Anyone have any ideas why when trying 3.75, after choosing the "data" mode for the kernel, and after rebooting phone it gets stuck on the Koumakernel screen FOREVER? Everything boots up fine without changing that setting. CTMod 3.68 worked fine with the data option. I have a 1gb ext part. I've read through the post and saw one other person had same problem. I have two prevails and same thing happens on both with 3.75. Any ideas???????? Also have tried, after choosing the data mode, booting into recovery and formatting sd-ext then rebooting and still get stuck on the Kouma screen.
Side note....thanks to Blood and Kouma for all the work they have done for this phone and this ROM. And also to all others who have spent time developing etc etc. And of course to Hroark and Shabby, awsome work!!
Side note....thanks to Blood and Kouma for all the work they have done for this phone and this ROM. And also to all others who have spent time developing etc etc. And of course to Hroark and Shabby, awsome work!!