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Root [ROM] CTMod 3.80 (04/06/13)

I ran SSM through ADB and it worked fine, but I cannot access my sdcard through windows xp now. tried multiple things. so from here im now stuck.
did you restore stuff from 2.5 on to 3.5? these versions are completely different and doing that breaks stuff.

reinstall 3.5
reboot back to recovery
install the fix
boot up and set the koumakernel to what you want
reboot and test what you had problems with before you add anything.
did you restore stuff from 2.5 on to 3.5? these versions are completely different and doing that breaks stuff.

reinstall 3.5
reboot back to recovery
install the fix
boot up and set the koumakernel to what you want
reboot and test what you had problems with before you add anything.

Heybro so far the fix 3.5 has given me no problems.
(I'm up late cause I was playing assassins Crees brotherhood.)
I dont use backups, I do everything from scratch. I figured out that my sdcard will only show up on my xp machine if I boot into recovery with the usb cable attached and go to mounts and storage/mount usb storage. -That's how I now have to access my sdcard on the pc.

Before that I ran SSM through ADB, it all worked fine, I made a fat 11.8GB partition with the sdext/swap both 2048GB (16GB card), after I got the sdcard to show up in xp I installed the SD Ext Partition Formatter for CWM and that changed them to ext4, and I already had it set in the menu from before to the ssm option.

I notice in the CWM menu that nothing seems to be mounted, I dont know if this is normal, or am I supposed to wipe anything, or do other things.

Is this how this is supposed to be, or should I go back and start everything all over again and just have the 1 ext partition like I had using the old setup like kk1.2 gave me... I'm not sure. Even though 3.5 comes with kk2.4, should I go back and install kk1.2, or is there no reason to do this I guess, .... sorry guys it feels like I have the ability but am lost on understanding what I'm doing....lol

So I know I can do these things, but I'm not sure I'm understanding what it is I'm doing. I went back and read a bunch, It's a bit different since I am no longer seeing the internal memory as 2GB's, but now only 111mb or so, and Isee I will probably have to install that fix for the Play store as it's not listing things right.

I dig the new 3.5, but I'm not sure what I'm doing. Ovious?
hope I explained something right here...
hopefully you see how, or why, or what I'm confused about here.
I dont use backups, I do everything from scratch. I figured out that my sdcard will only show up on my xp machine if I boot into recovery with the usb cable attached and go to mounts and storage/mount usb storage. -That's how I now have to access my sdcard on the pc.

Before that I ran SSM through ADB, it all worked fine, I made a fat 11.8GB partition with the sdext/swap both 2048GB (16GB card), after I got the sdcard to show up in xp I installed the SD Ext Partition Formatter for CWM and that changed them to ext4, and I already had it set in the menu from before to the ssm option.

I notice in the CWM menu that nothing seems to be mounted, I dont know if this is normal, or am I supposed to wipe anything, or do other things.

Is this how this is supposed to be, or should I go back and start everything all over again and just have the 1 ext partition like I had using the old setup like kk1.2 gave me... I'm not sure. Even though 3.5 comes with kk2.4, should I go back and install kk1.2, or is there no reason to do this I guess, .... sorry guys it feels like I have the ability but am lost on understanding what I'm doing....lol

So I know I can do these things, but I'm not sure I'm understanding what it is I'm doing. I went back and read a bunch, It's a bit different since I am no longer seeing the internal memory as 2GB's, but now only 111mb or so, and Isee I will probably have to install that fix for the Play store as it's not listing things right.

I dig the new 3.5, but I'm not sure what I'm doing. Ovious?
hope I explained something right here...
hopefully you see how, or why, or what I'm confused about here.

did you make your partitions after you already installed 3.5 or something?

either way, just doing a reinstall of 3.5 and you should be good. you don't have to do any fancy stuff and the install wipes everything for you.
yeah I installed 3.5 then ran adb and did that whole thing. I will try reinstalling 3.5 right now, but 1 question. - you said above install 3.5 then "flash the fix" - which Fix do you mean?
ok re-installed 3.5, booted, installed the Fix, booted, but at this point since I did all of the partitioning through adb earlier for the ssm setup, should I choose ssm in the settings/ctmod settings/koumakernel settings menu? - i ask because it's back on default since I reinstalled 3.5 - and if I do this, I;m guessing it will initilize this setup for me after I make the choice and reboot.?
::also I cant seem to get my wifi to work, I'm still looking into it and reading back a bit::
ok re-installed 3.5, booted, installed the Fix, booted, but at this point since I did all of the partitioning through adb earlier for the ssm setup, should I choose ssm in the settings/ctmod settings/koumakernel settings menu? - i ask because it's back on default since I reinstalled 3.5 - and if I do this, I;m guessing it will initilize this setup for me after I make the choice and reboot.?
::also I cant seem to get my wifi to work, I'm still looking into it and reading back a bit::

ssm is enabled by default, it just doesn't show up in the app. if you enable it it won't actually change anything except what it says.
ok now regarding that menu, if I was to check at the bottom the "Disable Internal /data" - will this actually disable data from being stored internally, and therefore store it on the sdcard, or am I reading into this wrong..?
ok now regarding that menu, if I was to check at the bottom the "Disable Internal /data" - will this actually disable data from being stored internally, and therefore store it on the sdcard, or am I reading into this wrong..?
You should not check that.
ok now regarding that menu, if I was to check at the bottom the "Disable Internal /data" - will this actually disable data from being stored internally, and therefore store it on the sdcard, or am I reading into this wrong..?

they said earlier (i'm pretty sure) not to check that when on ssm, mines not checked and is fine. the sd-ext's are actually part of the internal memory. if running data you would want to check that one.
if running data.....
I dont even know what the hell im running now.
I turned forty yesterday. My mind flipped over to eighty.
I'm mentally going backwards here.
cant follow along. but I got it done, just unsure of what I did.
I will leave it alone.

