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Root [ROM] CTMod 3.80 (04/06/13)

don't know how you are installing titanium, but i go to market and have to get again, then put your titanium backup on sd card ,( that is hopefully on pc backed up there) ,then you can batch restore everthing or what you want but don't restore any system apps, will cause problems if on a different mod if you made a backup through titanium you have to extract it through titanium
a CW can I see a screen shot for your internal memory? So I kno what to look for.
helped thanks. Reinstalled ctmod and now it took TB every things ok thanks again now I cant get my contacts on ctmod? I resorted them in TB nothing i'll try again

if its gmail or whatever just sign into your account and it will restore all contacts:D:D:D
Woohoo funny you said that I just did it and came here and was gonna post it thanks again:D but on most I have 2 of the same ? whats up with that?

after you sign in then titanium kicks in and you have double you just have to go to one of each and deleat them and when done will only have one of each. just long press on one of each and hit delete!!!:D:D:D
Don't overclock it then, its a option, not something your being forced to do.

And use a different launcher if you don't like the one that comes with the rom.

Sorry if I sounded douc*ey bro.
And I went around trying different lajnchers. But none of them have lagged on me.
So I'm really leaning twords the launcher is bad on MY phone.
Because the lags started On 3.3 after I started trying xperia.
Bee. Using g nemus launcher a lot.
But I'm still seeing other ones.
Oh and take note that when I do run xperja I suddenly lag.
But rebooted a d started nemus and I ra. Smooth still.

Confirm this for me?
Download two extra launchers.
And don't select default at all.
Turn off phone start xperia.
If not hi g happens keep the experiment going.

My phone has lagged about twice selecting Experia like this.
Bloodawn: I love you and this ROM. I'll be honest... I thought it was getting a little funky for a while. And then you brought native APP2SD support! Now the overclocking and built-in screenshot! Great stuff!!!!

Also, something that is completely minor but I've always thought would be a little more "polished" is the power menu restart and recovery options. I could be wrong and this could be a much more complex fix than I understand, but the text for the two still says "Shutting down..." Would it be feasible to switch that to something like "Restarting..." or "Restarting into Recovery Mode..." ?

Also, I know you've mentioned before that you could never get brightness working in your notification panel. Was that brightness overall or just the panel? I'd just like you to think about brightness for a bit. Meditate on it. Even if you could bring the menu up a few levels it would be a little less clumsy. I've often thought of a 6a-6p script that cranks brightness up and then 6p-6a that knocks it back down or something. I dunno, not sure whether or not "listening" for that trigger all day is going to wear the phone's battery down.

Anywho, you=the_sh*t. Keep on making this the most awesome and utilitarian phone ever created!
Thank you so much for this rom. This is the first time I have been able to run netflix without a problem. Angry birds and tikicarts runs smoother then ever. Awesome job!
thanks for the update blood...you have made some serious changes to ct for the better..i would have to agree with most and say this is the best ver ct i have used..all the others were great as well..but this one is really the shit..put it on the wifes phone too..i switch between this and cm9..nice to come home to ct after cm9 starts pissing me off..everything works very well from the xeperia launcher to the new kernel and the ct settings..great job man, thanks for your awsome work
I've just gotten into the Android modding scene and have been having fun lurking and learning. I have experience with windows mods and psp/wii mods. So I'm not a total "noob." First off I want to thank all of you guys at the forums! I have two quick questions, both are for Bloodawn..

1. What do you have to edit to make the text messaging app act as it does in this rom? I am running Cyanogen7 (I'll explain why with question 2) and have got my phone looking almost as nice as I felt it looked when I was running your rom, but I am missing the transparency of both the notification bar and ESPECIALLY the text messaging app. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

2. The reason I switched was I am into retro gaming and I was unable to pair a PS3 controller or Wiimote while running your rom (something I also could not do with the stock rom). For some reason, pairing either controller is seamless with hroark's unofficial Cyanogen7 mod. Is this something you could fix in a future update, or perhaps guide me in the right direction to fix it myself?

Thanks! =)
In response to reticulatus, I've experienced the same Bluetooth issues. It isn't consistent at all though. I could not successfully send a file to 3 separate phones, 2 androids unmodded, and 1 iphone. However, I was randomly able to use bluetooth flawlessly with a newer Sidekick. I'm not sure what the issue here is. I think bloodawn has mentioned it before as being random and seemingly subject to the handset.
I was never crazy about Bluetooth in the first place... I always had problems with it... except on my wii :p

Sent from my SPH-M820 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
I just wanted to correct some info that I had given a few days ago regarding the cpu frequency reading being 948MHz on benchmark scores when the user is only running 900MHz at the time of the benchmark . I thought that since the cpu max frequency was 948MHz , it gave that number on a benchmark even though that's not what it was set at during testing . I stand corrected . As of now , I don't know why it gives the high cpu frequency when it is actually set lower . The shot below is why I am correcting the information that I had given . I have tested at 900MHz is the past and was given a 948MHz on my benchmark . I just tested at 925MHz and it gave me the correct cpu reading along with the highest benchmark I've ever gotten on CTMod 3.4 . If anyone knows why it gives these incorrect readings when tested at 900MHz ,the answer would be appreciated .

I've just gotten into the Android modding scene and have been having fun lurking and learning. I have experience with windows mods and psp/wii mods. So I'm not a total "noob." First off I want to thank all of you guys at the forums! I have two quick questions, both are for Bloodawn..

1. What do you have to edit to make the text messaging app act as it does in this rom? I am running Cyanogen7 (I'll explain why with question 2) and have got my phone looking almost as nice as I felt it looked when I was running your rom, but I am missing the transparency of both the notification bar and ESPECIALLY the text messaging app. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

2. The reason I switched was I am into retro gaming and I was unable to pair a PS3 controller or Wiimote while running your rom (something I also could not do with the stock rom). For some reason, pairing either controller is seamless with hroark's unofficial Cyanogen7 mod. Is this something you could fix in a future update, or perhaps guide me in the right direction to fix it myself?

Thanks! =)

there was a lot of edits to make it semi-transparent. I don't remember what they all were but they wouldn't be the same for cm7's Mms.apk.

what was the last version of CTMod you tried using? I fixed most of the bluetooth issues in 3.2, so if you haven't used any since then it might work for you now.

hey blood was wondering if i could use your CTmod logo/wallpaper?
just want to get your permission. xD

for $3000.

lol go ahead.
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