I have not experienced this at all, which version are you using? I changed the wifi drivers back to the original Triumph drivers in Ver7 cause a few people were having issues. In Ver6 only the libra.ko from the Triumph was included. I still have to do some more research in to what drivers do what, but everybody uses their phone differently so it is hard to figure out what is actually causing an issue.Is anyone experiencing Wi-Fi drop ?
You can't notice it with Pandora streaming, because Pandora buffers enough, but you can clearly see it when you Skyping for more than 5 mins or streaming Sirius XM or Tune In. Looks like Wi-Fi drops for a few seconds, then comes back.
Yes, I have Wi-Fi sleeping policy set to "never". No problems with Stock or CM7
Thank you, I know this is only Froyo but it is the best Froyo experience I have ever had.I think we can say this ROM fixes gps. I can also get a lock in about 10 seconds inside my work building walls...and they're thick concrete. Nice ROM man!![]()
Thank you very much, if you ever have any questions feel free to ask. I will at least try to point you in the right direction. The more people we have working on issues, and posting results, the better chance we have of making some real progress. Everybody thinks differently so, just like the Sharp ROM gave the devs some ideas on how to improve other ROMs, every little detail counts. I started out by screwing the pooch on my phone and then learned from there, so I know anybody can do it. Things have kinda slowed down on the feedback, so a final version is gonna be a ways out, I can't put a "Final" title on it unless it is flawless as it can be. I was able to get the activation into the U9000-81 ROM but it was acting kinda funny, so I took it out before I released it. But if I could add it to that, then I can add it to this. And once I figure out the voicemail issue then I should be able to fix it in both of them. Any and all help is welcome.I can also say this rom is the best rom i have used, little slow typing this but hey im at work also and with the stock rom i wouldnt be able to get online soo...
Anyway we are all very happy bsydes has come to the triumph family, and must say i am looking forward to a final for this rom, i am slowely learning the dev part of modifying roms etc. But at the moment im best at installing roms and fixing bricked devices, and with bsydes help in another thread im learning a bit faster...
Thanks everybody for the feedback and bug reports keep them coming! I don't ever want to let this backslide so if I changed something that is causing issues let me know. Most of the older builds are available in the reference section in the OP, so if you run into a problem with a new version the older ones will be available to test if the problem is what has changed in the new one. Also, please remember to include which version and any tweaks that you may have applied. Thanks again to everybody for the support and kind words.