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Root [ROM][LOTK][4.2.2]Unofficial Carbon Rom [4-10-13]


DON'T PANIC!!!!!!!!!
  • May 13, 2010
    Los Angeles
    ok so lotk and jamie71 has put out a carbon rom. it looks sweet!!!!!

    again this is not mine

    original thread:

    jamieg71 said:
    LOTK Presents,
    Unofficial Carbon Rom
    CarbonRom is an aftermarket firmware based on the Android Open Source Project. We are dedicated to fast, stable, and feature-filled roms, honesty and communication with our users, and openness with our code. We like frequent builds, with the very latest and greatest hardware support and fixes. We strive to not only provide you with the best rom we can build, but also to give back to the Android community and our fellow developers. For us, this is about creating something we can be proud of and hope you will enjoy.

    Please feel free to look at, build, and use our code on CarbonDev GitHub.

    We would like to thank CyanogenMod for their device trees, framework/settings mods and their code that was incorporated into this project. We also extend our gratitude to the devs whose code that we have incorporated. Proper authorship has been maintained and can be viewed on our repository.

    Special thanks also go to Slim Rom for some of their features, PA, AOKP, and anyone else we may have borrowed commits from that hasn't been mentioned here. If you feel you have been unfairly left out, please - let us know.

    While we make every effort to test these builds as much as possible, we are not responsible for anything that may happen to your device, family, pets, or perception of reality. We ask that you do your part to know your device and know how to recover from problems before you flash!

    1.6 is a pretty big update for us! Check out the changelog on our goo.im page for more, but here are the highlights:

    -We've fixed PIE! It no longer decides to be invisible from time to time.
    -We fixed the battery charge light! None of us use it but apparently you guys are just nuts for it!
    -Dark Carbon! Huge props to Slim Roms for coming up with this unique and awesome feature.
    -Lockscreen theming
    -CM skinny battery is back!
    -Volume key lock on silent mode option
    -Backup tool - if you're flashing a new version of Carbon and already have the required version of gapps installed, it will be backed up and restored during install. This applies to system apps and custom host files as well. Please note that you should only dirty flash from Carbon to Carbon. It's ok if it's another version or a nightly - just not over other roms. Super handy for you crack flashers. Make sure you've got the most recent Gapps though, and if you're flashing from a factory reset, you'll still need to install it after install of course.
    -Long pressing the "clear recents" button clears the cache
    -3.4 kernel on D2xxx devices. It's finally stable enough where we're comfortable with this - remember to only flash other 3.4 kernels or it will not boot as there are rom-level dependencies.
    -AOKP's awesome new navbar settings
    -NFC polling mode for when you want to keep your screen off and scan tags
    -MMS and call "breathe" feature. Makes the notification icon fade in and out.
    -Mute dings when changing volume
    -Disable/enable CRT effect on screen on/off.
    -3rd party keyboard bug fixed
    -deodexed again
    -stability and speed enhancements
    -a million other little things as well - we basically don't even sleep anymore.

    Removed all languages (kept English Espagnol)
    No fallback font's
    LOTK framework/animation tweaks
    Post build optimizations
    decompressed resources for better use of ram
    decompressed all .apks
    Png optimizations
    Reduced over all rom size by nearly 12 Mb

    Initial release
    please see dg4prez's thread here for a complete
    breakdown. Also great place to find their donate links..
    ...it will take a couple of days to get through all of the setting options baked in. :) There are so many different ways to configure the device to support very fine tuned needs.

    I had luck with Komodo rls30 - 1.8 with S2W gestures [which I oddly use often]. I'm overclocked now, running deadline and ondemand - lightening fast, no FCs, no problems. The ROM was solid on the stock kernel, but I got used to Slide to Wake...and I wanted to see how the ROM felt with a bit more juice.

    This morning I installed Nova Launcher, to get even more control over the look and feel, and I honestly couldn't be happier with the ROM. Everything is solid for me.

    Don't sleep on it! ;)
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    Thank dude - I have a solid weekend of use under my belt now, so here's where I am.

    The ROM is still tops, in my opinion. I love the customization. At no point did I really think of flashing back to PAC, or shopping for something different, which is a good thing. I will TOTALLY drop a ROM like a hot turd, if that's what it is.

    I used nav all weekend, including a "quick" trip into DC - GPS worked excellent for me. I had one "re-reouting loop", where the device needs to re-route...but can't, it just says "re-routing". Killing the nav and re-starting my trip [pretty easy to do on the fly] got me right back on track.

