Hi, it's been a while, been learning a lot behind the scenes so that way I don't bother you guys with too many questions
So yeah, after installing 3.5:
Problem 1: Using the larger CT3.5Fix.zip (not in OP) things are much smoother than before, but eventually I still have browser lag (about 30 mins of use), which drains my battery, clearing the app cache would make it go back to normal with slight glitching so then I would just do a restart which then made it smooth again. Then of course this repeats.
Problem 2: In general my battery is just draining like a mofo, yesterday I had it sitting on the table all day (locked black screen), went to 30% no calls no nothing. I have no idea what is causing that. I am going to try to odin back to stock to see if my battery is just starting to crap out on me.
Problem 3: Not sure if it's coincidence but it seems that my service has gotten crappier, 3g just isn't as fast, reception keeps jumping around while I'm using it. (Maybe just coincidence after install since I reached the 35 mark on shrinkage so perhaps they are giving me crappier service now)
So as far as my configuration goes:
16gb class 10 SD Card; ADBed my sdcard to have two partitions (2 x 2048mb; rest fat) as instructed on the KK thread, used Kouma's script to format both to ext4, installed ctmod 3.5 with SSM enabled. Then apkinstaller.zipped swype back. I never overclocked the cpu either. NO themes have been installed.
P.S. I read somewhere in the forums that the FA19 update removed CIQ from the prevail, is this true???