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Root [ROM] GingerbreadCM7

a reppard if we installed the optimus v drivers to or computer would it recognize or phone when running that rom

Doubt it but you could try. I run Linux so I never had to install drivers in the first place. If you need mass storage you can always boot into recovery
i meant the wifi to computer app..lol sorry i was replying from my phone..theres and app for web sharing that you can transfer files to and from your computer through your wifi network.
theres and app for web sharing that you can transfer files to and from your computer through your wifi network.
ES File Explorer does this quite well, I just wish it could change file permissions too.
It's free and has no ads or a pro version to upgrade to, although I suspect once they figure out how to add the ability to change file permissions, they'll have one.

If you choose to use this, just make sure your WiFi is fully up and running before trying to access shared files on your computer. If you open ES File Explorer and then turn on your WiFi, it will continuously complain about no connection until you close it fully and crank up the WiFi first.

@Chazz- do not even act like you are going to take a tone with me. Please use civility because when you start being ignorant about ignorant statements then you become moot. I could stand corrected but what bothers me is if the phone is EXACTLY the same then why is it not just some easy thing to port?

I see where you are right about the hardware but I know for a fact that there are fundamental differences between the phones that make it harder for you to just take a Op One rom and just stick it on our phone with little effort.

Not trying to take a tone with you.

Factually incorrect statements have to be refuted.

Somone who makes the same statements even after being shown proof wants to argue.

1) a person said the Huawei Ascend was being sold in "more markets" than the LG Optimus One (which the M is).

That is ridiculously untrue. The Ascend is being sold by two U.S. carriers, MetroPCS and Cricket. Cricket has a smaller customer base than Metro. The LG Optimus One (One, M, C, T, S, U, etc) is being sold in lots of countries around the world by dozens of carriers including the very huge ones like Verizon and AT&T. It is actually one of the best selling Android phones, on track to sell over 10 million. How many Ascend will be sold? If the only two carriers are Metro and Cricket, then only a few hundred thousand at best. So, this person's initial statement is 100% wrong.

In fact, my point was if the crappy Huawei Ascend -- sold only on two "minor" carriers -- can be ported to Gingerbread, why can't the LG Optimus One which is sold around the world by many, many carriers?

By the way, Cricket also sells the Optimus!

In fact, the M and C versions seem to be exactly identical, thus totally refuting that person's ill advised statements.


2) a person (I think the same) then tried to insinuate I was slamming developers. Again, the exact opposite is true as I have donated money to a few developers on this forum as a thank you for their efforts.

3) another person gave an example of two phones sold by Veriozn that LOOKED ALIKE, but were different internally.

This is a false analogy. Of course GSM and CDMA transmission chipsets are different, but everything else is the same -- CPU, RAM, camera, etc running Android 2.2.


LG did not develop and sell 100 different LG Optimus One phones -- this is the same phone being sold in Canada by Telus and Rogers, as being sold by MetroPCS, Cricket, Sprint, Verizon here in the U.S. It's the same phone.

Yes, some carriers use GSM and others CDMA, so the ones to look at have the CDMA chipsets.

AND, with MetroPCS for CDMA you not only have the "normal" 800/1900 CDMA frequencies, you also have 1700/2100 (which are used in New York city and a handful of other MetroPCS markets). This is why "flashed" CDMA phones from other carriers won't work in New York city on MetroPCS.

Cricket has "tri-band" (800/1900 + 1700), while Metro has "quad-band" (800/1900 + 1700/2100).

Among the different carriers there are slightly different software bundles installed (yes some of it the dreaded bloatware). But LG obiously has the same basic kernel on all of them to control the same hardware all of them have.

I've already said there are some slight button placement differences and the side hardware buttons have different functions based on carrier preference. This is where there will be difficulty porting as it's not just copy and paste.

But this is an OPPORTUNITY, not a disadavantage. It's like mapping the human genome. Once you have it mapped, then you know exactly where to look for slight differences.

IN FACT, the LG Optimus C by Cricket seems to have the exact same button placement as the LG Optimus M? (On Amazon, identical cases being sold for both) Again, bringing my point home that if the crappy Huwaei Ascend can have Gingerbread, why not the our Optimus?

This was the answer:

their on two markets, wider user base to help develop than we on only the metro market have D:

Now go look at this LG Optimus phone on Cricket (LG LW690) and compare it to the one on MetroPCS LG MS690)-- and tell me how it's different from the Huawei Ascend on both Metro and Cricket?

LG Optimus C LW690 Cell Phones & Mobile Phones - LG Electronics US


Therefore the poster comparing the Huawei Ascend to our LG Optimus was totally incorrect in his assumptions.
There now follows an important message from your friendly local moderator....

Please cut out the back-and-forth crap, as it's muddying the thread and turning other users off. If you wish to continue your debate about the minutae of Optimus versioning please do so via PM to keep this thread on-topic. I don't want to have to delete posts as useful info may get lost, but at the same time the thread can't be allowed to derail. Your choice....
There now follows an important message from your friendly local moderator....

Please cut out the back-and-forth crap, as it's muddying the thread and turning other users off.

It's true too. I had a total full on, but now I'm just like, Meh! :D
My optimus m says it is 600 mhz when I am in cpu app . is there anyway to make it more ? if you install a custom rom does it increase the processor speed? thanks for any help
My optimus m says it is 600 mhz when I am in cpu app . is there anyway to make it more ? if you install a custom rom does it increase the processor speed? thanks for any help
Do you know which version of android it came with? 2.2 or 2.2.1?
You need a kernal that is built to overclock and at the moment only the phone that came with 2.2 has the ability to run that kernel.
If your phone came with 2.2 you can download a rom and flash it using the custom recovery then it will have the ability to run the cpu faster you will just need to use something like setcpu to do so.
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