    I also did a load of MTN biking this weekend with My Tracks - never had an issue on any of my rides. Data was accurate.

    I did experience a couple of FCs from multitasking that seemed really odd to me. I think they may be related to Komodo - I need to slide over to Thick's thread to see what's happening - maybe try flashing one of the 1.5 or 1.7 kernels. After some investigation I figured out that my CPU settings were getting knocked down to 384 min and max. Obviously, the lack of juice results in the device responding poorly, and in some cases re-booting itself.

    ...so what causes it? At the moment, I believe it's somehow related to Google Now, which I use often. If I perform a search or pull up Google Now in anyway, my CPU settings get tanked. It's odd. Granted, that's NOT a ROM problem, as far as I can tell. I guess I might recommend running this ROM with the stock kernel at first, just to get the hang of it - rock a NANDROID, then flash your fav kernel to see how it plays along. I will say, overclocking this ROM really cranks it up. :)

    I don't really have anything bad to say. The known issues to these builds are present, but I assume anyone flashing knows what they're getting into there. Nothing show stopping.

    That's where I'm at now. Any hesitations?
    Upvote 0
    That is quite a review. :thumbup:

    I have used that my tracks app on my bike and like it too! I don't care for Google now, I take it off my phone.

    I got too used to mnbn so I went back to a no sense version of a mnics, using Nova launcher and anthrax.
    I'm on the latest firmware but downgraded the touch panel. I really like it!

    I'll have to try something new eventually though. Lol.
    Upvote 0
    That is quite a review. :thumbup:

    I have used that my tracks app on my bike and like it too! I don't care for Google now, I take it off my phone.

    I got too used to mnbn so I went back to a no sense version of a mnics, using Nova launcher and anthrax.
    I'm on the latest firmware but downgraded the touch panel. I really like it!

    I'll have to try something new eventually though. Lol.

    My Tracks is solid - can't ride without it! Google Now, just works for me - I realize it's probably causing me a few more headaches than not, but it really fits nicely into my workflows. I especially like that I get a little alert before I leave for and from work, letting me know the current traffic conditions. Also, I like the traffic-conscious reminders for my scheduled meetings. It's cool knowing that I need to leave "now' to get to my appointment on time - and I can launch directly into Navigation to my appointment. It's good stuff. I can see that it's probably not for everyone.

    Talk to me about this touch panel downgrade. I know there were touch panel issues around the time of the last firmware upgrade, but haven't seen anything on people downgrading the tp for any reason after the fact. Or, was that what you needed to do to run the ICS ROM?


    To keep things on topic, if you're shopping for a 4.2.2 ROM, I would jump all over Carbon. It's tough to flash away from a ROM setup that's working well for you [as was my case with PAC], but I think this one is worth a test drive. My hesitations with 4.2.2 were focused mainly on the changes to the Notification Shade [adding extra presses is NOT improvement], but I think the options available in the ROM make that all moot.
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    I got the firmware from cap throwback's thread originally. Can't link, on phone.

    If i remember correctly, he provided it sans tp firmware upgrade as well as providing zips to up or down grade it. Know the thread? Have one here too. On phone.

    I tried it both ways, didn't greatly improve anything for me and you are right. Limited what I could run.

    Can see where G now could be great. My signal is not that great though... Can see where it would be handy in D C , lol. I get all twisted up up there!

    I'll link you up when I get home, if you can't find it. On the Mik site, I believe.
    Upvote 0
    Oh, okay, I got you now..yea, I'm familiar. That's where I got the firmware update when it was released. I thought the TP downgrade was some new thing all the cool kids were doing...I didn't want to be the only one left out!!

    ...and yea, navigation in this area is critical! As are traffic notifications. It takes me an hour and a half to drive home 13 miles. :)
    Upvote 0
    yeah i'm running it as well. with komodo kernel flashed as well, the rom kernel/combo has been great for my battery as well.

    i love the customizations and nav works for me as well......i'm digging it. i'm glad jamie made a thread dedicated to this rom for extra attention.

    i might try his other smaller projects as well......maybe liquid smooth?
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    Reactions: dustwun77
    Upvote 0
    Oh, okay, I got you now..yea, I'm familiar. That's where I got the firmware update when it was released. I thought the TP downgrade was some new thing all the cool kids were doing...I didn't want to be the only one left out!!

