I'm not sure what kind of configuration I need, or want. There's a lot of choices. I like using the apps to sd functionality, I like how I have 2 GB's of internal memory now, since I use a lot of apps. But now there are a lot of choices of having different things as far as that stuff goes, as far as having different things to the sdcard, but it's my choice. But I don't really understand it all yet, so I really cant make a choice of what I should do with it. Then once I do decide, if I can actually make that decision, which I cant right now, cause I'm not sure what I dont understand yet, I have to go back through the past 30 pages and review review and review again and try and beat it into my head. Which I did already several times. And if there is not going to be an update to the current anytime soon, that's cool, I'd rather stay away from it then deal with the current issues that are starting to pop up. I want to get the phone at a usable state for ME, and keep it there, but at the same time have the best fastest versions that I can get the most out of. But I have to understand it all first.