Alright, here's a breakdown of the upcoming v2.3.7:
It's built off of the latest Tagged build (which Hashtag released today), dalvik-cache is working on being symlinked to /cache to free up /data space (and therefore user app space), since /cache has a capacity of 228M, and I'm only using 4M (I expect that for many others, it's also quite low) which is about 1.7% of the total. Dalvik cache is now recursively wiped via the installer in the Housekeeping phase, so you no longer need to manually wipe the dalvik cache. Hosts file has been updated. Some system apps were updated. Half of the missing gapps have been reintegrated and updated to today, wherever updates were needed. I've revised the integrated apps, what follow are the only extra apps post-debloat that are included (they are no longer being updated, or the updates are months apart and haven't had updates for a while): JuiceDefender (no brainer), StopWatch w/ Timer, Flashlight + LED, Adobe Flash Player (flash content still lives, this is for freedom through compatibility), and Total Commander (also kind of a no brainer, for me at least - dual windows, highly customizable, root capable, lightweight, and touted highly by Android Police).
Titanium Backup and the others that were included before, were updated on a frequent basis and thus would make the versions included in the ROM obsolete pretty quickly after each new build would be released (also it saves time of having to update them for you and for me, thus reducing headaches on both sides). The included apps are user apps, not system, and are therefore very easily uninstalled (also, being deodexed, this makes uninstall even easier). The apps included in /system are all the bare essentials/stock, such as Calculator and Calendar. The OP will be revised shortly with a full list of the apps that I recommend that one install based on ratings from excellent sources (such as Android Police) as being the top apps in their fields, but I will not include these because you may have personal favourites that you like better or may even perform better. To each their own.
The goal of Sleipnir was and is to be how the phone should have been when it came out of the box. This is the goal that I am sticking to - maximum compatibility, freedom to have none of what you don't want (and not having to jump through hoops to remove /system apps, because /system has been completely debloated while retaining gapps). Camera is not gone, Calculator is not gone, etc., but Wallet is, Smart Device Manager is, etc.
This, I feel, not only achieves the goal, but also makes for the least headaches for everyone, and allows everyone true freedom to do what they want, have what they want, and not have to deal with what they don't want (or as little as possible). This will be further revised once I get Aroma up to replace the old installer, to allow the greatest freedom possible.
In the future, I will more than likely implement the aforementioned (in posts above this one) Swipe Notifications from CM, and the search button remap to camera feature should work correctly now.
This is all just a heads up of what's coming. I'll make another post when the build is up, as I'm in the testing stages now.
EDIT: Test 1 resulted in booting up just fine, then crashing 15 seconds later into a bootloop. Good news is this: if anyone remembers how I mentioned that the status bar shouldn't have been black, but something different, and I had no idea why it was black? Turns out, that on v2.3.7, it's the way it should have always been.