    ...and yea, navigation in this area is critical! As are traffic notifications. It takes me an hour and a half to drive home 13 miles. :)

    Got you! Glad I was clear enough you could figure out what i was talking about. lol

    Main thing I remember about driving in DC was, "Dad, don't we need to turn left here? And 3 lanes of solid cars between me and where I needed to go. That, and driving around in circles. :D 3 cheers for the Metro!

    Nah, I can't keep up with the cool kids, they are always up to something! :)

    I will definitely try the rom out. I still have a nand of his Decks Reloaded on my og Evo! Really puts out a quality product!
    Upvote 0
    yeah i'm running it as well. with komodo kernel flashed as well, the rom kernel/combo has been great for my battery as well.

    i love the customizations and nav works for me as well......i'm digging it. i'm glad jamie made a thread dedicated to this rom for extra attention.

    i might try his other smaller projects as well......maybe liquid smooth?

    I was going to try Liquid, but Carbon caught my eye...and kept my attention. Curious what you think of the other ones, if you flash them.

    Got you! Glad I was clear enough you could figure out what i was talking about. lol

    Main thing I remember about driving in DC was, "Dad, don't we need to turn left here? And 3 lanes of solid cars between me and where I needed to go. That, and driving around in circles. :D 3 cheers for the Metro!

    Nah, I can't keep up with the cool kids, they are always up to something! :)

    I will definitely try the rom out. I still have a nand of his Decks Reloaded on my og Evo! Really puts out a quality product!

    ...DC was designed to thwart an attacking force, which is why it's nearly impossible to navigate. Every road directs you away from the city center. Couple that with the fact that the roads were designed to accommodate horse and carriage - hence the traffic circles. It's a disaster. I try to stay on the VA side as much as possible.

    Upvote 0
    I finally flashed it. It seems to be a very 'quick' rom, responds amazingly fast!

    I made a nand of it to play with when I get more time.

    Sad to say that the gps would not work for me. I have had the worst luck with aosp roms. I will do Rxperts tip of making a saving gps test app while it is connected and working and restoring it when back in that rom.

    as fast as it is, i was surprised to see it didn't fare well on Quadrant Standard. That just goes to show that that is not the end all, be all of judging a rom.

    I tried to use antutu on it but it just made the rom reboot.

    I did not try all of the tweaks available, there sure are a ton!

    I'll be back! :p

    Edit: The Rxpert official gps tip worked like a champ! Localized to 16 feet in the house!

    Starting to wade through the tweaks. I can't believe how fast this thing is! So smooth!
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    I'd like to try this one out but I'm not sure what firmware and TWRP versions I need to be on first?

    what firmware are you one? are you s-on or s-off? if you are s-on with the latest firmware then you are stuck with JB sense roms. if you are s-off, then you should be fine even with the latest firmware.

    i'm on the latest twrp and had no issue flashing this rom with it.
    Upvote 0
    what firmware are you one? are you s-on or s-off? if you are s-on with the latest firmware then you are stuck with JB sense roms. if you are s-off, then you should be fine even with the latest firmware.

    i'm on the latest twrp and had no issue flashing this rom with it.
    I'm s-off but way behind on firmware (got stuck in a work/sleep rut for a while). I'm still at 1.22 (baseband 1.05.0606). My plan was to update all the way to 3.16, then get the newest TWRP from goo manager before I started playing with some ROMs.

    Upvote 0
    I'm s-off but way behind on firmware (got stuck in a work/sleep rut for a while). I'm still at 1.22 (baseband 1.05.0606). My plan was to update all the way to 3.16, then get the newest TWRP from goo manager before I started playing with some ROMs.


    that sounds like a great plan, and i just recently updated mine to the latest firmware as well with the latest TWRP.

    let us know how that goes.
    Upvote 0
    Well, I can't do anything because I can no longer mount my SD card. I had updated to newest TWRP with goo manager.

    When I use TWRP to mount, it shows SD-ext as an option but it won't let me check that box. Then when I mount, it includes ext_sd in the list but I'm guessing that's not the actual sd card because nothing I put in there is seen when I reboot into bootloader.

    Tried to downgrade TWRP to the last version that previously worked for me, but am unable to do so. Tried to use the instructions on Team Win's site for using the terminal emulator method, and it fails to find the file. Not able to use fastboot method since I am unable to update the drivers (haven't found a method that works for that either).
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