ok ok guys here's the deall... obviously im never finished LOL, ill update the version of no-frill and leave instructions for OC'ing..
but on a side note, i want to add that leaving my device set 9ooMhz was a damn good deal by the end of the day.. too lasy for screen shots right now but just trust me.. i had 4g on bout 60% of the time and wifi on basically the whole time, except ride to and from work because i knew there would be no signal lol.. also had power amp playing music in my car and at work with headphones like 95% of the battery life-span.. it says 9h 16m 4s and 33% remaining

i think thats pretty good... did some web browsing etc also but nothing worth mentioning.. just some post reading and a reply or two...
also thanks to shiny pointing out the obvious i added a line in smoothness script for launcher pro and a few other launchers.. and i noticed i messed up on contacts theme.. so will fix these few issues etc with 2.5.2 coming soon

haha hate to love me, or love to hate me? either way im here to stay!!