Is there a fix or soemthing for the GPS, and also I cant find that post on how to fix the Play Store issue, this is listing stuff I dont own and installed a long time ago that I dont even use anymore.
if running data.....
I dont even know what the hell im running now.
I turned forty yesterday. My mind flipped over to eighty.
I'm mentally going backwards here.
cant follow along. but I got it done, just unsure of what I did.
I will leave it alone.

Is there a fix or soemthing for the GPS, and also I cant find that post on how to fix the Play Store issue, this is listing stuff I dont own and installed a long time ago that I dont even use anymore.

well HAPPY BITHDAY!!!!! if on data will read like 300 or 450 ect used and on ssm will read normal like 40 or 50 used and 120 or 100 free and when look at sd card in settings / storage there should be nothing checked. how many apps do you have and how did you restore them? and i think there is a fix for gps, don't remember where. what is yours doing?

if gps is maps, when you got three error messages in status bar at top, you need to go to bottom one first and check mark it then do next one up then the first one and will work. if gps for maps. any others i don't know.
Thanks thanks. My gps wont connect, even though I'm 5 feet away from it. I do evverything from scratch, so there is no backup to redo. But I'm noticing my internal memory is showing 153MB, and I actually do have a few apps installed, just a few, but shouldnt this show my 2GB partiton as internal memory, or this no longer shows it that way now with the new setup I have going as ssm, 3 partitons/ext4.

I tried this, but it didnt work: opinions from the smart guys... (Play Store fix)

I actually have probably 80 apps I'm eventually going to re-install.
Thanks thanks. My gps wont connect, even though I'm 5 feet away from it. I do evverything from scratch, so there is no backup to redo. But I'm noticing my internal memory is showing 153MB, and I actually do have a few apps installed, just a few, but shouldnt this show my 2GB partiton as internal memory, or this no longer shows it that way now with the new setup I have going as ssm, 3 partitons/ext4.

I actually have probably 80 apps I'm eventually going to re-install.
the 153 sounds right and goto settings/applications/manage apps lokk at downloaded, add up the amounts and you will see that they are way more than memory used and that is how ssm works. you won't see 2gb on memory but it's there. which gps are you trying to connect or use?
ok i understand that now.
I'm SORRY Not GPS I MEANT WIFI - My Bad - I cannot get my WIFI to connect.
gettin old sucks. lol
ok i understand that now.
I'm SORRY Not GPS I MEANT WIFI - My Bad - I cannot get my WIFI to connect.
gettin old sucks. lol

i'm 43, is the wifi settings all turned on in wireless&networks and then in location and secureity?

we aren't old yet!
hahaha .. not yet..

yeah, it'sall turned on. I had a setup so when I went certain places it would auto turn on, like here at home, it would connect to my home netwok, but I cant get it to connect at all since I installed the 3.5

I looked but still cant find that post about how to fix the play store issue, cant find it. I'll have to dig around a little more again.

Thanks guys, and you too blood ... lol for all the help. Really. Thanks. I unserstand it all more now, I think I made it harder than it was doing the install/config. Lot of info to absorb.
hahaha .. not yet..

yeah, it'sall turned on. I had a setup so when I went certain places it would auto turn on, like here at home, it would connect to my home netwok, but I cant get it to connect at all since I installed the 3.5

I looked but still cant find that post about how to fix the play store issue, cant find it. I'll have to dig around a little more again.

Thanks guys, and you too blood ... lol for all the help. Really. Thanks. I unserstand it all more now, I think I made it harder than it was doing the install/config. Lot of info to absorb.

View attachment 31027
this is the one you have to put on sd card and flash in cwm first uninstall the play store and data then flash

wetbiker gave me this and works great
The reason it does not show all the available space is because not all of the /data partition is on the ext. Just /data/app in ext1 and data/dalvik cache in ext2 everything else is still on internal. If you switch to /data mode it actually mounts ext1 AS /data (ext format required)

open terminal and type 'df' (no quotes) to see the real memory stats
You will notice that when you install apps less space is 'being used' than the app takes up (ie 10mb app installed 'uses' let's say 2 of 'available memory') Android doesn't know any better.
But terminal will tell the real story
The reason it does not show all the available space is because not all of the /data partition is on the ext. Just /data/app in ext1 and data/dalvik cache in ext2 everything else is still on internal. If you switch to /data mode it actually mounts ext1 AS /data (ext format required)

open terminal and type 'df' (no quotes) to see the real memory stats
You will notice that when you install apps less space is 'being used' than the app takes up (ie 10mb app installed 'uses' let's say 2 of 'available memory') Android doesn't know any better.
But terminal will tell the real story

yes sure does and i have 130 apps most are 10-20mb each and tb says i have a total with os of 298 apps.

View attachment 31028

not too bad!!
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