimes as well.

Anyone got some advice ? Should I wipe the SD and start fresh ?
I guess I'm in the same boat mostly being impatient. I had the worst issue of lag/lockup yesterday while on the road. In my case I believe it has something to do with the maps app. I normally don't have to many lags with 3.5 and when I do I've left a lot of apps open.

I can rely on this to lock up for a while if I have the Google Nav/Maps on and get a call or flip back and forth from the map to messages. I get a force close from the maps app sometimes as well.

Anyone got some advice ? Should I wipe the SD and start fresh ?

EDIT: You also need to check that apps are not running in the background such as Facebook, Amazon, etc. .When running those apps on my phone, I use Titanium Pro to FREEZE them. When I want to use them again, I just go to Titanium and choose DEFROST and they're ready to go.

Make sure that you start closing all of your apps when you quit using them. I read in your comment that you've been leaving them open and not only is that a battery killer, that's a performance killer too.

Also, if you have the time, it never hurts to use Odin and start from square 1 if you are experiencing problems. I always save the contents of my sd card to my pc and, then repartition the card. Also, here's a little hint for you when using Maps. Make sure that you reboot your phone before you start the Maps app(this will kill anything running in the background and free up RAM too) Every so often((45 minutes-1hour) you may need to reboot the phone again while in transit, it helps. :D:thumbup:
(Question) anybody. Im running the ctmod 3.5 kk2.4 m820 f-19 on my prevail. My question is there any way I can set my phone back to just the regular gingerbread 2.3.6?? Like with what the phone came with.
(Question) anybody. Im running the ctmod 3.5 kk2.4 m820 f-19 on my prevail. My question is there any way I can set my phone back to just the regular gingerbread 2.3.6?? Like with what the phone came with.

Now usually I don't do this but....go ahead and keep the party going.


Edit: Good lord Biker do you ever sleep...bah off by 1 min.
HA! Beatcha.......:p :fight:

man,, i'm lmao right now. I just knew someone was gonna beat me to it.

EDIT: Lord have mercy!! man i'm laughing so hard that tears are runnin down my face...

Been up studying a little and can't sleep.
Quick question now that my phone is running great I'm upgrading to a class 10 card I want to clone my existing card partitions and all do you think acronis will do the job or do you know a better way
Quick question now that my phone is running great I'm upgrading to a class 10 card I want to clone my existing card partitions and all do you think acronis will do the job or do you know a better way

Make a backup in cwm,
backup your sdcard contents to pc,
Partition new card as desired,
Copy sdcard contents to new card,
In cwm- backup and restore> advanced restore> restore sdext.
(if using one partition it will boot, normally, if using two partitions (ssm) boot will take a while as dalvik is built in sdext2)
Hey I just clicked on that link and that's the same one I installed earlier today but after I did it my phone rebooted and the Samsung logo showed then the boost mobile logo. After my screen was just blank so I had to put the kk and ctmod back.

Well then you didn't do something right. Man, i've used Odin so many times that i don't care to count them.lol As a matter of fact, I just used it a little while ago. If you need help with it , post over in that thread. i promise you that it will put your phone back to where you want it if done correctly. I'm going to send you a PM right now.
this is the one you have to put on sd card and flash in cwm first uninstall the play store and data then flash

wetbiker gave me this and works great

How do I uninstall the Play Store? - there is no uninstall button, so I tried deleting the .apk file from system/app (called something else, not playstore, cant remember), cleared the cache etc. first, flashed the zip, then the old version was back, then the new one came back, now its right back to where it was before.

How do I uninstall the Play Store? - there is no uninstall button, so I tried deleting the .apk file from system/app (called something else, not playstore, cant remember), cleared the cache etc. first, flashed the zip, then the old version was back, then the new one came back, now its right back to where it was before.

Use Titanium backup to wipe the market apk data and uninstall it. Then boot in to CWM and flash the file. I made that file just for that purpose. :D

EDIT, this will install the older version of the market. It will update itself after you sign-in. Just give it time to update .
Alright I started everything g fresh bro.
I even did the two partitions (512m both)
To get Ssm.
Heard this'll help with the lag/cache problem.

Wish me luck.
Just for reference
I have no theme.
Basic stock mode with tapatalk.
Ima browse around the net for a bit after I shower.
Ill report in.
SSM does make it feel less laggy btw.
It still updated to the new version. Thats ok, as long as i didnt minimize the window or close it it gave me enough time to see everything how ineeded to. Thanks.

I dont understand what the lag issue is, actually i notice while typing this it takesa little time to print it on screen, but other than that i dont notice any issues. I have the ssm enabled with 2 2gb partitions and a 12gb for the fat.
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