New build is up:
md5sum d712dcd077d1c92b1de30c8d59f71700
- Synced with CM, lots of behinds the scenes tweaks (translastions etc), added Holo lockscreen ring style
- Changed first bootanimation, replaced VirginMobile's with one for BACKside-IHO
- Added update checker (see below for details)
Thanks as always to Blarf, BobZhome, mrg666, LeslieAnn, tdm, kermikalelite, thekraven, Whyzor, bigsupersquid, the CM team, the AOSP team, and a whole lot more!
NEW -- BacksideUpdater.apk is now included in the /system/app, accessible via the app drawer or under
Settings>>CyanogenMod settings>>System settings>>Check for ROM updates
Open the app (or select the option in settings), and press the Check Now button. If a new version is available, you press the Download Now button to download it. After downloading from the webpage, press your back button to return to the app. Press the Reboot into Recovery Now button to boot directly into recovery, then proceed as normal to wipe cache/dalvik cache and then flash the newly downloaded ROM zip file (it will be under downloads unless you've changed your default download directory).