My first post will have to go to this rom. Have been testing it before posting my thoughts.
This rom is absolutely incredible. I'm not even sure where to start. I can run things smoothly as low as a single core underclocked to 500mhz! I have been able to obtain well over 14 hours with texting/skype and a little web surfing and still be at 73% battery. Before installing and reading what people said, I kept thinking "yeah right" lol but its true with the battery times. My Quaddrant benchmark scores have never been higher either when I speed things up(I have tried a decent amount of roms). I was just a sliver behind the HTC One X in the test and well past the ASUS Prime at 4425. Everything has been working great as well.
I just wanted to give a HUGE thanks to nsciucco for this rom. I won't be needing another. And of course also to Mobstergunz and anyone else involved. I have screenshots of everything I mentioned above but I'm not allowed to post them yet. How many posts until I'm able?
An issue posted recently does have me slightly worried. The issues with people not being able to boot up after their battery drained? Also, the only thing I miss that doesn't run on this rom is Google Keep. I noticed someone else posted about that as well. One app won't keep me away from this rom however.
Again, thank you nsciucco (and others) for your hard work. Very much appreciated. This rom is crazy good