Android Expert
Try Sound modes under the Widget Buttons settings screenHm, I feel like an idiot here...not sure what's up but for some reason I cannot get my phone to just vibrate... I go into settings - volume - select vibrate, select the mode (select vibrate there)... select vibrate on ringer status etc....(if I don't touch the volume keys after selecting vibrate mode then it'll do fine, when I do up the ringer and try to go down on volume back to vibrate, can't find it, just goes to silent) I actually don't even need a silent mode with no vibrate but I cannot get back to where on the volume up/down keys if I press down volume all the way I cannot get to vibrate mode, only silent mode. Anyone else having this issue? I'm sure it's simple to get back to the right mode I've been using but man, can't figure it out.....
So I got a replacement phone yesterday and I activated it, then flashed this ROM. With this ROM whenever I answer/send a phone call the phone reboots. I've tried reflashing a few times and it still does it. I've flashed back to stock and calling works fine. Any ideas why?
Try waiting for a later release. I am still on CM7 on my personal phone.
The DEV phone is running CM9 with a navigation drawer. If it wasn't cusomizable I would say it's stupid. And it has no service.